How to treat cardioneurosis: symptoms, causes, folk remedies and drugs

Fast pace of life, long-term stress, constant anxiety for close people can lead to the development of such a disease as cardioneurosis. Symptoms of the disease are quite unpleasant, hard to tolerate and make a person suspect a severe heart pathology. Cardioneurosis can be taken for a long time for other diseases - vegetative-vascular dystonia, stenocardia, instability of arterial pressure, but after an appropriate diagnosis all the data obtained are within the norm.

Cardioneurosis - a description of the disease

Cardioneurosis by doctors is defined as a violation in the work of the psychosomatic system. The disease refers to "organ neuroses" in which mental disorders involve the organs of the human body in the pathological process, in this case the heart. Hidden neurological experiences, long-term stresses accumulate and at any time may manifest as a violation of the cardiovascular system.

Predisposition to the development of psychoemotional failures depends on the level of the person's susceptibility to occurring events.

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The disease can be defined as a continuous cycle - prolonged anxiety leads to functional disorders, anxiety for one's own health increases the level of anxiety, and so the troublesome symptoms grow.

In order to completely get rid of the disease, it is necessary to interrupt this chain and this depends not only on the doctor, but also on the greater part of the patient.

Cardioneurosis in children often develops during hormonal changes in the body.

Often, the manifestations of the disease intensify when parting with relatives, in conflict situations, this is especially evident in spoiled and not accustomed to independence children.

Cardioneurosis attacks in children can occur with sudden fright, with fear of examinations. Before doctors there is a problem - how to explain to the patient, that influences deterioration of state of health and what measures will help to avoid repeated attacks.

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Causes of cardioneurosis

The main cause of cardioneurosis are disorders that have arisen in the work of the autonomic nervous system.

The following states can lead to its malfunctions:

  • Mental prolonged experiences.
  • Overvoltage when doing physical work.
  • Stresses experienced by a person on the background of hormonal changes in the body: during pregnancy, menopause, in the transitional age.

Alcoholism, tobacco smoking have a negative impact on the psychoemotional status of a person, often the signs of cardioneurosis are registered with the coffeemakers.

Prolonged course of the disease only strengthens its severity, the attack can happen quite unexpectedly - when fixing a sharp sound, shouting, unexpected fright.

Symptoms and signs of cardioneurosis

The main symptoms of cardioneurosis are abnormal sensations in the heart:

  • Tachycardia.
  • Extrasystoles.
  • Pain in the heart, and they can manifest themselves in different ways. Some patients note "emptiness" in the heart, other compressive and dull pain, others - sharp.

Cardiac disorders are accompanied by other severe disorders, among which the following come to the fore:

  • Feeling of anxiety, fear of death.
  • Depression in the throat and a feeling of suffocation.
  • Breathing becomes superficial and rapid, a deep breath is hampered.
  • There is a lot of fatigue when doing any, the most simple work.
  • Arterial pressure often rises, but it can also drop sharply, provoking the onset of syncope.

With cardioneurosis, the skin turns pale, the face may show fever, and some patients have headaches and dizziness. Cardiac disorders may not occur for several days, which leads to an increase in all symptoms, insomnia, depression.

Patient suffering for a long time cardioneurosis, losing weight, losing interest in life. Signs of depressed mood are registered - pessimism, inability to experience positive emotions, low self-esteem.

All this in combination can indeed lead to true violations on the part of the cardiovascular system.


The peculiarity of cardioneurosis symptomatology does not allow excluding other diseases of internal organs. Differential diagnosis should be carried out with such diseases as angina pectoris, myocarditis, osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, disorders in the thyroid gland.

All these diseases can be excluded only after a complete diagnosis, so the cardiologist assigns the following studies:

  • ECG of the heart.
  • Radiography of the spine.
  • ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
  • Blood test for hormones and sugar.

The doctor needs to ask the patient about the feelings that he feels at the time of the attack, which leads to his appearance and how long all the symptoms concern him. Daily monitoring of heart rate, pressure, and heart rhythm is mandatory.

After all the alleged pathologies are not confirmed, the doctor proceeds to treat cardioneurosis. In order to succeed in the treatment of the disease, joint consultation of the patient with a cardiologist, therapist and psychoneurologist is necessary.

Only together they can find the best option how to treat cardioneurosis.

Emergency Care for Attack

Cardioneurosis can develop quite unexpectedly for the patient, therefore relatives should take all measures that will help the patient to get out of the state of anxiety faster:

  • The person suffering from cardio neurosis symptoms should be taken out of stuffy rooms in a well ventilated room.
  • The patient is placed on a sofa or bed.
  • It is necessary to give Valocardin, Valerian or Motherwort, that is, any sedative.
  • It is necessary to determine the rhythm of the pulse. Good filling and absence of interruptions suggests that there are no functional violations.
  • You can not create unnecessary anxiety, that is, run, constantly cope with your health, fuss. All this can only strengthen the sense of anxiety and fear in the patient.

After the expressed symptoms have passed, the patient needs to seek medical treatment or drink already prescribed medications.

If you do not pass pain in the heart, fainting, paleness, you need to call an ambulance, this will eliminate the true heart pathology.

Treatment of cardioneurosis

Patient with pain in the heart most often gets to see a therapist. The doctor's task is to establish the diagnosis and prescription of symptomatic drugs, that is, those drugs that relieve pain, shortness of breath, tachycardia and soothe the nervous system.

But as the causes of cardioneurosis lie much deeper, then for the full elimination of them you will need the help of a medical psychologist. The therapist doctor will help to identify the patient's worries about him and teach them to cope with them in a short time, which will help to avoid another attack.

Drug treatment

In case of heart pain and rhythm disturbance, the following preparations should always be at hand in the patient - Valocordin, Validol, Valerian, Dummy, Hawthorn, Novopassit .The dosage of liquid medicines is selected based on the patient's age - take as many drops as the patient years.

It is recommended not to dilute the medicine with water, but immediately to drip into a spoon, drink and only then drink. This will ensure a pronounced positive effect of the drug within a few minutes.

When hypersthenic form of neurosis( irritability, intolerance, decreased performance), prescribe drugs such as Amisil, Trioxazine, Teralen, Meprothan at the rate of one tablet for 10 days.

With hyposthenic form( lethargy, passivity, hypochondria), treatment with by Eleutherococcus, Diazepam, vitamin complexes, Securinin is indicated.

Emotional people experience a positive effect when taking Seduxen and Eunotin in small doses for a week.

Non-pharmacological treatment of cardioneurosis

After the patient has undergone the examination and the doctor diagnoses cardioneurosis, it will be necessary to completely reconsider his daily routine and lifestyle in general.

A compulsory treatment is considered to be the observance of clear recommendations of the attending physician and the following:

  • A good restful rest, including a sleep of not less than 8 hours.
  • Physical and mental stress must alternate with rest.
  • Patient needs to learn the techniques of relaxation itself. It can be therapeutic gymnastics, yoga, swimming, light massage.
  • A good effect of preventing a cardioneurosis attack is on foot every day. Sometimes a long time to get rid of the disease helps resorts, travel, that is, a change of scenery.
  • Compliance with diet. Food should contain vitamins and trace elements, it is necessary to exclude alcohol and smoking, less to consume caffeine-containing beverages.

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Just like the retrobulbar neuritis of the optic nerve. You can learn all about this disease from the article.

What are absences, what kinds they are and what are characterized, you can find by link http: // bolezni-nevrologii /jepilepsija/ absans-i-soputstvuyushhie-emu-zabolevaniya.html.

Folk methods of treatment

Symptoms of cardioneurosis are effectively removed by folk remedies, the main ones of which include the use of soothing phytospores. Use herbs only after the main treatment or in combination with it.

Sedatives of the herb are mint, oregano, motherwort, valerian. They can be brewed individually or make up a collection of several plants.

It is necessary to select the correct dosage, since excess amount of grass can have exciting effects. Usually the grass is brewed based on the calculation of one tablespoon per 500 milliliters of boiling water, the resulting infusion is divided into three daily doses.

Absorbs the body with trace elements and at the same time calms the nervous system with infusion of dried apricots, mountain ash and hawthorn berries, raisins and Kalinas .All this is taken in equal proportions, boiled with boiling water for the night in a thermos and the next day is drunk instead of tea.

Before going to bed it is recommended to drink a glass of warm milk mixed with a teaspoon of honey.

Consequences and prognosis

Cardioneurosis with prolonged course without appropriate treatment not only leads to a change in the psycho-emotional status of a person, making it suspicious, anxious, irritable, but also contributes to the occurrence of internal diseases.

The most likely complications of cardioneurosis include arterial hypertension and angina pectoris.

Prevention measures

It is possible to prevent the development of cardioneurosis, avoiding the effect of prolonged stress and excessive physical exertion. It is necessary to learn to relax, it is useful not to hold a stressful situation in yourself, but to speak it out loud, discussing problems with a close person.

One of the non-traditional methods of prevention is suggestion. This can help video:

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