Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome of the thoracic and cervical region: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

We remember our own state of health when something is already disturbing. However, there are such diseases, the symptoms of which can not be tolerated, and they are easier to prevent than cure. The most striking example of such a situation is the radicular syndrome. Corneal syndrome is a set of painful signs that appears as a result of compression of the spinal cord nerves, called rootlets.

DDZP and dorsopathy with radicular syndrome

Radicular pain syndrome almost 100% accompanies degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and dorsopathy( generalized name of back diseases).

The main reasons are:

  • hernia discs;
  • stenosis of various types;
  • osteophytes.

The figure shows schematically what happens with dorsopathy with radicular syndrome

Consider an example of dorsopathy, namely ddzp, with radicular syndrome in the case of osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome

Osteochondrosis often leads to a radicular syndrome, as the disease irrevocably changes the vertebrae and discs between them. For example, because of the thinning of the cartilage, the hole from which the nerves come out decreases. Symptoms of osteochondrosis with CS depend on its localization.

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CS cervical section

This area is rarely affected, due to the fact that the ligaments have high strength, and the holes between the vertebrae are small in size.

The most common cause of occurrence is ischemia, affecting the radicular artery and appearing when squeezing it.

Symptoms of
The pain manifests itself quickly and has the property of increasing with the movement of the neck and torso. Reduce painful effects can be, completely immobilizing the affected part of the body.

The symptomatology is expressed in different ways, depending on the segment( C):

  • C1.Pain and paresthesia( numbness and a sense of "crawling crawling") affect the crown and the back of the head.
  • C2.Same as C1.Muscles and skin on the chin can hang slightly( occurs with C3) because of their low tone.
  • C3.Symptoms flow to the neck, to the affected side. There is paresthesia of the tongue and the appearance of speech defects due to this.
  • C4.Symptoms reach the clavicle, scapula and forearm. There may be cardiac and hepatic pain.
  • C5.Symptoms from the neck and forearm flow along the shoulder joint to the arm. Localization in the side of defeat. There is weakness in the shoulder region when the arm is raised.
  • C6.Signs from the neck go through the scapula and forearm to the thumb on the side of the lesion. When raising the hand, weakness arises due to a decrease in the tone of the biceps.
  • C7.Symptoms are localized in the neck, shoulder blade, shoulder, forearm and arm up to 2-3 fingers. Weakness is due to a decrease in the tone of the triceps.
  • C8.The symptomatology reaches the little finger.

CS thoracic

The structure of the vertebrae and spinal hernia are the main causes of developing COP.

Diagnosis of CS in this department is simple: people immediately turn to the doctor, because the pain:

  • are reflected on the organs;
  • appear sharply and simultaneously;
  • repeatedly increase in any movement.

Symptoms of
The manifestations depend on the affected thoracic vertebra( Th):

  • Th1.Pain and numbness of the skin in the shoulder blades, armpits and arms to the elbow joint. There may be inconvenience and dryness in the throat.
  • Th2-Th6.Pain and surrounding paresthesia in the shoulder blades, under the armpits, through the intercostal from the front to the edge of the sternum from below. It is possible to lower the blade slightly downward. Dryness in the throat, pain in the esophagus and stomach.
  • Th7-Th8.Paresthesia and shingles, muscle tension from the angle of the scapula along the edge of the ribs from below and epigastrium( epigastric region).Pain in the stomach, behind the sternum.
  • Th9-Th10.Girdling pain symptoms and paresthesia from the edge of the ribs from below to the navel, from behind in the same place. There is an increased muscle tone and stitching sensations in the stomach and intestines.
  • Th11-Th12.Paresthesia and pain from the umbilical cavity along the vertebrae goes down to the inguinal area. The feeling of heaviness in the stomach and intestines.

Informed - means armed. In full this statement can be attributed to the aneurysm of cerebral vessels. From the article you will find out how dangerous this ailment is and why it is important to diagnose it in time.

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COP in the lumbar part of

The most common lumbar osteochondrosis and, as a consequence, CS occurs precisely in this department, which is due to the maximum load on the department with respect to:

  • underdeveloped ligaments and muscles;
  • large intervertebral foramen.

Pains are one-sided and strong, but their character varies from acute to aching, depending on:

  • degree of infringement of the spine;
  • of patient's pain threshold;
  • external factors( the presence of concomitant diseases, wearing a bandage and the like).
Painful sensations decrease when lying on unaffected side.

Symptoms of
Symptoms slightly differ with lesions of different lumbar spines( L).

  • L1-L3.Painful spasms, paresthesia in the lower part of the spine, in front on the femoral part, in the lower abdomen, in the groin.
  • L4.Pain and paresthesia from the waist flows along the external area of ​​the hips from the front and the knee joint to the lower leg. The thigh, which was affected by the disorder, can visually decrease due to the quadriceps muscle. Feels strong weakness when moving the foot.
  • L5-S1.Pain and paresthesia go further, up to the inside of the foot right down to the thumb. Possible difficulty standing due to muscle weakness.

Lumbalgia with radicular syndrome

Pain due to compression of the nerves in the lumbar region, namely in segments L1-L3 where the roots leave the spinal cord, may indicate the presence of lumbargia with radicular syndrome.

Nerve compression with lumbalgia with radicular syndrome

The cause of the disease can be a prolapse of the intervertebral disc( median protrusion), a hernia, and the displacement of parts of the spine with infringement of the roots of the nerves.

For the same reason, there is an infringement of the veins, which causes soft tissue edema, which strengthens the CS.

Symptoms of
Symptoms coincide with manifestations of infringement of segments L1-L5 in osteochondrosis.

In this case it is divided into types:

  • Lumbago( in the people "chamber").Not passing sharp pains, which force to be in one pose. Any movement increases it many times.
  • Shooting. Intensity intensifies when turning the trunk and lifting heavy objects.

The figure shows what exactly happens with this rootlet syndrome:

Vertebrogenic radicular syndrome

The causes of VCS are damage to the nervous system, as well as disorders in the tissues of bones and muscles. More often than not, people older than 50 suffer from VCS.

Pain and paresthesia, flowing from the abdomen to the buttocks and perineum, and ending on the legs. The intensity of pain may be different, but it arises sharply, with movement intensified.

Kidney-vascular syndrome

This case is typical for clamping of the spinal arteries due to the appearance of intervertebral hernias. In rare cases, other factors, for example, osteophytes, may be the cause.

Symptoms of
Pain symptomatology is expressed strongly due to irritation of sensory fibers. Any movement increases the pain repeatedly.

The root-vascular syndrome manifests itself in the formation of other symptoms, for example, epiconus, paralytic sciatica, and also the horse's tail.

Diagnosis of radicular syndrome of the spine

Diagnosis begins with the appointment of a neurologist. It is he who listens to the symptoms, isolates the signs from them and sends them for further research. The most important thing: to find the root cause of the syndrome, without this you can not properly appoint treatment.

The examination is performed using palpation and finding a painful focus. Additional symptoms are also taken into account, for example, fever, paresthesia and swelling in the lesions.

To confirm the diagnosis, either x-ray or MRI is prescribed. But on the diagnosis most rely on the symptomatology of this case.

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How purulent meningitis is transmitted, you will find by clicking on the link http: //gidmed.com/ bolezni-nevrologii / infekcionnye-zabolevanija / gnojnyj-meningit.html.

Treatment of radicular syndrome

The treatment of compression radicular syndrome is the same for all cases: for the thoracic, for the cervical, and for the lumbar. How to treat radicular syndrome and the disease that led to it can only be solved by a doctor after an accurate diagnosis.


The operation is prescribed extremely rarely, most often to remove all kinds of hernias. The deformity resulting from the COP can also be corrected surgically.


As the syndrome is accompanied by severe pain, prescribe anesthetic medication:

  • Baralgin;
  • Ketarol;
  • medication is a group of analgesics.

Also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Nurofen;
  • Movalis.

Also needed are warming ointments:

  • Capsicum;
  • Finalgon;
  • Nikofleks.

If the anamnesis indicates a severe muscle spasm, then muscle relaxants are prescribed:

  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Meadocals.
Effects on pain muscle relaxants can not. With osteochondrosis, a blockade of pain medications is prescribed.

The doctor can also prescribe anticonvulsants and antidepressants. But it is extremely rare because of side effects and poor interaction with other medicines.
It makes sense to take vitamins of group B.

Additional treatment of

As additional measures of treatment are applicable:

  • Physiotherapy, including electrophoresis and phonophoresis.
  • Massage therapeutic and preventive type.
  • Gymnastic exercises and daily warm-up.
  • Low-carbohydrate and low-salt diets.
  • Healing bandage.

On the video the doctor tells and shows how to quickly remove the spasm of the muscles of the neck and back:

After consultation with the doctor, you can apply and methods such as:

  • Reflexotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Manual therapy and osteopathy.
  • Vacuum Therapy.
  • Cryotherapy.

Grandmother's methods

Folk remedies used to treat COPs are based on the manufacture of warming ointments and compresses from herbal dues, including:

  • chamomile;
  • valerian;
  • thyme;
  • St. John's Wort.

And also the preparation of tinctures, for example, from a green nut or sunflower.

Consequences of

The doctor can tell about the consequences of COP by finding out his root cause. Clamping roots often leads to problems with the vessels of the brain and its subsequent lesions.

In most cases, the disease can be at least suppressed, with no particular side effects.

Prevention of CS

Preventative measures to prevent CS include the standard body strengthening complex:

  • Compliance with a diet with a minimum content of fatty, roasted, salty. You need to exclude tobacco and alcohol. More fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy and cereal products.
  • Adopting a complex of vitamins.
  • Physical stress. It is not necessary to go to the gym: it is enough to do gymnastics, including turns, inclines, squats and the like, 2 times a day.
  • Every six months or a year it is necessary to undergo a massage course.
  • Once a year, the doctor should be shown, regardless of the condition.
Osteochondrosis of the spine with radicular syndrome is a dangerous pathology, expressed in acute pains. Since COP - the consequences of a disease, the symptomatology of it may be different.

Effective treatment requires a visit to the doctor, because self-implemented measures can aggravate the situation.

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