Tobacco smoking: causes, statistics, psychology, stages of dependence development

Tobacco contains poisons, among which nicotine belongs to the main threat to the health of a person who smokes. Drawing smoke during the inhaling, the smoker directs several thousand chemical toxins that destroy health to the respiratory organs.


There are 1.1 billion smokers in the world, 4 million of them per year die. Every day, up to 10 thousand people die due to the habit of acting, enslaving, depriving the ability to resist addiction. Harmful addiction shortens life for 10 years.

Indicators for Russia

The number of smokers is steadily growing. Recently, the number of tobacco abusers is 70%, women - 16.7%.During the year, 450,000 smokers die.33% of this number falls on the share of women's smoking. People who are addicted to nicotine are dying at active age, often before reaching 45 years of age.

Children often get acquainted with a bad habit up to 10 years. By the 11th grade among youth, 66% of boys and 53% of girls abuse tobacco.

Dependence on nicotine in numbers:

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Diseases caused by tobacco smoking

The number of smokers is more than 96% among those with lung cancer. Sufferers are 12 times more likely to be affected by a heart attack, 10 times more likely to have a stomach ulcer.

Within a day the lungs of a smoker take in smoke from 400 puffs containing thousands of toxins, among which 40 are recognized as particularly dangerous. Cyanide acid, benzene, hydrogen sulphide, cadmium, acetone, ammonia rush into the blood of a person suffering from addiction.

Reasons and addiction psychology

The 21st century became the peak of tobacco popularity. Causes of tobacco smoking among the population due to the scale of the spread of habit has acquired through persistent advertising, selling poison in the color cover, creating glamorous images of smoking heroes.


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Advertising is aimed at young people, especially children under 17 years of age can be advertised. The effect of tobacco is very different, depending on the age, health status of the newcomer. Not everyone who takes a cigarette is addicted to nicotine.

Often young people take up a cigarette in order to:

  • feel confident, increase self-esteem;
  • reduce stress, stress;
  • focus.

On the video, the psychologist tells about the causes of smoking among adolescents:

Addictive formation

The dependence develops within 3-18 months. Quickly this process occurs in children, adolescents, women, causing serious damage to health. Predisposing factors are mental disorders.

Smoking is not always accompanied by addiction. With occasional smoking a few cigarettes a week, getting rid of the addiction to tobacco is much easier than after a long systematic abuse.

Psychological dependence

Physical attraction disappears in 1-2 weeks, if a person abandons this habit. But the addiction to remains, even without experiencing the physical need for nicotine, the smoker takes the cigarette.

The psychology of dependence is such that individuals experiencing difficulty in communicating with difficulty adapt themselves among others. With a cigarette they can easily fill a pause in conversation, stretch out time.

In the smoking company the cigarette helps to get acquainted, allows, as it seems to a smoker, to look more grown up, increases self-esteem. Teens smoke "for the company" in order to remove the psychosexual tension that arises from the age-related hormonal adjustment.

Physical Dependence

Addiction to the physiological level is due to the properties of nicotine. This compound is able to replace the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in brain neurons. Severe consequences of smoking are due to the fact that the number of acetylcholine receptors with a high sensitivity to nicotine increases in the nerve cells of the smoker.

As a result, after tightening nicotine:

  • penetrates the brain;
  • binds acetylcholine receptors;
  • stimulates the brain to release dopamine, norepinephrine, endorphins, gamma-aminobutyric acid, acetylcholine, serotonin.

Receptors with nicotine sensitivity are located in different parts of the cerebral cortex, capable of stimulating and inhibiting many chemical processes. Sensations that arise in a smoker after smoking, due to the action of nicotine on the receptors of neurons.

In the absence of nicotine, abstinence develops in the blood, manifested by anxiety, nervousness, the desire to smoke, the disappearance of appetite.

Stages of development

Dependence on smoking develops after the habit of a preliminary stage of habituation to tobacco, including episodic and systematic smoking, takes place.

Preliminary stage of

At this time, smoking is episodic, with 4-5 cigarettes consumed per week. A person does not perceive this occupation as a dangerous addiction, does not feel physical necessity to inhale tobacco smoke. He easily changes marks, passes from smoking a hookah to a pipe, cigars, cigarettes.

At the preliminary stage of habit formation, the smoker manages to get rid of this habit, if there is no psychic reinforcement of dependence on nicotine. The danger of habit consolidation increases at the stage of systematic use of tobacco.

Systematic smoking means that a smoker consumes more than 7 cigarettes per day. A few months later, the person begins to form nicotine dependence. The process takes place in 3 stages.

The first

At the first stage, a person gradually increases the dose unnoticeably. He has habits associated with the process of tobacco consumption. Without a pack of cigarettes within reach, the smoker feels uncomfortable, at the first opportunity acquires a favorite brand.

Physical addiction is not yet available at this stage, but psychological dependence is increasing. This condition can last 5 years, after which the dependence on tobacco goes into the next stage.


In the second stage of the development of nicotine dependence, a physical need arises. The dependent person feels the need for a constant supply of nicotine. The desire to smoke can arise at any time, even at night.

At the 2nd stage after smoking, a person feels inspired, happy, and bursting with strength. In a day at this stage, up to 2 packs of cigarettes are smoked, and changes in the body become destructive.

The first signs of dependence are:

  • vein diseases, arteries - frequent pulse, arrhythmia, pressure changes, heart damage;
  • respiratory organs disease - cough appears in the morning, frequent bronchitis, ARI;Insomnia, headaches.

The second stage can last up to 20 years. Over time, the smoker loses a sense of pleasure, the symptoms of dependence increase, and then go into the final phase.


At the final stage, smoking acquires an automatic character. At this stage, all changes in the state of health, conditioned by addiction, intensify, acquire a chronic, often irreversible character.

The rapid deterioration in the quality of life forces you to abandon a dangerous habit, but on your own, without medical help, it is often not possible for the patient to do so.

To part with a habit that destroys health, it is necessary to overcome physical, mental dependence. It's hardest to do this in the third stage, when a person is not capable of even a day without a cigarette.

In the photo, the consequences of untimely treatment of nicotine addiction

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