Serous otitis media: treatment of middle ear inflammation and disease prevention

Serous otitis is one of the types of middle ear diseases, characterized by the accumulation of serous fluid in its cavity. Quite often, such an infectious process leads to complications.

The disease is accompanied by a feeling of congestion, a decrease in hearing and pain during swallowing. How not to miss the beginning of this unpleasant illness? To do this, you need to know the causes of its occurrence and the main signs of the disease.

Causes of

Experienced otolaryngologists distinguish several main factors that can trigger the appearance of serous fluid and inflammation of the middle ear:

  • virus penetration;
  • joining bacterial infection;
  • violation of the functions of the eustachian( auditory) tube and its non-standard arrangement;
  • instability of the immune system;
  • increase in secretory formations;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • neoplasm.

Prolonged viral diseases, especially those with a severe runny nose, can lead to a rapid development of otitis, since the middle ear cavity is directly associated with the nasopharynx.

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The Eustachian tube is clogged, so it can not perform its ventilation as well as drainage functions. Inside the ear canal fluid accumulates, which leads to the development of pathological inflammation.

How the average human ear is constructed

Symptoms and diagnostic methods

Depending on the dynamics of the infectious process, characteristic changes inside the auditory canal, acute serous otitis is divided into four stages:

  1. Inflammation of the auditory canal. At the first stage there is a violation of such a function of the Eustachian tube, as ventilation. This is accompanied by a small intake of air into the cavity or its complete cessation, which as a result can lead to small disorders of auditory perception. The doctor at the examination will notice the retraction of the tympanic membrane and the change in its shade.
  2. Secret selection. Due to the increase in the number of secretory glands, against the background of the inflammation that appears, fluid accumulates. When the diagnosis is noticeable changes in the structure of the mucosa of the auditory canal. The patient may complain of a feeling of pressure from within, a sensation of splashing fluid. The auditory function is violated to a large extent.
  3. Acute stage. The accumulated fluid inside the ear canal begins to thicken with time. In addition to normal hearing impairment, bone conduction of sound deteriorates.
  4. The degenerative stage. There are obvious damages in the mucosa covering the auditory canals. Fluid production ceases, which can lead to fibrous changes( scarring) of tissues.

Signs of otitis in adults

Serous ear inflammation in adults may exhibit the following common symptoms:

  • appears dizziness;
  • there is a decrease in auditory sensations;
  • may be impaired coordination;
  • appears discharge from the ear( may not always);
  • sometimes the temperature rises to high marks.

Symptoms of serous otitis in children

Children are more susceptible to the development of this disease due to the age-related underdevelopment of the Eustachian tube. If the baby gets sick, then such problems may appear:

  • the baby feels pain in the ear;
  • progresses hearing impairment;
  • may cause dizziness, nausea, or even vomiting;
  • is not kept very high temperature( 37,0-37,5), sometimes rises to high marks.

Usually the disease is diagnosed by examination in the ENT doctor's office. In appearance of the membrane, the doctor determines the stage of the development of the disease, then appoints the appropriate treatment.

If necessary, hardware studies are conducted, for example, tympanometry - sound-wave examination of the tympanic membrane and auditory ossicles.

How to treat otitis media?

Treatment should be started as soon as possible. If you delay with taking medications, you can earn serious complications. So, what is the treatment for serous otitis media?


Antibiotics are used to eliminate the developed infection. They are the first necessity, if the serous fluid begins to thicken and pus flows from the ear. The most effective is considered amoxicillin.

If its effect does not give the desired result, use antibiotic cefazolinovogo series or augmentin. Treatment should last at least a week. Even if the general condition of the patient improves, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is continued to avoid relapse.

Additionally, the doctor will prescribe a local treatment - ear drops. They have an analgesic effect. The drug is instilled in the auditory passage from 3 times a day. As an anesthetic, you can take paracetamol or nurofen.

Reducing puffiness inside and improving the process of fluid drainage of the ear canal will help the drops in the nose. Suitable such as Nazivin, Naftizin and others. Antihistamines may also help in reducing edema, if serous otitis occurs against an allergic reaction.

Additionally, a doctor can prescribe a physiotherapy. For example, laser irradiation of the auditory tube, pneumomassage or UHF.If complex treatment does not help, then an instrumental intervention will be required to remove pus.

Folk remedies

In addition to drug therapy, you can try the recipes that our grandmothers like, although many doctors do not recommend themselves to be treated.

With otitis in the old days fought with the help of a vegetable, which is on each table - onions. The whole bulb was baked in the oven( oven), then the top of the head was cut and seeds of cumin were placed in the indentation.

Then the onion was left in a hot oven for another quarter of an hour. The juice from the hot bulb was squeezed out and buried in the ear canal in the morning and in the evening.

Not bad at the pains accompanying an otitis, propolis tincture helps. You can buy it in a regular pharmacy. Gauze turundochki it wet and pawn in the ears several times for knocking. Also helps beet juice with honey.

What you can and can not do

Very often, trying to help yourself, we only get hurt. In order not to worsen your condition, you need to know the following:

  • it is impossible to compress at otitis if the temperature rises;
  • if pus dripping from the ear, it is forbidden to insert a cotton swab deep into the ear canal;
  • flaunting, you can not pinch both nostrils at the same time.

How dangerous is the otitisitis look in our video:


Instead of treating the disease for a long time, it is better to prevent it. The following tips will help you avoid the occurrence of serous otitis:

  • should avoid contact with people with colds;
  • in the frosty season should wear a hat to prevent overcooling;
  • during swimming in natural reservoirs and diving, it is worth using special protective items;
  • should be avoided too careful cleaning of the ear canals to avoid injury to the mucosa.
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