Droppers for removal from drinking-bout at home and inpatient: composition, dosage, stages

A hangover can be very dangerous for health and life in general, and not everyone can survive it on their own. Therefore, to alleviate the condition caused by hangover syndrome, experts recommend putting a dropper, in other words, to swab the patient. A real salvage such a dropper becomes for drunken alcoholics, who simply are unable to stop drinking on their own.

Droppers for withdrawal from drinking-bout

If a person abuses alcohol in the daily routine and in large quantities, they say that he has a drinking problem. This condition is characterized by severe poisoning of the body. To fall into a state of drinking-bout, it is not necessary to be an alcoholic, such a condition can arise in people who do not have alcohol dependence.

During a binge, a person in a hangover state again uses alcohol, trying to cure an abstinence and normalize the general health. But the improvement that has occurred after the overbrewing does not last long, and after that the condition becomes worse than the original one( until opohmeleniya) and the patient again tries to cure the next dose of alcohol.

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Detoxification of the body

The dropper is an infusion drug delivery method that is administered intravenously. Usually the infusion solution consists of several drugs and saline solution.

The main purpose of the dropper solution is to carry out an emergency detoxification of the body, assuming:

  • Acceleration of excretion of substances resulting from the decomposition of ethanol;
  • Providing a diuretic effect;
  • Elimination of signs of dehydration;
  • Providing the body with vitamins, etc.

In fact, the dropper is a kind of accelerated course of detoxification therapy. On average, such treatment lasts several hours, after which the patient falls asleep, which is provided by drugs of hypnotic action, which are also part of the infusion solution. The composition of the composition is handled by the narcologist, relying on the patient's condition and the degree of alcohol intoxication.
The video of the drip-drop setting for drinking:

Composition and dosage of

preparations The infusion solution, as already specified, can have a different composition. If alcohol intoxication is intense, then the patient's body is highly dehydrated, which manifests itself as a characteristic difficult to thirst. However, it happens that when a person drinks heavily, the patient begins to vomit and tear. In such a situation, the narcologist determines which droppers are needed. As a rule, they are formulated with the effect of purification from toxins and for the purpose of treating dehydration( detoxification-dehydration infusion).

As part of a dropper to remove from binge, there are drugs:


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  • Soda solution - 300 ml;
  • Glucose with the addition of insulin - 400 ml;Drugs of detoxification like Gemodeza or Gelatine - 400 ml;
  • Polyionic solutions like Disol - 250 ml.

A similar infusion is administered with a clear diagnosis, but if the patient suffers from any pathology or the picture of intoxication is not completely clear, then the dosages of the above drugs are reduced to a total volume of a 250 ml dropper. Then the volume of infusion is gradually increased to 400-500 ml.

Often the composition of the infusion solution includes drugs that have a hepatoprotective, metabolic effect and vitamins.

Among the tools of this group, the following drugs are especially often put:

  • Sulfuric acid magnesium - helps reduce blood pressure, has anticonvulsant, vasodilating and sedative effect;
  • Thiamine( vitamin B Пре) preparations are the most effective component of a dropper, it is indispensable for withdrawal syndrome, it prevents the development of alcoholic neuropathy;
  • Panangin - provides the body with magnesium and potassium;
  • Unithiol - most often used for detoxification of the body at drinking bouts;
  • Essentiale is an excellent hepatoprotector, it prevents cirrhosis and improves structural characteristics of the organ;
  • Ascorbic acid - increases immune forces, improves thyroid and pancreatic activity, improves metabolism;
  • Solcoseryl - has a protective effect for cellular structures, accelerates the recovery processes in tissues and improves oxygen exchange.

The composition of the infusion solution is always supplemented with sedative preparations that remove the state of excessive excitement from the patient. Doses are individually selected by the narcologist, so that the patient is cramped, he calms down and falls asleep. Usually, benzodiazepine tranquilizers such as Relanium or Seduxen are first administered, however, their use requires the highest level of care from the narcologist.


Today it is very common to call a narcologist for a drinking-bout. In this case, the specialist will come to your home and swallow the necessary infusion. The price of this service is about 5000-10000 rubles. The total amount depends on the specific composition of the drip solution, selected in accordance with the degree of alcohol intoxication.


To some patients carrying out droppers for withdrawal from binge is categorically contraindicated.

Particularly carefully infusion infusions are carried out:

  • Patients with cardiovascular pathologies;
  • Elderly;
  • When drinking, lasting more than a week;
  • In the presence of bronchial asthma or diabetes.

The above mentioned patients are recommended to undergo disintoxication therapy in a hospital of a narcological clinic, because as a dropper in such patients can provoke complications, poor condition and side effects. In addition, infusions are not given to drunken patients. Therefore, to call an expert in narcology at home, you need to wait for about 6 hours until the patient is sober.

If we talk about a double dropper( a kind of enhanced version of a traditional dropper), then it is not put to patients who have kidney pathologies, because such an infusion assumes an increased strain on the body, especially the kidney system.

Where to carry out

It's hard to say where to drip a dropper is better - in a hospital or at home. The main thing is that such a service should turn out to be a qualified narcologist who has an appropriate license.

In a hospital

It is safer to put a dropper in a narcological clinic, because if there are any complications during the injection from a drinking-bout, doctors will be able to provide highly qualified emergency help. This is especially true for patients with chronic alcoholism who have been in a drunken state for more than a week.

In general, the digging to get out of drinking-bout should be done in the hospital for patients with diabetes, asthma, and cores, since in such persons, drunken states are characterized by increased severity and duration.

At home

If the hangover does not differ in its special severity and proceeds without complications, the duration of the drinking state is less than a week, and the accompanying pathologies are absent in the patient, then in such cases, the drunken state can be removed quickly and without consequences at home, calling a specialist home.

In the remaining cases( with pathologies, the elderly, long drinking, etc.), it is better to do the digging in a narcological dispensary. When calling a narcologist, pay attention to how the doctor performs a primary examination. He must measure the blood pressure level and interview the patient in detail. During and after the prophylaxis, close to the patient, there must necessarily be household members monitoring his condition. If suddenly there is a sudden deterioration in well-being, then you need to call the doctor again.

But you should not flatter yourself - the dropper does not affect alcohol dependence in any way, because if you are comfortable, the alcoholic will again drink uncontrollably. Infusion infusion helps to quickly cope with hangover syndrome and stop the drunken state. Therefore, for treatment of alcoholism it is necessary to apply additionally to narcology.

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