Why does a headache when smoking and after refusal: causes, remedies

Much has been said about the dangers of smoking, but not everyone knows that migraine pains that occur after cigarettes are closely related to smoking. Almost every nicotine addict is faced with a similar syndrome, which manifests itself in different ways: some have painful symptoms immediately after several puffs, someone constantly lives with headaches, and for some, a similar symptom appears after quitting smoking. TikTok online viewer and downloader TikTokni.com search profiles, videos, music, followers for free. Some get used to this headache, get used to it, while others cope with it with pain medication. Why such pains arise, and how to get rid of them, we will analyze below.

Headache and smoking

By its nature, nicotine is a stimulant. After it enters the body, the activity of all organic systems is activated for about half an hour, then the phase of oppression begins, when exhaustion rolls over the person. The concentration of nicotine remains in the body for another half hour after lighting a cigarette. During this half-hour period, brain activity is stimulated, thought processes are accelerated, consciousness becomes clearer, a person feels an incredible surge of strength.

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But when the nicotine content drops, then the person's condition changes dramatically:

  • A feeling of emptiness rolls over;
  • The thought process is inhibited;
  • Consciousness is clouded;
  • There is a decline in strength.

According to the studies, it was found that in the brain cells of smokers, compared with nonsmokers, the bioelectric connection is weakened. If a person smokes a pack of cigarettes every day, then his IQ gradually decreases. So, for nonsmokers, the IQ index exceeded 100 points, and for smokers it rarely reached 90. But for smokers themselves, the decline in thinking occurs imperceptibly and manifests itself only when it becomes almost impossible to part with the nicotine habit.


Quite a lot of factors can provoke headaches during or after smoking, which often people simply do not pay attention to. During the tests, it was found that if a smoker starts smoking half as many cigarettes, then headache attacks remind of themselves much less often. It has been proven that headaches can occur in people who do not smoke, but are simply in a room with smokers and inhale cigarette smoke. If you stay in the smoking room for an hour, simply inhaling the smoke, then the same amount of nicotine will enter the body as the smoker gets when smoking one cigarette.

While smoking

Nicotine stimulates and simultaneously constricts blood vessels, which leads to their spasms, which are manifested by headaches. The reason for this phenomenon is the toxic substances present in the composition of tobacco.

  1. Smoking stimulates the nerve endings located in the posterior laryngeal region, which also causes migraine headaches.
  2. Against the background of regular smoking, the oxygen concentration in the blood decreases, which leads to headaches and dizziness. Moreover, the smoke from a cigarette, which is inhaled by non-smokers, has a similar effect.
  3. Oxygen starvation also occurs due to the interaction of red blood cells with carbon monoxide formed during smoking, as a result of hemoglobin cells are replaced by carboxyhemoglobin (a combination of carbon monoxide with normal hemoglobin), which leads to acute hypoxia, accompanied by headaches.
  4. Nicotine provokes the development of vasoconstriction, therefore, in the process of lighting a cigarette, the degree of blood supply to the brain and its membranes is greatly reduced, blood flow is disturbed. Then there is a sharp jump in pressure, headaches occur. An additional decrease in blood flow occurs, which contributes to an even greater reduction in oxygen supply.

All these processes negatively affect the activity of brain cellular structures, as a result of which migraine pains arise.

When quitting smoking

In the process of smoking, nicotine enters the body, which causes psychological dependence and negatively affects the activities of the whole body.


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Therefore, after quitting smoking, the body, against the background of addiction, experiences discomfort without nicotine:

  • At first, the absence of nicotine provokes headaches, which experts associate with cleansing the body of smoke compounds from cigarettes, carcinogens and tar. As a result, the oxygen content in the blood gradually increases, which is manifested by a headache.
  • In addition, on the first day after giving up cigarettes, the cardiovascular system begins to self-repair. During smoking, the vessels of the brain were in a constricted state, and now they are gradually expanding, which causes a change in intracranial blood pressure and headache.
  • Sometimes headaches against the background of quitting smoking are caused by psychological factors like nervous overstrain due to lack of a dose of nicotine, severe stress and psycho-emotional experiences.
  • The smoker is used to calming himself with cigarettes, and when such an opportunity disappears, anxiety and nervousness cause a rise in pressure and discomfort similar to headaches.

In some patients, soreness of this etiology is stopped by analgesic drugs, and in others, the pain is exhausting for several days before it subside on its own.

What to do

The best way to combat smoking headaches is to stop smoking. Such a solution leads not only to a decrease in headaches, but also helps to get rid of a smoker's cough, shortness of breath, improve complexion and sense of smell. The general condition of the body improves, since daily poisoning with nicotine toxins stops. But not everyone is ready for such a feat, since it is quite difficult to quit cigarettes.

There are several ways to help cope with this ailment:

  1. Walk often. Since smokers suffer from chronic hypoxia, fresh air is sorely needed for them. Especially useful are walks in the coniferous forest, in the air of which there is a mass of phytoncides, which heals the circulatory system;
  2. Get rid of the habit of smoking on an empty stomach. Nicotine triggers substance-exchange processes, promotes the release of adrenaline, which creates an invigorating effect. As a result, having smoked on an empty stomach, a person feels lightness and vigor and does not feel hunger. But in fact, the body did not receive fuel for such a state, which leads to dizziness, stomach and headaches, and nausea. Therefore, smokers definitely need to have breakfast, and only after that they can smoke;
  3. Fall in love with charging. Due to smoking, the body and blood vessels experience hypoxia, and simple exercises will help to cope with this problem. It is especially useful to supplement the usual exercises with elements of breathing exercises, which will serve the pulmonary system a great service. It is even better if you play a sport like swimming, walking or cycling. All these activities will help to replenish oxygen deficiency, improve the functioning of the pulmonary system and accelerate blood circulation;
  4. Drink green tea with lemon. This drink promotes the elimination of toxic substances from the body, incl. and nicotine;
  5. Get enough sleep. A sufficiently long rest always has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Of course, the main and most effective remedy for "nicotine" headache is to quit cigarettes. If this is so difficult, then at least try to reduce your daily cigarette consumption first. This step alone will be enough to reduce the intensity and frequency of headache attacks.

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