Candidiasis of the intestine: symptoms in women and men, treatment, diet, pills, folk remedies

Quite often, especially in children, doctors detect intestinal candidiasis. This is a pathological condition that brings a lot of unpleasant discomfort to patients, up to intolerable pain. What is this pathology, how to notice it and, most importantly, whether it can be cured.

Concept of the disease

Candidiasis of the intestine is the defeat of the gastrointestinal tract by an infection provoked by candida fungi, against the background of a strong weakening of the immune defense.

Clinically, the disease can manifest itself in various ways, from diarrhea to intolerable pain in the intestines.

Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis, the presence of 3 criteria is necessary: ​​revealing the provoking factors of pathology in the patient, positive results of culture diagnostics, the presence of endoscopic signs of intestinal candidiasis.

Causes of

There are many factors that can provoke the onset of intestinal candidiasis, among which the most common are:

  • Digestive disorders;
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  • Chemotherapeutic treatment of oncopathologies, which according to research provokes excessive fungal growth;
  • Glucorticosteroid therapy of allergic or autoimmune origin;
  • Hepatic cirrhosis, anemia or hepatitis;
  • Immunodeficiency states of various etiologies;
  • Unbalanced diet, poor nutrition;
  • Immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation;
  • Presence of chronic infectious pathologies or shock conditions;
  • Antibiotic therapy, which caused microbial-bacterial imbalance of intestinal microflora.

The causative agents of intestinal candidiasis are always fungi candida variety of species.

They live in small amounts in each organism, their numbers are controlled by lactobacilli, bifidobacteria, enterococci, E. coli and other useful microflora. But when the immune defense falls, Candida begins to multiply actively, occupying various intestinal departments.


Intestinal candidiasis is divided into several types: non-invasive and invasive candidiasis. A noninvasive form of intestinal candidiasis is characterized by a marked increase in the fungal population only in the intestinal lumen.

Invasive type of candida process is distinguished by the introduction of fungi into the intestinal wall structures. Mushrooms in this case penetrate the body through the digestive channel in the food, with the partner's saliva when kissing, etc.

This type of pathology is divided into:

  • Focal or focal;
  • Diffuse, i.e., common.

Often, invasive candidiasis is complicated by lesions of other organs like lungs, liver, etc. A similar phenomenon is due to the penetration of fungi into the blood and circulation with the bloodstream throughout the body.

Symptoms of intestinal candidiasis in women, men and children

The clinical picture of candidiasis intestinal lesions is determined by the severity of the pathological process, but there are also such manifestations that are present in any forms of intestinal candidiasis:

  1. Subfebrile hyperthermia;
  2. Symptoms of diarrhea;
  3. Mucous and bloody impurities in the stool;
  4. Painful spasms in the intestine;
  5. Flatulence and bloating.

In the focal form of invasive candidiasis, concomitant pathologies such as colitis or ulcerative processes in the duodenum, proctitis are observed. In addition, pathology is accompanied by characteristic manifestations of anal itching, false defecatory painful urges, etc.

Complications of

Pathology in the absence of therapy can quickly develop to a neglected state and provoke a variety of complications.

Among the most common candidiasis complications can be called ulcerative processes and perforation of intestinal tissues, sepsis and heavy bleeding.

When treatment is not available, fungi penetrate deeper into the intestinal tissues, disrupting the integrity and causing bleeding.

If the pathology is observed in a pregnant woman, then with incorrect or absent treatment it can spread to the fetus.

But intestinal candidiasis is especially dangerous in pediatric patients, because permanent diarrhea leads to severe dehydration, as well as vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies. As a result, the child noticeably begins to lag behind in development and growth, and also risks to gain candida enteritis or pneumonia.


To determine the diagnosis, patients are scheduled to undergo an intestinal biopsy. The obtained pieces of the biopsy specimen are examined microscopically and histologically.

In addition, endoscopic examination of the intestine, which usually indicates the presence of erosive colitis, is shown. For patients with a candidiasis lesion of the body, it is typical to have specific lesions on the oral mucosa and in the esophagus.

The presence of ulcerative-necrotic processes on the intestinal mucosa speaks of the diffuse form of invasive candidiasis.

If candidiasis lesions are non-invasive, then there is catarrhal inflammation in the intestine. A mandatory analysis for patients with intestinal candidiasis is the examination of stool for bacteria and dysbiosis.

Scheme of treatment of

If candida fungi were found in feces, this does not mean that the patient should be treated with antimycotics. It is necessary to prescribe drugs that are not adsorbed from the intestine.

Therapy of intestinal candidiasis is a rather complicated process, long, but quite feasible. It is used medicamentous and dietotherapy, and as an additional therapeutic effect you can use folk recipes.


Getting rid of candidiasis of the intestine with antifungal drugs is quite difficult, because often the active components of medications are adsorbed even at the very beginning of the intestine, not reaching the intended goal, where the fungal colony is located.

Therefore, the appointment of medications requires a special, highly qualified approach.


A fairly common drug prescribed for intestinal candidiasis is Pimafucin. His tablets are covered with an enteric protective coat, so the drug has time to reach the localization of fungi, where it destroys them.

The drug is highly effective, which is proved by numerous reviews of patients.


When I was diagnosed with candidiasis, the doctor prescribed Pimafucine in tablets, although I had only heard of candles before. The drug was taken according to the scheme of a doctor. As after any antibiotic, minor side effects were observed, but then the intestine quickly came back to normal. The price is very expensive, but it's worth it.


Fluconazole capsules are also considered very effective against intestinal candidiasis.

Treatment is carried out according to a specific scheme:

  • In the first week the drug is taken at 400 mg daily;
  • In the second and third week - 200 mg;
  • In the following weeks, the drug is indicated for prophylaxis on the capsule once a week.

A more accurate dosage of the drug should be determined by the physician depending on the degree of development of the pathological process, the patient's age, etc.


Used for the treatment of candidiasis in the intestines and Macmirror. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic and an antifungal drug that effectively fights candida fungi.

The active substance of the drug is nifuratel. Especially recommended for the treatment of bacterial and fungal pathologies of the intestine. Take the pill should be exclusively according to the scheme, individually composed by a doctor.

Rectal Candles

Also in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis, and local drugs such as rectal suppositories. For example, Nystatin or Natamycin( Pimafucin). The use of candles is justified for fungal lesions of the lower intestine.

Introduce candles after bowel movement and appropriate hygienic measures. To wash it is better to use baby soap without fragrances. Introduce the candles according to the prescribed scheme. The duration of therapy is usually about one and a half to two weeks.


As additional supportive treatment for patients with intestinal candidiasis, probiotics are prescribed that are resistant to the antifungal agents being taken. These drugs are needed to stabilize the digestive processes and increase the growth of useful intestinal microflora.

Diet for candidiasis of intestines

Necessary in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis and the corresponding diet.

  • Candida can eat certain foods that the patient eats. These include sweets and buns, sweet fruit cultures and syrups, marinades and sauces, fresh unpasteurized milk, kvass and wine, beer. Therefore, these products with intestinal candidiasis are prohibited. It is better to refuse bread altogether.
  • You can also not eat starch-containing foods and pasta, sausages and smoked products, sodas and cheeses with mold, packaged juices.
  • The basis of the diet should be natural products, it is recommended to eat non-fat fish and meat, eggs, greens and vegetables, spices, onions and garlic.

Folk remedies

Folk recipes should serve as additional help for treatment.

Before using traditional medicine, it is necessary to discuss the details with the doctor.

Therapy for Children

For the treatment of children, antibiotics are also given in tableted and suppository form, using local antiseptic agents.

It is also recommended that children take Bifidumbacterin containing beneficial bacteria that are necessary for the rapid recovery of the intestinal microflora of the child.

Which doctor heals?

Proctologists and gastroenterologists are engaged in the treatment of intestinal candidiasis.

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