Yoga at the lowering of the kidney, for the treatment of stones and polycystosis: technique, the principle of training, exercises

Various pathologies of the kidneys worsen the quality of life, bring discomfort and pain. Yoga is the oldest method of treatment, which helps to keep the body toned and effectively get rid of various diseases. How to perform such exercises without harm to health?

Yoga for the treatment of the kidneys

Ancient practice offers a set of asanas( exercises) that help get rid of the painful symptoms in kidney disease.

Regular exercise will give noticeable results for reducing discomfort in chronic diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis.

The benefits of

Many people choose this technique as an "instrument" for combating organ pathologies:

  1. Polycystosis, ovulation of the kidney, a number of adrenal diseases do not lend themselves to a complete cure by traditional medicine. The search for an alternative leads to yoga, which in most cases gives positive results.
  2. Normalization of fluids in the body. Some asanas have a diuretic effect, and this is necessary to "flush" the kidneys( in particular for removing stones).
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  4. In many renal diseases, intense physical activity is prohibited. Yoga - a practice aimed at finding harmony between the soul, consciousness, body. Exercises do not require excessive efforts, sudden and traumatic movements.

Performing asanas helps to get rid of excess weight, which contributes to the aggravation of kidney diseases.

Therapeutic effect of

What does yoga do for kidney disease? The technique of asanas relieves spasms and painful sensations, promotes the normalization of blood circulation, its inflow and outflow from the tissues of organs. This helps with polycystic disease.

Many yoga exercises are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the endocrine system, producing hormones. Thanks to this, the functioning of the adrenal gland improves, and their depletion is prevented. When omitting the kidneys, you need to strengthen the muscular corset to create supportive organs( formed on regular lessons).

Exercises for the kidneys

We recommend
For the prevention of diseases and the treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป

Exercises for every day

The presented complex can be used daily for almost any kidney disease.

Associated node

Blood flow to the kidney area occurs, after the end - outflow.
Exercise allows you to eliminate pain in polycystosis or with stones:

  1. We accept the position sitting, pre-laying the roller( you can make a towel) under the sacrum.
  2. We bend the legs in the knees, connecting the feet, pulling them as close as possible to the pelvic area.
  3. Gradually we fall on the rug - first the spine, then the head. The pelvis is on the floor while the kidney area is on the platen.
  4. Fix in this position for 5 minutes.
  5. We return to the starting position.

Exercise is prohibited for back injuries, diarrhea, asthma.


Asan helps to strengthen the muscles of the waist, which is especially important when omitting the kidneys:

  1. Sit on the mat, keeping your back straight. We stretch our legs in front of us, connecting our feet.
  2. At the inhalation we make the maximum deep inclination, on exhalation we return to the initial posture. If the body allows, you can tilt your arms around the feet.
  3. Number of repetitions - 8-10 times.

On the video pose "staff":

Inverted Staff

Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles that are the support for the kidneys. Intensive circulation of blood allows you to clean them, helping to get rid of stones, cysts.

  1. We lay down on the back, with the help of hands and feet push off the trunk and raise our legs up. The technique of execution is similar to the familiar "birch".
  2. We stay in this position for 50-60 seconds.
  3. We lower our legs, relax.
  4. Repeat the asanas 6-8 times.

For reference! Inverted poses can not be practiced on menstruation days.


This exercise normalizes the work of the adrenal glands, the production of hormones, protects them from exhaustion.

  1. You must always sit with a flat back. Then bend the knees in such a way that the left knee lies on the rug, and the left foot - under the right buttock. Right right leg bent for the left knee, which should look up.
  2. On exhalation, turn the body to the right, and turn the left hand behind the right knee. The right hand is maximally wound up behind the back, the head is turned in the same direction.
  3. On inhalation, turn the body straight.
  4. One side should be highlighted for 1 minute.

Complex of exercises for the treatment of kidneys:


It is worth to abandon yoga in the presence of such problems:

  • infectious and viral diseases in an open form;
  • oncological diseases;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • exacerbation of chronic ailments;
  • heart disease( acute period with strokes and heart attacks);
  • spine injury;
  • 3 months after delivery.

Safe and effective performance of asanas is carried out 3-4 hours after eating. It is not recommended to practice yoga 4 hours before the sauna and not earlier than 5 hours after it.

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