Parapsoriasis: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, causes

This skin lesion, like parapsoriasis, can occur in people of virtually any age category and regardless of belonging to a particular sex. This disease doctors are considered to be autoimmune, the nature of it is not fully understood. There is a tendency to manifest the symptoms of the lesion in people with a number of organic disorders and diseases characterized by a decrease in the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases.

The manifestations of this dermatological pathology are characteristic, but in view of the fact that in the early stages of its external symptoms it can in many ways coincide with other skin diseases, it is not always easy to diagnose parapsoriasis. Pathological changes in the skin are manifested due to the presence of an active phase in the body of current inflammatory, organic disorders, and when combined, there is a high probability of detecting a multiplicity of negative changes.

Features of the disease

Symptomatic of this skin lesion largely resembles dermatosis of neglected form, but with a predominance of tissue necrotic tissue. The location of lesions and sites of detection of parapsoriasis depends on how much the skin is prone to negative effects of provoking factors, as well as the degree of susceptibility of skin cells to the pathogenic microflora that occurs at the site of the lesion.

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When compared with psoriasis, this dermatological lesion is accompanied by a more rapid worsening of the condition, a more extensive skin lesion at the onset of the disease. Modern research methods allow to detect the current pathological process at early stages, the preliminary diagnosis should be accompanied by a number of tests that help to clarify it and, if possible, to identify the causes of the disease. Also, with psoriasis, there are no traces of vacuolar degeneration of basal cells in the epidermis.

Drop-like parapsoriasis( photo)

Classification of parapsoriasis

Due to the classification method adopted by dermatologists today, it is possible to classify the identified disease to a specific type and conduct treatment that is most conducive to the rapid elimination of the most obvious manifestations of the disease. And although parapsoriasis refers to the types of skin lesions in which the symptomatology can vary significantly depending on the characteristics of the patient's body, the most obvious signs of it make it possible to classify the detected lesion to one of several types of this dermatological disease.

The classification of parapsoriasis is as follows:

  1. The drop-shaped variant of the disease , which is characterized by pronounced parakeratosis, as well as the initial manifestation of spongiosis, which can provoke a mistaken diagnosis of "seborrheic dermatitis".However, in contrast to this skin disease with parapsoriasis is present vacuole dystrophy of basal cells. With the drop-shaped variant of the parapsoriasis, a significant number of negative changes in the state of the walls of the blood vessels are revealed.
  2. The small pelvic appearance of the parsoriasis is accompanied by a large number of formed plaques from the epidermal cells, which gradually slough off and become tumors that protrude above the surface of the skin. In the small-plaque variety of the disease, epidermal microphages have a smaller number of manifestations of the disease in comparison with the large-plaque.
  3. Large plaque parsoriasis is characterized by the formation of large skin plaques that protrude above the surface of the skin. With this type of cutaneous pathology, there is a significant number of pathological changes, which are primarily detected in the form of a large amount of infiltration of a thick consistency. In the upper layer of the epidermis cavities filled with such an infiltrate are formed, a strong puffiness of the affected skin areas is expressed.
  4. With , the lichenoid form of lesions of the infiltrate is even thicker than in other types of lesions. At the same time, it has a strip-like consistency and appearance. In the upper layer of the epidermis a significant amount of cornified cells, the skin is thickened, the swelling of the tissues is expressed. There are places of active inflammation with redness and increased sensitivity of the skin.
  5. A variant of Haberman differs from other forms of damage by a large number of atypical cells in the infiltrate, marked epidermis is noted in the epidermis.

The above classification allows attributing the identified pathology to a specific type and initiating the appropriate therapeutic effect. Even with the incurability of this skin lesion, it is possible to improve the condition, but for this it is necessary to diagnose the onset of the disease as early as possible.

What is parapsoriasis, the video below will tell:

Causes of

Causes that can trigger the detection of parapsoriasis can vary significantly in each case. The most frequently noted provoking factors include the following:

  • the presence of other skin diseases manifested as skin lesions;
  • dermatitis and eczema of various nature;
  • transferred infectious diseases( influenza, angina);
  • presence of foci with a chronic infection;
  • immune disorders.

The listed reasons most often stimulate disorders in the body, which become the starting point in the development of parapsoriasis. However, this disease is not fully understood, the factors that can provoke its development, can also vary significantly in different patients.

Large-scale parapsoriasis( photo)

Symptoms of

Manifestations of parapsoriasis are quite typical. They appear about equally in the adult state, and in children. However, there are a number of differences that make this skin lesion particularly noticeable for each age category.

For adults

For the category of adult patients, the following manifestations in skin integuments should be considered the most:

  • consolidation of certain skin areas;
  • manifestation of inflammation;
  • swelling of affected areas;
  • formation in places infiltration of a dense consistence of purulent character;
  • in the upper layer of the dermis are the dilated vessels, the blood circulation in which gradually in the process of aggravation of the pathological process is disrupted;
  • there are manifestations of hyperkeratosis.

The symptomatology listed may vary slightly in each case, but in general it is similar.


In childhood, in addition to the signs that are noted in adults, there may be an increase in body temperature, the onset of fever. The tolerance of the children to this disease is more complex, such subjective sensations as the itching of the skin and its burning sensation are transferred in childhood significantly more.

Parapsoriasis, its symptoms and treatment - video topic below:


Detection of the current skin pathology is possible when examining the skin of the patient, analyzing his subjective sensations. A preliminary diagnosis can be made with an external examination of the skin, special attention should be given to the lesion sites.

To clarify the preliminary diagnosis, a number of laboratory tests and studies should be performed. These include:

  • examination of skin specimens from affected areas;
  • study of nail samples, which can also be affected by this disease;
  • the study of blood tests - this gives an opportunity to get an idea of ​​the available inflammatory process in the body.

Differential diagnostic methods can also be applied, which allows to separate the resulting skin lesions from pathologies similar in their characteristic manifestation: eczema, dermatoses, psoriasis.

Treatment of

Treatment methods may vary significantly. And although this disease is not completely cured, it is quite possible to significantly reduce its main manifestations. Reduce the likelihood of relapse and stabilize the patient's condition through an integrated approach that includes the removal of the main symptoms, reducing swelling of the affected areas and returning to the affected areas of the skin of a healthy kind.

Fine-grained parapsoriasis( photo)

Therapeutic method

  • Treatment of this skin disorder can be carried out using such therapeutic measures as the application of means for smoothing the skin, normalizing the process of keratinization.
  • Application of masks for dry areas of skin with a restoring effect, moisturizers.

However, the degree of effectiveness of therapeutic measures is lower in comparison with drug treatment options, especially in advanced stages of the disease.

Medication method

The use of certain drugs can reduce the manifestations of the main symptoms of the disease, removed inflammation of the tissues and their puffiness. For the drugs that are recommended for use in detecting parapsoriasis, the following should be attributed:

  • vascular - Complamine, Theonikol, which stabilize the circulatory process, eliminate stagnant phenomena in the vessels;
  • antihistamines that relieve allergy - Suprastin;
  • is a broad-spectrum glucocorticoid.

The complex effect allows to eliminate manifestations of the disease in the shortest possible time, to stabilize the patient's condition.

Surgical intervention in this skin lesion is not performed.

Folk remedies

As an aid, folk remedies that stimulate the skin, accelerate the process of its regeneration and recovery can be used. Tinctures of herbs and plants, extracts from herbal medicines - all this helps in the rehabilitation process.


Changing the diet can also be considered one of the means that eliminate the most obvious manifestations of the disease by stabilizing the process of nourishing the skin. The inclusion in your daily diet of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, makes it possible to prevent the likelihood of relapse and the transition of the disease into acute forms.

Prevention of disease

As prevention of the disease, we can recommend the exclusion of provoking factors from everyday life - bad habits that weaken the skin, gross mechanical effects on the epidermis. And in case of any negative changes in the skin, always consult a dermatologist for an examination of the skin.

Complications of

The complication of this skin disease can be called a gradual aggravation of the current lesion, an increase in the intensity of the manifestations. Frequent relapses and worsening well-being are also a negative consequence of parapsoriasis.


Survival in this disease is 85-97%.

How to treat parapsoriasis in a child of three years, the specialist will tell in the video below:

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