Progressive angina: treatment, care, symptoms of the disease

Often people do not pay attention to their diseases, and completely in vain. Each disease can not only worsen, but also lead to serious complications. Angina is not an exception to this rule, confirming it with its progressive form.

Features of the disease

Progressive angina( IHD ICD-10 I20.0) is a continuation of another form of pathology - unstable. If the unstable form is not treated, the disease begins to progress: seizures become more frequent, their duration increases, the patient's condition worsens.

The average age of a patient with progressive angina is 55-60 years. It is noticed that men suffer it more often.

About what angina is, what are its symptoms, the specialist in the video below will tell:

Classification of

Progressive angina is not classified. However, periinfarction angina is isolated in a separate form. This pathology manifests itself several days or weeks after myocardial infarction and carries with it the probability of a recurrence of the latter.

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On what causes of the emergence of clinical examples of progressive angina, let's talk further.

Causes of

The main cause of progressive angina is the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of the vessels, which leads to narrowing of the first. Often the progressive form develops out of a stable form. This is expressed by an increase in the number of seizures and pain relief. Also, other cardiovascular pathologies, such as

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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  1. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  2. coronarospasm;
  3. stenosis of aortic estuaries;
  4. pulmonary hypertension;
  5. aortic insufficiency;

There are also some factors that increase the risk of the occurrence of the disease, for example:

  1. abuse of bad habits;
  2. diabetes mellitus;
  3. of menopause;
  4. physical inactivity;
  5. obesity;

Hereditary predisposition to both angina and cardiovascular diseases in general is also important.

There are also risk factors that increase the risk of developing progressive angina pectoris.

Symptoms of

The main symptom of progressive angina is pain. By nature, the pain does not differ from other forms of the disease: it is sharp, pressing, gives to different parts of the body. However, compared with other forms with progressing:

  • The number of seizures in a certain period of time increases.
  • Seizures last longer, and pain is stronger than in other species.
  • The limit of tolerable phys.loads.
  • Pain changes the location.
  • Pain can manifest itself in a state of relative rest, that is, without attachment to stress or fiz.loads.

In addition to pain, the patient feels nausea and suffocation, as well as the fear of death. Often angina is manifested by heart rhythm disturbances. Overall well-being deteriorates noticeably.


Diagnosis begins with the collection of anamnesis of complaints and family, physical examinations to determine wheezing in the lungs, noises in the heart, increase in the volume of the ventricles.

The final diagnosis is based on the data:

  • Common anzov urine and blood, determining the complications of angina and related diseases.
  • Biochemistry of blood showing the level of cholesterol.
  • Coagulogram showing an increase in the coagulation index.
  • ECG, which allows you to see the increase in the left ventricle, and also reveals other signs of angina.
  • Echocardiography, allows to estimate the degree of vascular lesions.
  • Chest X-ray, which reveals the expansion of the heart cavity and lesions of the aorta of an atherosclerotic nature.

For diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging, which determines the exact localization of the lesion, can be used to track other pathologies.

On how to treat progressive angina, heart disease, we will tell further.

It is important not to confuse progressing angina with a heart attack, as described by Elena Malysheva:

Treatment of progressive angina

Progressive angina should be treated in the hospital, because in the process the patient may develop a heart attack or arrhythmia, which will need to provide first aid. The basis of treatment is the combination of drug therapy and therapeutic. In rare cases, the patient needs surgery.


Therapeutic way is to completely reconsider the views on life. The patient should understand that he has only 2 options: to stick to a healthy lifestyle or die. The changes mean:

  • Refusal of smoking.
  • Lowering the dose of consumed alcohol.
  • Daily exercise.
  • Exercising cardio.
  • Admission of multivitamins at the rate.
  • Food regulation: reducing the level of animals and saturated fats to 30% of the caloric intake, focus on fresh vegetables, beans and cereals.


As a drug treatment a patient can be prescribed:

  • Anti-ischemic, which reduces myocardial oxygen consumption.
  • ACE inhibitors to reduce blood pressure.
  • Diuretics for the removal of excess fluid from the body.
  • Calcium antagonists that dilate blood vessels, restoring blood flow.
  • Statins to slow the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Fibrates that protect atherosclerotic plaques from traumatism.
  • Aspirin, which reduces the risk of thrombosis.

To stop an attack of progressive angina, the patient is prescribed nitroglycerin or its analogs.


Surgical intervention is indicated only when the patient experiences profuse damage to the heart muscle. In such cases, the following is recommended:

  • Coronary angioplasty, in which a metal tube is inserted into the damaged vessel, which expands it.
  • Aortocoronary bypass, in which blood is directed along the bypass, bypassing the damaged vessel.

In very rare cases, the heart lesion is too large, and the patient may need a heart transplant.

Prevention of disease

If a person is at risk, he needs to think about his way of life. So, it is important:

  • Refuse bad habits, especially tobacco smoking.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Control nutrition: to abandon fatty and salty foods, caffeine, to lean on vegetables and cereals.
  • To do cardio exercises.
  • Observe moderate physical.load.

The patient also needs to monitor blood pressure and cholesterol level, periodically visit a cardiologist and undergo preventive examinations.

How to eat correctly with different forms of angina will tell you the video below:

Complications of

Without proper treatment, progressive angina rapidly flows into a myocardial infarction. Possible complications also include:

  1. severe heart rhythm disturbances;
  2. CHF;

Like other forms of angina, progressing can lead to sudden cardiac death. If in time to render the condition can be reversed, but without a trace for the patient it does not pass.


So, what is the prognosis for patients who have a history of IBS "progressive angina"?Prognosis depends on timely treatment.

Overall, the prognosis is satisfactory, since less than 40% of cases result in a heart attack or fatal outcome. The timely provision of care for progressive angina pectoris is the key to positive results.

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