White coating on the tongue of the infant, child, adult: causes, signs, treatment

Education in the language of white plaque can be very concerned about a person. Fears in this regard can not be called baseless, but it is worthwhile to understand that a plaque of moderate thickness without the absence of sores on the oral mucosa is normal.

Diagnosis by the color of the

language Almost every doctor examines his oral cavity when examining a patient. Particular attention is paid to language. It is due to the fact that many diseases of the body are displayed in the language, including all kinds of inflammatory processes and infections.

According to the color of the plaque, the doctor can determine the following diseases:

  • White scurf - constipation, colitis, liver, gall bladder, kidney, fungus, etc.
  • Yellow plaque - diseases of the digestive tract and liver.
  • Gray or black plaque - gastroenteritis, dehydration, febrile illness, Crohn's disease.
  • Blue plaque is a dysentery.
  • Brown plaque - lung disease.
  • Purple plaque - stagnation of blood.
  • Brown plaque on the root of the tongue is a sign of alcoholism.
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Diagnosis by


A white scurf in a language that was formed after receiving any specific products is considered normal and disappears after some time on its own. The appearance of a raid on the tongue is involuntarily explained by the presence of toxins and harmful substances in the human body. It is worthwhile to understand that if the plaque is on the mucosa of the tongue, then most likely it appears on some other mucous membrane in the body.

It is worth paying special attention to the plaque of dense structure and rich white color, when a healthy pink structure of the tongue is almost not visible.

Causes of

The causes of the plaque can be diseases and dysfunctional disorders of various body systems. White coating occurs more often than other types, which indicates its fairly wide distribution.

The causes may be acute or chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fungal infections, as well as other types of infections and diseases of the tongue. In some cases, a plaque on the tongue may appear when a healthy microflora is disturbed. Most often this happens with prolonged antibiotic therapy, as well as in some cases of prolonged intake of hormonal drugs.

The causes of the plaque in the language:

Digestive diseases

Among the diseases of the digestive system, which can be said by the white coating on the tongue, there are the following ailments:

  1. Gastritis of the stomach - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organ.
  2. Peptic ulcer - the occurrence of defects on the gastric mucosa and duodenum.
  3. Gastric cancer - malignant cell degeneration.
  4. Inflammatory processes in the intestine.
  5. Dysbacteriosis.
  6. Pancreatitis.
  7. Cholecystitis.

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are the second most frequent cause of occurrence in the language of white film. The most common type of fungus that manifests itself in the oral cavity is the candida. There are about 150 different varieties of it. Getting into the oral cavity, the candidate can settle on the tonsils, various parts of the oral cavity, and also in the tooth canals of the teeth.

Candidiasis can cause other unpleasant symptoms, except for white patches on the tongue. Among them:

  • bad breath;
  • unpleasant taste in the oral cavity;
  • dryness;
  • burning sensation and pain in the tongue.

Diseases of the tongue

There are several diseases of the tongue, in which white plaque occurs.

  1. Glossitis is a disease in which a person can have a white coating accompanied by the presence of red spots on the tongue.
  2. Galvanic stomatitis is a disease in which, due to the presence of metal prostheses or staples in the mouth, white plaque appears, and in other cases, sores and erosion.
  3. Angina with a sharp rise in temperature to 38-39 although not a disease of the tongue, but it can also hurt this organ of the human body. With angina, not only white plaque may appear, but also purulent plugs on the root of the tongue.

Infectious diseases

Infections in the body also very often become the cause of occurrence in the language of white plaque. So this body signals a problem in the human body.

  • In diphtheria, a dirty white coating is observed on the root of the tongue, as well as in the throat, palatine arches and the back of the tongue.
  • In dysentery the plaque in the tongue is dense and white, when it is removed, the lumen of the tongue is affected by erosion.
  • With scarlet fever, the tongue is usually covered in white with a gray tinge. The tongue is edematic, there are prints of teeth on his cavity. The raids begin to disappear on the 3-7th day after the onset of the disease. Its disappearance is gradual, it usually begins with the tip of the tongue and advances to the root. But the disappearance of the white film does not indicate the end of the ailment.

How to determine the state of internal organs by the color of the language

What else can tell the color change

There are a number of other factors that can lead to the appearance of a white coating on the tongue. So, one of the frequent reasons is insufficient care of an oral cavity.

White coating on the tongue of the child

Usually in young children, the tongue has an even structure and a uniform pink color. White coating appears only in the morning, but it passes very quickly.

If such a plaque remains throughout the day, then you should consult a pediatrician, this symptom can talk about serious disorders.

The most common cause of white plaque in the tongue of the infants is candidiasis or thrush.

There is such an ailment due to getting into the mouth of the newborn any infection. In this case, the film is not always homogeneous. It can cover not only the language.

Also common causes of a raid in the language of the child - is scarlet fever, flu, infection with helminths.

How to treat thrush of a baby's mouth, says Dr. Komarovsky:


Diagnosis in case of a plaque in a language can include the following procedures:

  • a general blood test to detect inflammation in the body;
  • blood test for Helicobacter pylori;
  • bacteriological culture from the tongue mucosa to signs of flora sensitivity;
  • coprogram for the detection of intestinal diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity for detection of inflammatory processes in the organs;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy for the detection of ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

This diagnostic can give the most complete picture of human health and what specifically could lead to the appearance of a raid on the tongue.

On the photo white coating on the tongue for various diseases


After passing the diagnosis the doctor necessarily makes appointments for further therapy. Ignoring the appointment can lead to irreparable consequences. In particular, it is important to strictly adhere to the prescribed treatment in the event that the patient was given a specific serious diagnosis.

Traditional methods of therapy are only able to help in rare cases, when the cause of white plaque is the wrong oral hygiene or poor blood circulation in the patient's language. In other cases, any folk methods of treatment must be coordinated with the doctor.

The most important in the therapy against white plaque in the language is the eradication of the root cause of the appearance of this very plaque. Self-medication in this case is an absolutely ineffective method, which can also greatly harm the patient.

Than such a state of

is dangerous. The danger of a white raid on the language lies in its original cause. If the cause of such a symptom is serious enough, ignoring it can lead to an aggravation of a disease or a transition to a chronic condition.

If the cause of white plaque is gastric ulcer or gastritis, then without appropriate, serious treatment, the disease can quickly develop and even threaten human life.

Than white coating on the tongue is dangerous, what symptoms says symptom:


A good prediction is the complete disposal of the white plaque in the language. Such a scenario is possible only if the patient reacts to this problem with full responsibility:

  1. After finding a white plaque, you should immediately contact a doctor and get a diagnosis.
  2. After diagnosis, it is worthwhile to heed the doctor's appointment and fully comply with all the necessary therapeutic measures.
  3. Do not interrupt treatment prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Do not self-medicate and try various methods of folk therapy without consulting a specialist.

Otherwise, a condition such as a strike on the language can be a serious threat.

Prevention of

For the prevention of the patient, it is worth following some simple rules:

  • , oral cleanliness control should be complete;
  • once a week is worth checking the language before the mirror;
  • must be fed fully, which will support the digestive system;
  • consumption of vitamins will contribute to the improvement of the immune system.

In case of occurrence of a white deposit in the language of panic is not appropriate. The competent doctor will quickly find the reason and help in solving it.

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