Cough with blood in sputum for colds: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Cough is productive and dry, which is the norm for colds and infectious diseases. If the blood or blood veins appear in the sputum, then it can talk about serious violations in the body and dangerous diseases.

Cough with blood for cold: the physiology of the process

The presence of blood in the cough is explained by a simple process. This means that during the cough, one of the vessels was damaged.

After this, the blood enters the lumen of the bronchi and clears throat.

One-time expectoration of blood is normal. Most often it occurs because of an intense cough, when one of the vessels bursts.

This can also speak about the lack of vitamins in the human body.

Causes of

When detecting blood in sputum, the patient should make sure that it is the blood from the lungs, and not from the stomach or nose. Seeking help from specialists need in any of the cases, since in some situations, blood when coughing is very dangerous for human life symptom.

More information on the causes of cough, see in our video:

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Cold and infectious diseases of the throat

Cold, as well as infections can lead to sore throat. In this process, if the effect on the walls and mucous membrane of the throat is very strong, the vessels may burst. At the heart of it is due to a strong cough, when the tissues of the throat strain.

In general, the symptom of blood separation from the vessels of the throat is not very dangerous and is diagnosed even with common colds. However, it is worthwhile to understand that a doctor's consultation is still necessary. This is explained by the fact that in most cases a person is not able to determine the cause of the blood on his own when coughing.

Pathology of the respiratory system

In cases of respiratory system diseases, coughing with blood in the sputum is also often enough. The most common cause of this are the following diseases of the respiratory system:

  • Bronchitis. With this ailment the patient can detect bloody veins of elongated form in sputum. In this case, patients have mucosal inflammation of the bronchi and expectorated thick, viscous sputum.
  • Pneumonia. With this disease there is a strong inflammatory process in the tissues of the lungs, which leads to very severe pain in the chest, a deaf, barking cough. Cough can reddish mucus or mucus with impregnations of bright scarlet.
  • Bronchiectatic disease. This disease is a complication of bronchitis. In this case, the bronchial mucosa begins to rot. Sputum is accompanied by blood stains and purulent elements of red color. Symptoms of the disease are very bright and sharp, there may be an increase in temperature, shortness of breath, drowsiness and weakness.

What happens in the body with bronchitis

Other causes

Blood does not always get into the phlegm from the lungs or larynx. There can be a huge number of reasons. That is why timely diagnostics are incredibly important and indispensable. Even if the blood appeared along with bronchitis or another disease of the respiratory tract, this does not at all guarantee that the reason is precisely this.


Causes of blood coughing can be caused by cancer. The most common is lung cancer. This disease is incredibly dangerous. Its manifestations are a cough with filiform, bloody clots in the sputum, pain in the lungs.

Perhaps the appearance of large enough blood clots with pus, which are accompanied by a suffocating cough. In the chest, you can also feel a burning sensation. Relief from this condition comes after sputum expectoration, but it does not last long.

Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases in which there can be a cough with blood. More in our video:

Gastrointestinal diseases

Blood can also appear from certain gastrointestinal diseases. Most often this occurs in diseases in which the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus is affected. It can be an erosive gastritis, a stomach ulcer and DPC.Also, the blood can clear from the varicose veins of the esophagus.

When a lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach appears blood of a dark hue in the form of small clots, can stand out together with phlegm.

Injuries to

Getting injured or falling on the chest can also cause blood sputum. Most often, along with damage to the trunk, injuries to the respiratory tract can occur. The blood thus released is usually scarlet and excreted without mucus or sputum. With expectoration, darker clots of parched blood can also be observed.


Diagnostic methods are necessary for the doctor to determine the cause of the blood in the sputum. For the accuracy of the diagnosis, the patient needs to undergo the following tests:

  1. Sputum analysis can reveal inflammatory processes in the human body, including tuberculosis and others.
  2. Coagulogram is a study that assesses the ability of blood to clot.
  3. A general blood test is also mandatory. It allows to determine the level of ESR and leukocytes. Biochemistry of blood also allows us to detect the progression in the human body of diseases such as lung abscess, bronchitis and pneumonia.
  4. Laboratory sweat analysis is also conducted. This allows to diagnose cystic fibrosis - a violation in the metabolic processes of chlorine.
  5. X-ray can detect several diseases at once, among them lung cancer, embolism, abscess and pneumonia.
  6. Bronchoscopy may be required. The procedure allows to detect changes in the lumen of the lungs, enlargement or presence of tumors.
  7. CT or computed tomography can detect even the smallest changes in the lung tissue.
  8. ECG is a procedure that allows you to diagnose diseases of the cardiovascular system that can lead to hemoptysis.
  9. Fibro-esophagogastroduodenoscopy or PHEGS is a procedure necessary to investigate diseases of the stomach, esophagus and rectum, which can lead to hemoptysis.

This range of procedures can detect the cause of coughing with blood. Independently to understand, why there was a hemoptysis, it is simply impossible.

Treatment of

Therapy of a condition such as a cough with blood should be very serious. Only people's therapy is impossible. Medications are simply necessary to treat the cause that triggered this manifestation of the disease. It does not really matter why the cough with blood appeared during a cold, it is worth knowing the only thing: therapy is necessary in 100% of cases.

Cough remedies

Recipes and methods that can help

If the doctor decides that the cause of hemoptysis is a protracted cold or bronchial disease, which does not pose a threat to life, some popular therapies can be used, among them:

  1. Inhalations over potatoesor with the addition of chlorophyllipt, chamomile and other medicinal herbs into the water.
  2. You can soar your feet for 10-15 minutes. This will also help the body to recover better and faster.
  3. The tested method is mustard plaster. After warming up the lungs, it is required to lubricate the chest and neck with turpentine or menovazine.

None of these methods can be used at temperature. This can lead to a significant increase.

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There are a lot of physiotherapy methods. They can help in the fight against frequent protracted colds and other respiratory diseases. Most often, both adults and children are prescribed the following procedures:

  • KUF - exposure to the body by ultraviolet as a treatment and prevention.
  • Aerosol therapy - the inhalation of drugs with steam using an inhaler.
  • UHF - the effect on the body by the electric field of high frequency.

There are a number of other physiotherapy methods. Assign them depending on which respiratory tract disease is diagnosed in the patient.

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is dangerous. Ignoring hemoptysis can lead to a number of complications. Including, if the cause is covered in an ulcer, which is not suspected by a person or lung cancer, ignoring the problem can lead to the death of the patient.


Forecast for recovery under condition of treatment and timely treatment in the hospital, positive. Recovery can be achieved in almost 90% of cases. The main thing is not to hesitate and go through all the necessary diagnostics to identify the cause of the symptom and get an adequate appointment.

How to quickly get rid of a cough, see in our video:


The main preventive measure for any disease is the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, regardless of which body system was affected. You need to be sensitive and attentive to the body.

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