Degrees of severity and stages of acne: 1, 2, 3, 4

Such a dermatological lesion, like acne, causes a lot of unpleasant sensations, and often causes cosmetology problems. After a frequent and abundant appearance of acne accompanied by their inflammation, reddening of the skin and subsequently leaving traces on the skin in the form of scars and depressions, can already be considered an acne disease, which differs both in the degree of severity of the course and in its external manifestations.

The type of therapeutic effect in diagnosed acne is directly dependent on the neglect of the pathological process, the location of acne and the susceptibility of the upper layer of the epidermis to the medicines used. Therefore, when diagnosing this type of disease, you should immediately determine what is the severity of the current pathology, in order to make the correct and most effective treatment regimen.

Degrees of severity of acne illness


When the first degree of severity of acne is detected, the symptoms are as follows:

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  • , a few comedones that represent black spots of different locations, and
  • papules without purulent contents that rise slightly above the surface of the skin and appear reddening in their arealocation.

The listed manifestations of acne are not numerous, do not cause unpleasant sensations on the skin. The cure for the first stage is simpler than the more advanced degrees of the disease. When diagnosing acne, at the very first stage of its manifestation, a doctor may prescribe a gentle method of exposure, which includes the use of local non-aggressive disinfectants. Regular and careful personal hygiene can prevent the worsening of the disease, reduce the degree of manifestation of characteristic symptoms.

Acne 1 degree

The first stage of acne is described in detail in this video:


  • In the second stage, an inflammatory process manifests itself, along with papules, comedones, there is an abundant appearance and spread of pustules, inside which there is a purulent content.
  • As the inflammation spreads rapidly, the formation on the skin begins to ache, touching them causes an increase in the intensity of soreness.

Diagnosis of the second degree of acne is performed on the basis of external examination of the affected skin and subjective sensations of the patient. Also, a study in the laboratory of a piece of skin from the lesion, the contents of pustules can be carried out.

Treatment is based on the constant maintenance of cleanliness of the skin, the use of deep cleansing drugs that eliminate excessive amounts of sebum. The doctor can also prescribe funds that reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin, which reduces the likelihood of further spread of the pathological process due to the reduction of favorable soil for reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Papular pustular form of acne( 2nd degree of severity)

Treatment of the second stage of acne is shown in the video below:


The third degree is characterized by exacerbation of the existing manifestations, an in-depth inflammatory process joins the existing papules, pustules and comedones that seizes considerable areasskin integument. The soreness of the inflamed skin is increased, the pustules are enlarged in size and filled with purulent contents.

Nodules on the skin also begin to appear, acne and acne merge together, forming inflamed purulent areas of the skin, which are difficult to cure.

Acne 3 degrees

Fourth stage

The fourth stage of acne is characterized by a large area of ​​damage, which covers all neoplasms.

  • The papules become more numerous, their sizes increase, when pressing them there is a pronounced soreness.
  • Pustules are filled with pus, merging with each other, they occupy most of the skin space.
  • The surface of the epidermis is inflamed, hyperemic.
  • Skin can be peeled in the lesions, numerous deep furuncles are noted on it.
  • Comedones are also enlarged in size, pore apertures filled with sebum, inflamed and enlarged in diameter.

Significant areas of damage, a large number of purulent furuncles and acne, increased soreness of the skin - all these characteristics distinguish the fourth degree of severity of acne. For the diagnosis by a dermatologist, an external examination is carried out, on the basis of which a preliminary diagnosis can be made. However, to refine it, scrapings are taken from the surface of the affected skin, as well as the contents of the pustules.

Purulent process, which captures an increasing area - a distinctive feature of the manifestation of the fourth degree of acne. There may also be an increase in body temperature, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes in the affected area, the spread of inflammation to an ever larger area. The skin even after complete drying of neoplasms on it has an uneven appearance, inflammation for a long time does not pass, on the surface of the skin there are deep traces from furuncles and acne.

The procedure for treatment of the fourth degree of acne is necessarily the following:

  • thorough hygiene of affected areas of the skin;
  • disinfection of inflammation sites;
  • use of topical antibacterial drugs.

In some cases - with particularly deep boils, with prolonged non-healing ulcers of the epidermis, a physician can be assigned a surgical procedure to remove purulent contents from inflamed pustules, eliminating acne. At the same time, the cavities are cleansed with the use of disinfectant and antibacterial long-acting drugs.

Acute illness of the 4th degree

Features of severe

manifestation The most severe stage of acne is the fourth, in which there is an increase in the area of ​​epidermal damage with a constant increase in the degree of inflammation. In the absence of the necessary therapeutic effect, there is a rapid aggravation of the pathology of the skin, furuncles and acne merge, becoming significant in the area and depth of lesions with purulent contents. Inflammatory process captures all large areas, causing a significant deterioration in the general condition of the patient.

In the severe form of this disease, the appearance of the following types of acne on the skin, which have their own peculiarities and characteristic symptoms:

  1. Acellular acne , which manifests itself in the form of severe skin lesions and is accompanied by the fusion of nodule neoplasms in the epidermis and nodular-cystic neoplasms. This kind of acne quickly spreads over the skin, causing more and more inflammation of the tissues.
  2. Indurative acne , which have a firm consistency, after themselves they always leave pronounced acne. Characterized by severe skin inflammation, such acne is dangerous by deep penetration into the upper layer of the epidermis, rapid spreading through the skin and merging them with other external lesions.
  3. Reflux acne is a large cavity in the upper layer of the epidermis that is filled with pus. Gradually increasing in size, such acne fuses with each other, in the presence of inflammation, they represent a real threat to health and appearance of the skin.

The listed varieties of skin lesions are the most characteristic manifestations of the severe stage of acne. Treatment of it is accompanied by difficulties in view of the considerable area of ​​an inflammation, numerous lesions. Only an integrated approach to treatment can eliminate the most obvious manifestations of acne, the use of antibacterial and disinfectants can reduce the likelihood and risk of secondary infection.

Treatment of the third stage of acne is described in detail in this video:

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