Is angina invasive to others: purulent( follicular), bacterial, viral

Foci of infection can occur in any part of the oropharynx, but it is the tonsils that are the protective mechanism that performs antimicrobial functions and most often undergoes bacterial attacks.


Infectious inflammation of the glands is considered a manifestation of a typical sore throat. Another name for the disease is acute tonsillitis.

It happened from the Latin word tonsillae - tonsils.

Viral diseases of the throat can also be considered manifestations of angina, however, they are related to atypical forms of the disease, as are fungal infections of the oropharynx.


A typical angina is caused by bacteria from the family of streptococci. Staphylococcal forms of the disease affect the tonsils much less often, but still such cases occur.

10% of all infections cause chlamydia, pathogenic fungi and spindle-shaped sticks.

What is sore throat and how is the infection seen in our video:

Causes of

Disease can be either a primary microbial infection, or arise against the background of an already existing pathology. The causes of the occurrence of various forms of angina may be different.

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Bacterial syphilitic Fungal Viral
Contamination from diseased are manifestations of syphilis symptoms in the oral cavity Depletion Subcooling
organism weakening immunity weakening seasonal epidemics
Lohr pathology Injury mucous Immune attenuation
sugars Excess food FrequentCatarrhal diseases
Systemic administration of antibiotics Pathology of ENT organs

What distinguishes the virus from bacterial ang

us whether infectious

angina Bacterial angina has several pathways:

  • Airborne( aerosol) route.
  • Use of personal hygienic supplies of the patient.
  • Consumption of contaminated food.
  • Distribution of infection from other affected organs.

Viral tonsillitis often occurs in the background of colds.

  • Also, like bacteria, viruses are spread mainly by airborne droplets.
  • Herpes sore throat is transmitted not only by airborne, but also by oral-fecal route.

Pathogenic fungi begin to multiply almost asymptomatically. The rate of spread depends on the state of the body's protective functions and on the availability of conditions favorable for fungal infection.

  • Angina of this type is practically not contagious.

How many days

While there is an active focus of infection, sore throat is contagious.

If a patient starts taking antibiotics on time in a bacterial inflammation, then it is almost impossible to get infected from it in a couple of days.

Viruses die within approximately the same period.

A person who has suffered a syphilitic sore throat can be a threat to those around him with close contacts for several years. This question in medicine has not been fully studied.

Types of

Angina is a common name, and the disease has both contagious and non-contagious forms.

Contagious Not contagious
Purulent( chronic form);

How the throat looks with different forms of angina

Prevention of

disease Prevention of bacterial tonsillitis is similar in many respects to the prevention of the spread of viruses. The only difference is that from viruses in a number of cases there are vaccinations, and antibacterial vaccinations do not exist.

To reduce the risk of infection with these species, several rules should be followed:

  • Restrict contact with the sick.
  • During epidemics, try not to visit crowded events.
  • Strengthen immunity through vitaminized nutrition and regular exercise.
  • Refuse bad habits.
  • Avoid overcooling.
  • In time to eliminate small foci of infections.
  • Prevent injury to the throat.

The following actions will help prevent fungal sore throat:

  • Strict adherence to medical recommendations while taking antibiotics.
  • Maintenance of oral hygiene.
  • Competently plan the diet.

How dangerous angina and how not to get infected, says Dr. Komarovsky:

Tips for parents

Isolating a sick child from healthy family members is almost impossible, so you can not completely protect yourself from infection. A number of rules will reduce the risk of infection, and when communicating with a sick child should follow it:

  • Wear a cotton-gauze bandage.
  • In the case of viral forms of the disease, use special preventive ointments for the nose.
  • Clean house regularly using disinfectants. On bleach many people are allergic, so chloramine is preferable.
  • Ventilate the children's room as often as possible, but avoid drafts.
  • At the very first suspicion of infection seek medical help.

How not to infect a child

Toddlers due to unformed immunity are at increased risk of infection than adults.

If this is not possible, close contact with the baby should be minimized. Also extremely important:

  • Wear a cotton-gauze dressing.
  • Carry out all manipulations with the child only with clean hands, treated with disinfectants.
  • Consult a physician about immune-supporting pediatric medicines used for prophylactic purposes.
  • Breastfeeding for bacterial diseases should be canceled until complete recovery.
  • Take all possible measures to maximize the effectiveness of therapy.

How not to become infected with sore throat

In a social environment

Infection with sore throat from an outsider is possible with close contact with him. Such a danger most often occurs in kindergartens, large work collectives, schools, public transport.

Any mass gathering of people increases the chances of infection, but using common things and toys, as well as tactile contacts with the sick, further increases this opportunity.


Modern medicine knows how to treat most of the infectious forms of angina. Whether the prognosis is favorable or not, in most cases depends on the patient himself, specifically on his attitude towards treatment.

The most contagious and dangerous to health is considered a bacterial infection. Stationary therapy in this case will make it possible to protect surrounding people, significantly increase the chances of recovery and avoid complications.

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