School of Dr. Komarovsky about diarrhea( video), Live healthy!and Malyshev about diarrhea, what does a loose stool look like?

Many Russians know these famous names: Komarovsky and Malysheva. These doctors on television screens have educated people many times, telling about a variety of diseases, how they look. They know what they talk about and do it professionally. They, as practice has shown, trust a huge number of people, so today we want to talk about what such famous doctors think about diarrhea.

Dr. Komarovsky for the most part specializes in pediatrics and, if something happened to your baby, he will definitely give an accurate and correct diagnosis. To date, the diagnosis is diarrhea( diarrhea).

Diarrhea in newborns is a very delicate problem with its nuances and a number of features. Firstly, it is worth noting that diarrhea in newborns is quite a frequent phenomenon, which, in principle, can be called the norm. Secondly, diarrhea can happen quite unexpectedly and have a long duration, which is a sign of any disease. In this and other case, it is not safe for mothers to engage in self-treatment of a baby and it is better to contact a pediatrician once again, explain how diarrhea looks and list the symptoms. In this case, the doctor will accurately identify the cause and extent of the possible development of the disease, and also prescribe a treatment if this is really necessary.

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School of Dr. Komarovsky about diarrhea( video)

How does diarrhea, says the school Komarovsky. It should be noted once again that in young children diarrhea is a frequent phenomenon, which in most cases does not need treatment. This is not only Komarovsky's opinion, but also other doctors of any specialization. Why are parents so alarmed when they see a baby's diarrhea? Probably, all because of the fact that they forget that the child basically at the initial stage uses only liquid food. And here is the question for parents? What should a child do and how should it look if he drinks milk or liquid mixtures? In this case, it should be noted that more surprise and indignation at the parents should cause a hard, rather than liquid stool.

Komarovsky claims that the first 24 hours a newborn should get a feces of dark color( black and green).Then the child has a liquid stool that looks different and can be green-yellow, golden or brown. It should be noted that the presence of mucus is also quite normal. The smell depends on the feeding. When breastfeeding - this sour-milk smell, with artificial feeding, it has an unpleasant smell. Up to 4 months, the baby goes about 6-10 times, usually after eating. It should also be borne in mind that there are no deviations at all: weight and appearance correspond to the norms.

The causes of diarrhea can become anything. These include: unrefined drinking water, dirty, with lots of germs, fruits or vegetables, stress, acclimatization, etc. In order to understand how to treat diarrhea, Dr. Komarovsky suggests examining the entire process of intestinal work. How does the intestine work and where does diarrhea come from, in Komarovsky's opinion? First of all, the intestine has numerous villi, which are required to absorb moisture and nutrients. In addition, there are also cells that secrete mucus responsible for protecting the intestine. After entering the intestines of viruses and bacteria, the destruction of this layer of protective mucus begins. In turn, the toxins of these bacteria enter the unprotected walls of the intestine, thus irritating it. Dr. Komarovsky recommends that adults and children be treated with a drug such as Smecta.

Elena Malysheva in "Healthy Live" about diarrhea( video)

Elena Malysheva is currently known to viewers on the program "Healthy Live".So, the essence of the program is to teach people to correctly identify diseases and treat them. And also their main idea is to stimulate people to prevent disease. In one of the issues of the program "Healthy Live" on the "First" channel Elena Malysheva talked about diarrhea in adults. Normally, a person must go to the toilet at least 3 times a week. In this case, the formed chair should not be a coarse consistency. In this case, an adult under diarrhea is a frequent, loose stool, more than 3 times a day. Diarrhea for Malysheva - this is often the result of an intestinal infection, as well as serious diseases.

Elena Malysheva - a doctor with experience in her television program recommends conducting 3 tests for diarrhea:

  • Microscopic examination.
  • Colonoscopy.
  • Immune test for sensitivity to gluten.
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