Nitromint: indications for use, instructions for the preparation, analogues, price, reviews, contraindications

As an aerosol form of all known nitroglycerin, Nitromint( Glyceryl trinitrate) has established itself as an antianginal drug. It is indicated to people undergoing combined therapy for acute insufficiency( left ventricular), or suffering from angina attacks and for the prevention of such. About the indications for use, instructions for the Nitromint aerosol, analogues of the medication, reviews of the spray and its analogues, our today's article will tell.

Features of the drug

The drug is sold in aerosol cans, and, therefore, it is necessary to save it so as not to directly hit the sun's rays on the bottle at a temperature of 15-25C. Never spray a product near sources of ignition or when smoking. Before the 1st use, the bottle dispenser must be filled, for which before you remove the protective cap and after doing a few taps, until the spray appears.

Issued by his company Vidal. In the medicinal guide this vasodilator can be found under the code C01DA02.

Composition of Nitromite

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The main active ingredient in this agent is nitroglycerin. In addition, propylene glycol and 96% ethanol are used for the proper functioning of the solution.

Dosage forms

Each Nitromit bottle contains a clear, colorless solution that does not have a sediment. In 1 dose of the substance contains 400 μg of nitroglycerin.

The container itself is designed for a volume of 10 grams, which, when recalculated at a dose, is 180 doses. The aerosol is packed in a cardboard package. The cost of this is an average of 150 rubles.

Pharmacological action

As mentioned, Nitromint is able to have a vasodilating effect, as well as antianginal.


  • Nitromint is a peripheral vasodilator with an effect on venous vessels, and is also an antianginal agent.
  • Thanks to Nitroglycerin, which from its molecule releases nitric oxide, known as the natural endothelial relaxing factor. Due to such reactions, guanylate cyclase, an enzyme, is activated, as a result of which the intracellular level of cGMP increases. Due to this, calcium ions do not penetrate the smooth muscle cells.
  • These muscles relax, which in turn leads to vasodilatation, and this reduces the venous return to the heart, that is, preload and postload, so the need for cardiac muscle in oxygen decreases. The blood supply of subendocardial layers improves. Also in the small circle of blood circulation the pressure decreases.
  • Also occurs the relaxation of such cells:
    • bronchi,
    • bile duct and bladder,
    • urinary tract,
    • esophagus and intestine.

The action of the medication is activated quickly enough, within a minute or one and a half minutes the necessary effect develops, which continues for half an hour.


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;


  • Absorption and distribution. Aerosol application promotes the preparation very quickly and is fully absorbed into the systemic bloodstream through the oral cavity. Bioavailability of the drug is 100 percent when the drug is placed under the tongue, that is, sublingually, because in this case the active substance is not metabolized through the liver. After only 240 seconds Cmax is reached. Binding to plasma proteins - 60%.
  • Metabolism. occurs very quickly with the help of nitrate reductase, the final metabolite is glycerin.
  • Breeding. No change shows less than 1 percent metabolite, almost completely it leaves with urine.


Doctors usually prescribe this aerosol drug with:

  • angina attacks and for the prevention of those,
  • of acute failure( left ventricular), that is, cardiac asthma, as part of a combined, ancillary treatment.
  • decrease in pressure in case of acute myocardial infarction,
  • prophylaxis of spasms of the coronary vessels, if the "motor" is probed during coronary angiography.

There are no data on the taking of the drug by those who have not reached adulthood.

Instructions for Use

The peripheral vasodilator should be used in the following doses:

  • Angina pectoris:
    • Prophylaxis.1 spray for 5-10 minutes.up to the expected fiznagruzka.
    • Treatment.1-2 spray sublingually, the person must sit at the same time. Sometimes the dosage can be increased to 3 sprays within 15 minutes. If the attack does not lend itself to curbing, it is worth immediately contacting the doctor.
  • Cardiac asthma.1-3 sprays, with care must be taken to make the arter.systole.the pressure should be above 100. After 10 minutes, the same dosage can be repeated if the desired effect has not been achieved.
  • Before coronary angiography.1-2 spraying.

Try to spray under your tongue. Elderly patients are given a standard dose. About contraindications to Nitromintu read below.


Full prohibition on the admission of

Doctors do not prescribe the drug when:

  • shock state;
  • collapse;
  • excessive sensitivity to the active substance( nitroglycerin) and other components of the drug.

Children under 18 years of age are also not prescribed this medication.

Admission with caution

The drug is taken with great caution in the case of:

  • acute circulatory insufficiency, aggravated by severe arterial hypotension,
  • orthostatic hypotension,
  • intracranial hypertension,
  • CHF;
  • hemorrhagic stroke,
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy,
  • renal, hepatic insufficiency,
  • alcoholism;
  • epilepsy;
  • is a migraine.

Side effects of

From the side of Often Sometimes Rarely
CCC: dizziness, headache and fever, tachycardia, aesthetic BP orthostatic collapse and cyanosis.
digestive system dry mouth nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain
CNS weakness anxiety, confusion and disorientation
Local reactions flushing of the skin and podyazychnoe burning
More hypothermia and methemoglobinemia


  • necessary to forget about alcohol ontime of drug use.
  • At first, it is necessary to abandon the interaction with mechanisms that require concentration of attention, but the restriction can be removed with appropriate indicators in the patient.
  • In case of overdose:
    • of light - lay patient on his back with raised legs;
    • severe - conducting treatment to eliminate intoxication and shock. It is forbidden to use Epinephrine( adrenaline)


Summarizing the reviews of patients who took Nitromint, we can distinguish the following:

  • quickly and qualitatively removes an attack of angina, the pain goes for 10-20 seconds;
  • convenient vial with a dispenser clearly measures the required dose of the substance, thereby preventing the possibility of an accidental overdose;
  • perfectly "knocks down" the pressure;
  • is indispensable after a heart attack;

Of the negative moments most often the patients distinguish such:

  • extremely unpleasant taste;
  • rolling heat after use.


Accordingly, the main analogue of Nitromite is Nitroglycerin, the cost of which is negligible - an average of 50 rubles. Also, the medicine is easily replaced by such analogs:

  • Nitrospray-icn, on average, costs 113 rubles;
  • Nitroglycerin spray sublingual - from 120 rubles;
  • Nitrocore - from 60 p.
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