Itching and burning in the vagina

Women of reproductive age who observe hygienic rules do not have casual sexual partners, there should be no discomfort in the genital area. Itching and burning in the vagina is not a disease in itself, they only concern the basic symptoms of various pathologies. Self-diagnosis and self-treatment can aggravate the problem, the doctor can determine the exact cause of the unpleasant sensations.

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Causesburning sensation in the vagina

Burning often occurs in women of any age, discomfort is aggravated during urination. Such a reaction of the body can be at non-observance of hygienic norms, incorrectly selected means for intimate care.

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The main causes of burning:

  • allergy to lubrication, chemical contraceptives, latex, semen;
  • injuries and microcracks that occurred after gross sexual contact;
  • hormonal failures;
  • inflammatory processes and infections.

Important! To prevent itching and burning, you must wear underwear made from natural materials, refuse from sweet and fatty foods. In the diet should be present low-fat sour-milk products, dried fruits, seasonal vegetables.

Burning is often accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms - itching, discharge of different color and consistency, frequent urination, pain in the course of sexual intercourse or immediately after it.

Why itching occurs

Itching outside and inside the vagina can be caused by gynecological and venereal diseases, various kinds of irritants. Often unpleasant sensations can be caused by pathologies that are not directly related to gynecology.

What gynecological diseases can cause itching:

  1. Candidiasis is an inflammatory process caused by yeast microorganisms. The thrush is characterized by severe itching in the vagina and white discharge, which have a curdled consistency.
  2. Bacterial vaginitis is a consequence of active reproduction of opportunistic microflora. For pathology, not only the itching, but also the discharge with a sharp fishy smell is characteristic. Discomfort increases with the approach of menstruation.
  3. Allergic reaction to sperm is a rare pathology that is characterized by severe itching after sex. The allergy is accompanied by burning, reddening of the labia. Provoke unpleasant sensations can as a sperm protein, and some of the products and medicines that a man uses. It is necessary to make allergic tests of sperm to establish the cause of the itching.

Venereal diseases are almost always accompanied by itching. Chlamydia in women often occurs in a latent form, almost always flows into a chronic form. With trichomoniasis, in addition to itching, there are discharge with a sharp smell of fish, they have a foamy consistency, a yellowish green color. Similar symptoms occur with ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis.

Genital herpes is characterized by itching and specific rashes on the external genitalia. Provoke itching without secretions can papillovirus, in which warts and condylomata are formed on the external genitalia.

Itching in the vagina is often the result of allergic diseases, occurs against the background of emotional overwork, signals the presence of parasites in the body or pubic lice. Pathological changes in the internal organs, cystitis, diseases of the digestive tract - all these diseases can negatively affect the condition of the genital organs.

Important! Severe itching and dryness in the vagina may indicate diabetes mellitus.

Vaginal itching in an elderly woman

Women develop a menopause after 45 years, accompanied by various gynecological pathologies.

With vulva vulgaris, there is atrophy of the mucosa and skin of the organ. This disease is caused by age-related changes in the female body, it is characterized by dryness and itching, irreversible changes begin in the tissues of the clitoris, labia, and develops vaginal stenosis.

Itching at the entrance to the vagina, excessive dryness, tingling - all these are signs of atrophic changes in the reproductive system. With age, the amount of natural lubrication in the female body decreases, and the sensitivity of the mucous membrane increases. During menopause, discomfort often occurs during sexual contact, which is caused by the thinning of the vaginal walls.

Urogenital fistulas - the consequences of a caesarean section, often occur after a gynecological and urological surgery. The disease is accompanied by pain, inflammatory processes.

Since the beginning of menopause, the likelihood of the formation of tumors of various types - polyps, fibroma, oncological diseases of the pelvic organs, increases.

Important! Regular visit to the gynecologist from the moment of the onset of menopause helps to avoid the development of severe pathologies.


What if I have discomfort in the vagina? Do not self-do syringings, take any medications. This can distort the clinical picture, which will negatively affect the reliability of the tests and diagnosis in general, you need to consult your doctor as soon as possible. The causes of severe itching in the vagina are completely different - from nervous overstrain and uncomfortable underwear to venereal and infectious diseases.

Visit to the gynecologist:

  • remember the date of the beginning and the end of the last monthly;
  • do not use candles and ointments 48 hours before the doctor's visit;
  • refrain from sexual intercourse;
  • not douche, for a few days stop using detergents for intimate hygiene with antibacterial effect;
  • thoroughly wash the genitals the night before, it is better to use neutral soap for children.

The doctor performs an external examination, takes swabs on the flora, material for bacterial inoculation. It is necessary to do IFA analysis for the presence of sexual infections. Additionally, it may be necessary to study feces for eggs of worms.

Drug and folk methods of treatment

In case of itching and burning, women often have a question - how to treat the disease? The doctor can answer this question, based on the results of the research.

How to treat itching and burning? When treating thrush necessarily need to use antifungal agents that contain clotrimazole, well eliminate the unpleasant sensations of the Fluconazole tablets. In addition, you need to take immunomodulators and drugs to normalize the microflora - Lineks, Atsidofelin. At the time of treatment, you must completely abandon alcohol, sweet, spicy and salty foods.

  1. Bacterial vaginosis involves the use of antibiotics in the form of suppositories and tablets. The main task is to restore the microflora of the vagina with the help of zubiotics. In the diet must be present sour-milk products.
  2. Genetic herpes are treated with antiviral medications - Zovirax, Acyclovir.
  3. In the treatment of venereal diseases, the treatment regimen is prescribed after the collection of all test results. Complex therapy involves the use of antibiotics, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes. With such diseases, topical preparations are rarely used.

In other cases, an additional consultation with an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, immunologist, neuropathologist may be required.


As a first aid to relieve the condition, you can use a decoction of chamomile - pour 500 ml of boiling water 6 g of dried inflorescences, simmer on low heat for 3 minutes. Chilled and filtered broth to use for syringing during the week.

Important! Do not use solutions of iodine or manganese for washings.


Future mothers can not always use antibiotics. To get rid of severe burning and itching in the vagina during pregnancy will help nettle or calendula. Brew 220 ml of boiling water 5 g of raw materials, cool in a buried container to a comfortable temperature, use for trays and syringing.

Itching and burning in the vagina may indicate the onset of serious pathological changes in the body. Timely diagnosis will help to correctly draw up a treatment regimen - this will help to avoid complications, will not give the chances of the disease to develop into a chronic stage.

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