VSD( vegeto-vascular dystonia) and alcohol: the possible consequences, can or do not count

The diagnosis of "vegetative-vascular dystonia" is being made increasingly for young people. This disease is not deadly, however sick people suffer very much from its manifestations: tachycardia, depression, bad sleep, panic attacks. In our country, it is accepted to remove any stress and anxiety with the help of a glass of cognac, but does alcohol help in the manifestations of the VSD?

VSD and alcohol intake

It is considered that alcohol only helps, improves the physical and mental state in vegetative-vascular dystonia, especially passing through the hypotonic type. In this statement there is a small part of the truth - alcohol really raises blood pressure and promotes the pulse, increases panic and improves overall well-being.

To the vast majority of people suffering from VSD, alcohol is contraindicated in general, and this is why:

  1. Ethyl alcohol entering the body with blood flow quickly penetrates into all organs, including the brain. Being the strongest neurotoxin, ethanol begins to inhibit the activity of the cerebral cortex. It is known that it is the cortex that is responsible for the higher functions of the central nervous system and is closely interrelated with the autonomic nervous system. As a result of the depressing effect of alcohol, instead of the expected relaxation and appeasement, the patient gets an excited state, disinhibition, a rush of blood to the head, a shaky gait and other "delights."Given that the patient VSD and in a sober state are familiar with these signs, the state of intoxication only exacerbates the painful symptoms.
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  2. The autonomic nervous system controls the consistency of our movements, body management, body temperature and blood pressure. Pathological changes in her work just lead to vegetative-vascular dystonia. Alcohol loosens the already fragile balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system. As a result of frequent drinking of a glass or other strong alcohol it is quite possible to get a complete breakdown in the work of internal organs.
  3. A characteristic sign of VSD is a very strong palpitation, which can not be controlled by effort of will, pain in the head and in the heart. In this case, drinking only increases these symptoms due to a sharp release of hormones into the blood - adrenaline and norepinephrine. This is an additional stress for an unhealthy organism. And if the attack of dystonia overtakes during the use of alcohol, the result can become quite sad - a heart attack or a stroke as a result of severe vasospasm or an attack of tachycardia are provided.

On the video about what vegeto-vascular dystonia is:

Possible consequences and harm

The harm caused by alcohol even to a healthy person is truly huge. What can we say about sick people! Even a small amount of low-alcohol beverage, for example, beer, can cause a severe hangover with insignificant time with all vegetative symptoms - shortness of breath, severe palpitation, sweating.

Abuse of stronger drinks to the sick VSD is contraindicated altogether - the strongest hangover, which begins already a couple of hours after taking alcohol, threatens with such complications as:

  • increase in blood pressure;
  • violation of thermoregulation - chills replaced by heat and vice versa;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • depressed, depressed mood, panic attacks;
  • a strong increase in heart rate.

It is noticed that after long holiday holidays, attacks of dystonia begin in healthy people. This is due to the effect of alcohol on the nervous system and the intake of fatty foods, which amateurs like to sit at a festive table. Alcohol, by the way, quite often becomes the primary cause of the development of VSD in young healthy people. Doctors have noticed for a long time that patients with dystonia among those who drink often are much more likely than in a non-drinker environment.

So all the same: can or can not?

Whether it is possible to drink alcohol when drinking alcoholic beverages or not - a question that torments not very healthy people, since patients with vegetovascular dystonia periodically notice a significant improvement in their well-being after taking small doses of alcohol:


Elena Malysheva:

"Is Alcoholism Cured? Yes! Use an effective home remedy. .. "

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  • is losing nervous tension and fears;
  • is numbness of the limbs;
  • blessed warmth spreads through the body;
  • slightly increases the pressure, with a nagging headache.

All these signs are associated with the expansion of blood vessels under the influence of ethyl alcohol contained in alcohol. After alcohol is processed by the liver, the vessels shrink sharply and a severe deterioration occurs, which patients with alcohol do not associate. And in fact, how can a hangover start after taking one harmless wine glass? It turns out, maybe. At patients VSD hangover syndrome is stronger in some times, than at the healthy person, therefore they should forget about alcohol at all or, if absolutely unbearable, it is extremely rare to drink no more than half of a glass of good red wine.

Still, doctors recommend that sick people rely on their own well-being in case of a strong desire to drink alcohol.

Alcohol is categorically contraindicated in the treatment of tranquilizers!

Having abandoned bad habits permanently, people with vegeto-vascular dystonia do not actually lose anything, but rather, on the contrary, depression and headache peculiar to hangover syndrome gradually recede, the well-being improves due to the absence of toxic substances in the body, but with gloomand longing can be managed by enlisting the support of close and like-minded people.

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