Dysbacteriosis of the thick, small intestine and rectum

One of the most "mysterious" diseases of our time is dysbiosis. Some doctors believe that this is not really a disease, but only a complex of symptoms of another disease. Others distinguish it as an independent ailment.

Malicious bacteria attack the intestinal microflora. In consequence, a person has symptoms such as bloating, stools, heartburn, nausea and much more.

It should be known that dysbacteriosis can occur in different areas of the intestine, namely in the thin, thick and rectum.

Dysbacteriosis of the small intestine

The first symptoms do not appear immediately. Therefore, the patient can not guess about his disease. Many believe that they are just tired or something overeaten. When the symptoms become clearer, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Dysbacteriosis of the small intestine begins with excessive intake of microorganisms into the small intestine with achilias. Another favorable condition for the development of harmful microorganisms is a violation of the digestive process. At the same time, patency is violated and immunodeficiency develops.

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When the number of pathogenic microorganisms increases, so-called bile acids disappear in the small intestine. They come out together with feces, causing diarrhea. In addition, with dysbiosis, there are cases when the cells of the organ are destroyed.

In order to diagnose the dysbacteriosis of the small intestine, a direct and indirect method should be used. These methods consist in sowing duodenal contents, which are obtained with the help of a sterile probe.

Treatment of small intestine dysbiosis can be divided into several stages:

  • First of all, it is necessary to eliminate excess bacterial contamination;
  • At the next stage, there is an improvement in absorption and digestion;
  • The third stage is the restoration of motor skills, as it was broken;
  • The final step is to stimulate the reactivity of the whole organism.

Dysbacteriosis of the large intestine

Easy digestible food does not enter the large intestine, as it is absorbed even in the small intestine. Unfortunately, there is a hard-to-digest food that reaches the large intestine. There are cases when microorganisms do not cope with such food, and the dysbacteriosis of the colon develops.

In order to correctly diagnose the disease, you need to go to the hospital. In the event that the clinical symptoms do not manifest themselves, the disease can be detected only by laboratory methods. For analysis, the feces are taken, which is examined at a microscopic level.

Sometimes an indirect diagnostic method is used, which allows you to calculate the microorganisms that caused dysbacteriosis.

When detecting pathogenic bacteria, one should start treatment, which is based on stimulating the growth of normal microorganisms. In order for bacteria to enter the intestine, the doctor prescribes eubiotics, as well as antimicrobials.

Unfortunately, the settling of a beneficial bacterium sometimes does not have a beneficial effect on the dysbacteriosis occurring in the large intestine. This is due to the fact that the bacteria living in it, can attack new microorganisms.

To cope with the disease, the patient should consume food that contains dietary fiber. Such foods are used by bacteria as a substrate for the realization of normal vital activity.

In the first stages of large intestine dysbiosis, activated charcoal and calcium alginate can be taken.

Dysbacteriosis of the rectum

There are cases when some diseases are accompanied by a dysbacteriosis of the rectum. When the disease microflora in it changes dramatically, while the patient has pain in the abdomen, flatulence and changes the stool.

It is possible to determine by frothy liquid stool that fermentation dyspepsia occurs. This means that you need to give up foods that contain carbohydrates. Such products include:

  • Sugar;
  • White cabbage;
  • Rye bread;
  • Legumes;
  • Sweets.

If the stool produces a fetid odor, it can be determined that putrefactive dyspepsia has started. In this case, it is recommended to abandon foods that contain animal protein. Stop the putrefactive process, which takes place in the rectum, can only fermented milk product. Therefore it is necessary to use:

  • Curd;
  • Ryazhenka;
  • Kefir.

It should be remembered that the diet and treatment can be prescribed only by the attending physician, since the body of each person is individual and the dysbiosis of the rectum occurs in all different ways. The principle of treatment is similar to the treatment of other types of dysbiosis.

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