Fibrinous tonsillitis: white plaque, photo, causes, symptoms, treatment

Foci of streptococcal infection, concentrated on the glands, give rise to inflammation of different intensity, which is responsible for the development of a typical angina. Staphylococci, some spirochetes and all kinds of sticks can cause this disease, but such infections occur much less often. In general, true angina is provoked only by bacteria. Fungi and a variety of viruses can cause only atypical species.

Fibrinotic angina code of ICD 10

Before considering the fibrinous form, you should familiarize yourself with follicular and lacunar angina, because very often fibrinous angina develops from these forms. In the case of a severe infection, it can arise as an independent disease, but it happens less often.

The forms that precede it are also caused by streptococcus, but the infection multiplies in these cases mainly on the glands. Fibrinous angina is characterized by the formation of an almost continuous raid, capable of spreading beyond the boundaries of the glands.

The cause for the formation of this plaque are the burst purulent follicles. Fibrinous tonsillitis is always extremely acute.

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Types of angina

Causes of the disease

  1. Infection occurs as a method of transmission from an infected person. A major role here can play a seasonal decrease in immunity and weakening of the body after operations and severe stress.
  2. Secondary infection.
  3. Inadequacy or inadequate therapy of previous forms of sore throat.

Provoking Factors,

Risk Group Babies and patients with pathological immunity problems are more likely to be infected than all other categories of citizens.

Poor environmental factors increase the burden on many body systems, thereby increasing the likelihood of disease.

Certain factors that reduce natural protective functions:

  • Exchange disturbances.
  • Dystrophy.
  • Smoking.
  • Incorrect power.
  • Production hazard.
  • Mechanical damage to the oropharynx.
  • Long courses of antibiotics.

Symptoms and signs

In adults

  • Dry mouth.
  • Sharply rising temperature. With fibrinous angina, it can reach extremely high rates and is difficult to be driven by conventional antipyretic tablets.
  • Sore throat is characterized by a sharp increase in intensity, provoking severe swelling.
  • It becomes harder to breathe.
  • Cardiac events may occur.
  • Symptoms of lymph nodes close to the epicenter of inflammation are noted. There is an increase in their size.
  • Progression of intoxication.
  • Often there is an ache in the joints.
  • Against the background of these symptoms, overall well-being is greatly aggravated.
  • Visually on the surface of the glands and around them is visible a continuous plaque.
  • On glands there are visible purulent accumulations.


  • Babies are more likely to face adults with gastrointestinal disorders.
  • There is a significant decrease in physical activity.
  • There are complaints of persistent pain in the throat, ears or head area.
  • Movement coordination is deteriorating.
  • Syncope possible.

How to diagnose and treat sore throat in children, says Dr. Komarovsky:


Usually it is enough for a specialist to have a visual examination of focal zones to diagnose fibrinous tonsillitis. But the exact diagnosis is reasonable to put only after taking a smear from the throat. Thus, the type of infection is determined, and further therapy is appointed specifically with the expectation of destroying a particular pathogen.

Usually this data is enough.

Additional research:

  • Antibioticogram( to check the effectiveness of the antimicrobial drug).
  • X-ray of the joints.
  • ECG( with cardiac pain or severe stage).
  • Pregnant should be made ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • In case of concomitant illnesses, they may be assigned to the examinations associated with them to determine the presence of exacerbations.

On the photo follicular, lacunar, fibrinous angina



  • Antibiotics are the basis of effective therapy. Without them, cure fibrinous angina is extremely problematic. Initially, a course of penicillin injections is prescribed. In the case of allergies or complications, a number of cephalosporins or macrolides are preferred. The basic course is 10 days, but again, individual characteristics of the disease are taken into account.
  • Antihistamine drugs negate the risk of allergies, reduce swelling.
  • During an acute period, antipyretics are required. The heat is very dangerous for life.
  • Local treatment is based on rinses and treatment of the throat with ointments. Anti-inflammatory pills and throat softening sprays are also used.
  • During therapy, vitamin complexes are needed, they help in restoring immunity.
  • In severe forms and stages of the disease, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary.

Folk remedies

For rinsing:

  • Squeeze out lemon or heavily diluted apple cider vinegar.
  • Broth of elderberries.
  • Freshly squeezed juice with added diluted vinegar.
  • Salt( sea or cookery).
  • Chamomile pharmacy.
  • Carrot juice.
  • Eucalyptus grass, bathed in boiling water.
  • Whipped egg whites and a small spoonful of salt for 250 grams of boiling water.

Useful teas:

  • Cranberry.
  • Lime with honey.
  • Green with the addition of rose hips.
  • With thyme.

Features of treatment for pregnancy

Pregnant women who have fallen ill with fibrinous sore throat must undergo a course of antibiotics. Their action is less risk to the baby than the lack of antimicrobial treatment. Preference here is given to antibiotics in the form of aerosols of local action and special medicines permitted for pregnant women.

  • High temperature can provoke congenital malformations, therefore before the arrival of the doctor it is necessary to lower it. Rubbing feet with vinegar, dissolved in alcohol, and one tablet of paracetamol usually help to achieve this goal. You can not drink aspirin, it dilutes blood, increasing the risk of spontaneous bleeding.
  • Thermal inhalations are also undesirable for women in the position. Heat can provoke uterine contractions and as a result - premature birth.
  • Food is easier to take in small portions in a frayed form, but you can not completely abandon it.
  • Regular rinses will stop the development of infection, but it is important to be careful when choosing herbal preparations for this purpose. When pregnancy is several times the chances of developing allergies.
  • Stress is unacceptable.

Doctor Komarovsky on dangerous types of angina:


Therapy for fibrinous angina should be complex. Physiotherapeutic procedures are not prescribed for pregnant women and patients with chronic systemic pathologies:

  • KUF irradiation of glands.
  • Drug electrophoresis.
  • RF - magnetotherapy.
  • Laser treatment.
  • UHF - therapy.
  • Infrared irradiation.

Possible complications than dangerous disease

Complications are the main danger of angina.

Kidney, articular tissue and heart are affected negatively. May also worsen and accompanying pathologies, leading the body to whole systemic failures. Possible complications:

  • Cervical phlegmon. Paratonsillar abscesses.
  • Chronic sore throats.
  • Rheumatism of the heart and joint tissues.
  • Heart defects.
  • Renal failure.
  • Meningitis.
  • Infection of the blood.
  • Asthma.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Toxic shock.

Complications after sore throat:

Prevention and precautions when communicating with a patient

There are no special vaccines against bacteria.
To prevent infection is important:

  • Properly treat the trauma of the oropharynx, eliminate tooth decay as it occurs.
  • Sea salt water and sea air make the body healthier.
  • To schedule labor schedules so that they are combined with a full rest.
  • Avoid prolonged stress.
  • Strengthen immunity through exercise and proper nutrition.
  • Give up smoking.

Every day cleaning is mandatory. Use for cleaning the floors and door handles of disinfection means will help reduce the risk of infection.

Prophylaxis of angina


Fibrinous tonsillitis is a very dangerous disease, complications after it often occur, but the complexity of these complications directly depends on how timely and correctly the treatment was prescribed.

In general, with all medical appointments, the outlook is favorable. In pregnancy, to predict the risk of complications is much more difficult, but more often fibrinous angina is not a factor for abortion.

Uncomplicated cases can be cured in 2 to 3 weeks or less.

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