Bullous otitis media: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment of middle ear disease

Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear caused by viruses. The disease occurs independently or as a complication of acute respiratory viral infection. The organ of the ear has 3 parts: inner, middle and outer.

Depending on the site of inflammation, otitis occurs in 3 species. External otitis is the easiest and easiest to diagnose and treat.

When spreading the infection to the eardrum, when the Eustachian tube is affected, bullous otitis may occur.

Bullous otitis

Bullous or influenza otitis is characterized by the formation of specific blisters, bullae, on the surface of the ear, inside the ear canal or on the tympanic membrane.

Eruptions can be small and medium, reaching a pea in size. Inside the rashes there is a clear or bloody fluid, exudate.

Bullous species refers to viral otitis according to the ICD classification: Acute myrrhitis( H73.0).Subclass: Acute tympanitis Bullous myringitis, is excluded: with medium otitis media( H65-H66).H65.1 Other acute nonsuppurative otitis media.

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Causes of

The acute course of bullous otitis occurs in patients who have been ill with the flu. The flu virus spreads through the body and gets into the ear, where it settles and leads to the onset of the disease. In addition to the virus, the development of the disease involves cocci:

  • streptococci;
  • Haemophilus influenzae;
  • mycoplasma.

Other non-specific bacteria that can easily multiply with viral damage to ear tissues are also attached. Bullous otitis media is caused by viruses:

  • adenovirus;
  • psittacosis;
  • paragripp;
  • influenza;
  • Epstein-Bar virus;
  • herpes.

To provoke the disease can poor state of ENT organs, decreased immunity and allergic manifestations in the body.

Photo of ear with bullous otitis

Symptoms, diagnostic methods

Otitis can occur after a viral illness, when the main symptoms begin to leave you. One ear is affected, but there are also 2 sick organ.

Common symptoms of otitis are similar, but the bullous species has characteristic eruptions on the auricle and in the auditory canal.

These can be small multiple vesicles or medium single papules. Tiny vesicles are inherent in the herpes virus and look like elements of a red rash, but when otoscopically the doctor clearly defines them.

Large vesicles are caused by influenza and parainfluenza viruses. When bulls burst, a liquid appears with an admixture of blood that flows out of the ear.

During the examination, the doctor observes the lesion of the tympanic membrane or its perforation. To diagnose, diagnostic procedures are used:

  • bakposev fluid from the ear;
  • audiometry;
  • tuning fork tests;
  • X-ray or tomography of the temporal bone;
  • tympanometry;
  • serological blood tests for antibodies or DNA viruses;
  • omicroscopy.

Only a timely diagnosis and professional treatment guarantee a quick relief from the symptoms of the disease. With a deep spread of infection, the vestibular apparatus is affected and the consequences are possible:

  • gait unsteadiness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • nystagmus or a pupil tremor.

Attachment of bacterial infection provokes the development of purulent otitis media. The sublingual, auditory and lingopharyngeal nerve can be affected, and as a result - paresis.

In adults

It is possible to suspect otitis in the following symptoms:

  • acute or traumatic pain in the area of ​​the ear canal;
  • pain becomes intense when pressed against a tragus;
  • hearing impairment in case of tympanic lesion;
  • malaise, weakness;
  • itching on the surface of the auricle and inside the ear canal;
  • headaches;
  • fever or slight fever.

Symptoms of a child

Symptoms of otitis in children are the same as in adults, but are more pronounced:

  1. The pain is often intense, so that infants can not suck, they sleep badly and turn their heads.
  2. Children often cry, rub their ear with their hands, incessantly turn their heads, they can refuse to eat.
  3. Look at the color of the nose, if it is reddish and laid, this should alert you.

The difficulty is that children can not always tell about what and where they feel. It is not for everyone to look at children independently. The best way to identify the disease in time will be an appeal to a pediatrician or an ENT doctor.

Types of

Bullous otitis is subacute with low temperature, weakness and itching at the site of the appearance of rashes. When switching to acute form, the symptoms are added and the pains become intense.

When the perforation of the tympanic membrane is associated diseases of this part of the hearing organ. Bacteria translate bullous otitis into a purulent form.

How to treat

Severe consequences for the wrong treatment of bullous otitis say that with such a disease you need to seek help from specialists in otolaryngology.

Severe pain can be hard to stop with painkillers, and then you can not do without inpatient treatment or opening of bulls.

Bullous otitis media of the external ear does not cause fear at home treatment if you fulfill all the prescriptions and recommendations.


  1. For non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs( Ibuprofen, Nurofen) are used.
  2. For intensive pain use inhalation through the nose with analgesics.
  3. Treat the ear with ointments with antiviral action, if necessary and in the inside with a microscope.
  4. Well showed themselves spraying Interferon and Lysozyme in the ear, rinsing with Miramistin.
  5. It is possible to carry out hormone therapy with prednisolone and hydrocortisone for up to 7 days.
  6. To improve immunity apply vitamin complexes and immunomodulators.
  7. In some cases, laser treatment and dissection of bullae are indicated. Then the drugs are buried in the ear with antibiotics and corticosteroids.
  8. Penicillin-type antibiotics can be used in tablets or injections. The choice of a specific preparation and the form of administration is determined by the physician individually.

To stimulate the immune mechanisms use ultraviolet radiation of blood.

Folk remedies

Aloe or Kalanchoe juice is used in diluted form to improve immunity.

Dirt may be used, but only with the appointment. Chamomile infusion is washed with the ear as an antiseptic.

Introduce turuns with a mixture of onions and butter.

Alcohol tincture of propolis diluted with vegetable oil, treat tampons and inject into the ear.

Make compresses using a tea mushroom. Infusion of laurel leaves relieves inflammation.

What you can and can not do

When bullous otitis should not use folk methods of therapy. Some of them can cause serious consequences and complications.

Do not heat your ear intensely before visiting a doctor. If necessary, the specialist appoints dry heat with strict control and dosage, in the absence of rashes on the tympanic membrane.

Do not drip something that you are advised by friends or grandmothers, conduct self-diagnosis by improvised means.

How does bullous otitis look like in our otoscope in our video:

Prevention of

If you follow these recommendations, you will reduce the risk of viral otitis:

  • try not to get infected with the flu, wear a mask during an epidemic, rinse your nose with saline, wash your hands or rub with an antiseptic cloth, avoid places of congestion during the epidemic season;
  • strengthen the immune system with vitamins and proper nutrition, walking and sports;
  • do not prolong with the reference to the doctor at virus infections and pass or take place full course of treatment;
  • avoid self-prescribing and taking antibiotics;
  • treat chronic diseases in the body.
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