Exudative psoriasis: causes, symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

Psoriasis has many forms of manifestation( vulgar vulgaris, psoriasis von Zumbush and Barbera, psoriatic erythroderma).Exudative psoriasis is rare and can cause serious discomfort to the patient. It should be as soon as possible to turn to a specialist for help to prevent the development of the disease to severe form and stabilize the condition.

Features of the disease

Exudative psoriasis is one of the manifestations of psoriasis. The problem of a chronic nature, having appeared once, does not cure completely, while it can be in one of the periods: exacerbation or rest.

The disease is characterized by an inflammatory process of the skin, in the initiation of the problem the infection does not participate. There is a disease in the representatives of both sexes.

On the basis of age, it is noted that the violation is often chosen by the younger and the elderly. This kind of psoriasis is usually localized:

  • in the area of ​​large skin folds,
  • on the lower limbs.
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About this exudative psoriasis, this video will tell:

Causes of

The factors that cause exudative psoriasis include:

  • endocrine disorders:
    • insufficient pancreas work, resulting in the production of a small amount of insulin( diabetes mellitus);
    • of the thyroid gland has a decreased activity,
    • is often present in people suffering from exudative psoriasis, along with one of the above abnormalities there is obesity;
  • contributes to the appearance of the problem:
    • high blood pressure,
    • prolonged exposure to fresh air in the cold season( the disease often occurs in people when the profession involves working outdoors),
    • children's age,
    • age is older than average.

Symptoms of

The disease of exudative psoriasis in history manifests itself by such signs:

  • Eruptions on the affected areas have foci with fuzzy boundaries.
  • On the surface of the foci crusts are formed of scaly character, they can create a dense conglomerate, have a serous color and sometimes are purulent.
  • If a film or a flake that has arisen on the lesion to remove, then in its place appears pink skin with a wetting component. After a while a new scaly appears, and on it another, etc.
  • A liquid called exudate impregnates scales and they look like crusts.
  • Affected areas experience discomfort and itching.


The appearance of the affected areas and the presence of symptoms of the disease will be the basis for determining the type of skin lesion.

In order not to have an erroneous opinion, you should consult a specialist. If necessary, he will appoint laboratory tests of urine and blood.

Treatment of exudative psoriasis

To date, specialists have methods of assisting with exudative psoriasis, which facilitate the patient's condition and make the period of remission longer. Treatment of psoriasis consists of a set of measures. Therapeutic actions are aimed at reducing inflammation and suppressing the process of inflammatory fluid release - a characteristic feature for exudative psoriasis.

Therapeutic method

The physiotherapeutic methods that have a curative effect on the affected areas include:

  • various methods of ultraviolet irradiation,
  • paraffin therapy.

In the therapeutic complex of actions include methods for purifying the blood from toxins:

  • plasmapheresis,
  • hemosorption.

Exudative form of psoriasis( photos)


The administration of medications for treatment should be given to a specialist. Self-medication is unacceptable.

Usually there are drugs:

  • antihistamine directions, their help is to reduce the sensation of itching and burning;
  • glucocorticoid hormones - reduce the degree of inflammation and moderate itching;
  • immunomodulators - select the means that suppress excessively active actions on the part of the immune system;
  • diuretic action - removing excess fluid helps to improve the patient's condition;
  • vitamins A, D, B, E, P, C protect the cell from the action of free radicals and improve metabolism.

Together with drugs that take inside, it is recommended to use external means:

  • If the affected areas are prone to increased wetness, then solutions are used as lotions.
  • To prevent infection of the skin on the affected areas ointments of antifungal and antibacterial composition are used.

External means are selected in accordance with the stage of the disease process:

  • in the progressing period, ointments with anti-inflammatory ingredients are used;
  • in phase, when the disease stopped its development, use ointments with keratolytic composition;
  • in the regressing period apply restoring external drugs.

Other methods

The modern methods of treatment include:

  • application of the laser, while using it with different wavelengths and at different power;
  • targeted therapy is the use of drugs that have a specific targeted program of action on a group of immune cells.

The complex of therapeutic measures includes the selection of a diet. The patient is recommended to eat more protein products. It should be excluded from the diet:

  • spicy food,
  • products, which include:
    • dyes,
    • allergens,
    • preservatives,
  • as well as dishes that are characterized as salty and sour for taste.

On the folk methods of treatment of different types of psoriasis, the video below will tell the video below:

Prevention of the disease

In order not to provoke an exacerbation of the disease, but rather create conditions for prolonging the period of remission, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • to avoid infectious and colds,
  • to timely cure inflammatory processes,related to other problems;
  • clothes to choose from natural fabrics,
  • not to take alcohol,
  • when using under sunlight apply protective cream,
  • avoid excessive exposure:
    • cold temperatures,
    • stresses,
    • overwork;
  • during the stay indoors, try to moisten the air so that it is not over-dried;
  • during bathing:
    • use shower,
    • after water procedures apply moisturizer,
    • towel do dipping actions, do not rub the skin;
    • use a soft sponge.

Complications of

  • The use of hormonal drugs should be done with great care. Their action brings noticeable relief and reduces the level of inflammation of the affected area. However, the drugs can be addictive, and then to achieve the result there will be a need to increase the dose.
  • If hormonal drugs are used for a long time, then a negative reaction of the body to them may occur. In the worst case, the consequences are manifested in severe form, for example, in the form of skin atrophy.
  • Disease can disturb sleep and bring neuropsychiatric disorder. Therefore, psoriasis should be treated, resorting to the advice of a neurologist and psychiatrist.


The disease is considered incurable. The degree of severity of the lesion depends on how much the patient can improve and prolong the period of remission. It is important to avoid factors that can reduce the effect of treatment: stress and fatigue.

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