Syndrome of weakness of the sinus node: symptoms, treatment, signs, folk remedies

Harmonious work of the heart is well supported by a healthy lifestyle, positive habits of being moderate in everything and having positive thinking. If nevertheless there was a disruption of the sinus node, then knowing the signs of the disease and the rules of behavior will help in time to consult a doctor to prevent the situation from worsening.

So, let's learn more about the etiology, symptoms and methods of treating the sinus node weakness syndrome.

Features of the violation

In the heart there is a center that has a purpose to set the rhythm of its heartbeat. This function is performed by the sinus node, it is, in other words, the rhythm driver. The node creates an electrical impulse and then directs it to the heart through the conducting system.

The sinus node is located in the right atrium directly in the zone where the fusion of the hollow veins occurs. The substance from which the node consists consists of specific cells.

The sinus node represents a kind of power station sending bits that set the heartbeat rhythm. Syndrome of weakness of the sinus node is usually abbreviated in the SSSU literature.

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Deteriorating the work of the node causes malfunctions in the heart's work of varying degrees. In men and women, pathology manifests itself equally, sex does not matter. The problem often occurs in the elderly, but it also occurs in children and middle-aged people.

Syndrome of weakness of sinus node( ECG)


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Classification of

Forms of SSSU

  • Sinus bradycardia. Reducing the number of pulses transmitted by the pacemaker leads to a decrease in the heart rate. If less than fifty cuts occur per minute, this is a sign of a bradycardia.
  • Syndrome of bradycardia-tachycardia. A variation in the manifestation of SSSU, when the periods of slowed-down work of the heart are replaced by rapid beat. Sometimes the development of pathology leads to the disappearance of long pauses between heartbeats and the transition to the constantly present another kind of arrhythmia - ciliary.
  • Sinoatrial block. With this manifestation of the disease, the sinus node works unchanged. But the failure occurs in the transmission of impulses, some of them are not carried out. As far as the pulse blockade occurs, the rhythm of the heartbeats depends.
  • Restoration of the pacemaker after cardioversion is slow.
  • Sinus node stop. Among variants of development of a pathology happens, when the driver of a rhythm for a while does a break in production of an impulse.

More details about the manifestation of sinus node weakness in children will be described in the following video:

The nature of the

problem The manifestation of a node malfunction varies according to the principle of the different nature of the problem:

  • Latent flow. The patient's manifestations of insufficient work of the sinus node are barely noticeable. Failures are rare. Multi-day monitoring with the help of Holter monitoring does not determine a violation. Such a course of the disease is often the case with impulse failures in the area of ​​the sinatrial exercise. It is possible to detect impairment by applying a method of electrophysiological examination that is performed intracardiacally.
  • Intermittent flow. The manifestation of the weakness of the node is determined more often at night. This is explained by the influence on the driver's work of the rhythm of the vegetative system.
  • Manifesting current. Violation of the sinus node manifests itself more pronounced. Holter monitoring registers SSSU with daily monitoring of the patient's condition.

Cause of failure

Cardiac pacemaker disruptions are different for the cause that caused the malfunction:

  • Organic lesions and other internal causes that affect the operation of the sinus node.
  • External causes that initiate a failure in the rhythm driver.

About the causes of the syndrome of weakness of the sinus node 1, 2 and other types of read further.

Reasons for the occurrence of

Factors that are capable of provoking SSSU:

  • If the body has violated the correct ratio of electrolytes necessary for the full vital functioning of organs.
  • The autonomic nervous system, namely its parasympathetic part, exerts an excessive influence on the functioning of the sinus node. The reasons for this phenomenon can be:
    • increased intracranial pressure,
    • hemorrhage with the ingress of blood into the area between the brain envelopes.
  • Taking medications that affect heart rhythms in uncontrolled amounts.
  • Diseases with sequelae that may impair the function of the sinus node:
    • tumor formations affecting cardiac function,
    • myocardial infarction,
    • consequences of surgical interventions or injuries,
    • ischemic disease,
    • disorders associated with metabolic disorders:
      • diabetes mellitus,
      • functional failurein the thyroid gland;
    • atherosclerosis,
    • autoimmune diseases,
    • arterial hypertension.
  • Idiopathic disorder is the replacement of tissue cells of the sinus node by cells of connective tissue without the causes visible for this action.

Symptoms of

Deterioration of sinus node operation can be manifested through signs:

  • poor performance, fatigue quickly comes;
  • swaying,
  • dizziness,
  • confusion,
  • darkening in the eyes,
  • conditions close to syncope,
  • fainting cases,
  • pulse is out of norm:
    • rare pulse,
    • is the same, but can be intermittent with a rapid pulse;
  • moments of restless inadequate behavior,
  • memory in places has dips,
  • during a loss of consciousness, cramps are possible.

Diagnosis of weakness syndrome of sinus node

  • An electrocardiogram is the main way to identify signs of weakness syndrome of the sinus node. The ECG records exactly the electrical impulses that the rhythm driver induces.
  • Holter monitoring is the same method, only it allows observation of the patient for a day or more.
  • Electrophysiological investigation is a test of the ability to restore the correct rhythm of impulses. This indicator demonstrates the functioning of the rhythm driver's automatism. The sinus node is acted upon by imposing another rhythm, faster from a normal rhythm. After the operation of the device stops, measure, after what time the pacemaker regains its pulse frequency.
  • Pharmacological tests - to check whether a sinus node functions to a sufficient extent, it is affected by drugs that can cause an increase in its impulses. If this does not happen to the proper degree, then the weakening of the operation of the sinus node is ascertained.
  • A test with physical activity - this method examines whether there is an increase in heart rate if the patient loads himself physically or receives emotional outbursts. With normal operation of the sinus node this is a natural phenomenon. If the increase occurs only up to seventy beats per minute, then we can talk about the SSSU.
  • Carotid sinus massage - in some people, a minor effect on the carotid sinus zone can cause cardiac arrest. This indicates a disruption in the carotid sinus, because the normal response is a short-term reduction in cardiac contractions.
  • Tilt test - the heart rate is determined by changing the patient's position from a lying position to an almost vertical position( 60 degrees).The patient during the study lies on a special table, the position of which is changed in space. When the orientation of the body changes, the heart rhythm readings are measured. This check is made for patients prone to unconsciousness.

Treatment of

It is necessary, using diagnostic techniques, to determine precisely which factors in a particular case cause disturbances in the operation of the sinus node. It is necessary to create conditions under which all possible causes affecting the driver of rhythms will be eliminated. The main way of medical care in this pathology is to install a pacemaker.

Elena Malysheva and her assistants will tell in detail about the diagnosis and treatment methods for the sinus node weakness syndrome:


Treatment includes measures to eliminate external causes that interfere with the operation of the sinus node. In addition, it is necessary to add factors useful for creating a favorable background for improving its functioning.

  • Compliance with the normal physical capabilities of the patient is necessary for heart health.
  • The use of tobacco should be abandoned or minimized.
  • It is necessary to exclude the reception of alcoholic beverages.
  • Tonic drinks: strong tea, tonics without alcohol, coffee can be useful in a small dose, which should be agreed with the doctor.
  • It is necessary to determine whether there are diseases that suppress the work of the sinus node, and, if necessary, treat them.
  • Make sure that there is no neck squeezing in the collar zone. One should avoid tight collars and the like, because such a factor worsens the functioning of the sinus node.


If an increased activity of the parasympathetic system is detected, drugs are prescribed by a specialist capable of aligning this dysfunction. But the drugs that can oppress the work of the sinus node should not be used.

Drug treatment with SSSU is not a very effective method. As a supporting factor, it is used for bradycardia and tachyarrhythmia, if the rhythms deviate in moderate sizes.

After or during this after the syndrome, the weaknesses of the sinus node go to surgery.


The installation of a permanent electrocardiostimulation in the patient's body is the main method of treatment.

For mandatory installation of a pacemaker declined such indications:

  • Simultaneous presence of bradycardia and other abnormalities in heart rhythms. This combination of symptoms requires the appointment of medications that have an antiarrhythmic effect, which is not acceptable under the SSSA.
  • Bradycardia with critically low pulse frequency - less than forty cuts per minute.
  • If there was at least one attack of Morgagni-Edems-Stokes( loss of consciousness with epileptiform convulsions).
  • Coronary insufficiency, hypertension, dizziness, pre-occlusive conditions.

Whether the symptoms of weakness syndrome sinus node treatment of folk remedies, read on.

Folk remedies

Self-medication with SSSU is not permissible. Use traditional medicine should only be agreed with the doctor. If the expert approves, then apply herbal tinctures to improve night sleep, combat stress and to normalize well-being in arrhythmias.

Make infusions from plants:

  • Leonurus,
  • valerian,
  • mint,
  • yarrow.

Prevention of the disease

For health of the heart it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • It is useful to have feasible physical activity.
  • The food should be balanced. Food should be taken in small portions five times throughout the day. At night, do not eat.
  • Drugs should only be used as directed by a doctor.
  • Educate yourself for a positive outlook on the world. Negative emotions are contraindicated.
  • Make sure that the night sleep was full. Try to sleep in the daytime.
  • Before going to bed, a walk in the open air is useful.
  • Ensure that the body weight does not exceed normal values.
  • Tobacco and alcohol should be discarded.
  • Time to treat diseases, not allowing a chronic stage.

Complications of

Defective sinus node work can cause such consequences:

  • heart failure is when the heart does not perform its functions to the fullest;
  • stroke - impairment of brain function due to lack of blood supply;
  • sudden death,
  • thromboembolic complications.


The very impairment of the generation of an impulse by the center of the pacemaker is not very dangerous and does not have a significant negative effect on the patient's life expectancy. Threats are caused by those consequences that can be caused by SSSU, namely, cardiovascular system damage.

Their nature and depth will depend on the forecast for a possible lifespan. If the malfunctioning of the sinus node has arisen as a complication due to some underlying disease, then the survival prognosis will depend on how much it has hit the body and whether it is possible to heal.

Many useful information on the syndrome of weakness of the sinus node contains the following video:

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