Drugs against intestinal dysbiosis in adults, medication, inexpensive( cheap), effective, which ones are better to take?

To date, drugs for dysbiosis can offer a wide range of effects and high efficiency in those parts of the body where it is not possible to use topical drugs. All drugs against dysbiosis are conditionally divided into several groups:

  • Means to eliminate the underlying disease or the causes that caused the disturbance of microflora.
  • Means that normalize the intestinal microflora, increase immunity and eliminate symptoms.

Along with a lot of drugs for dysbiosis, the question arises: "What are the best drugs for drug treatment?" Below is an approximate list of effective medications for dysbiosis.

Predominantly, dysbacteriosis appears against the background of the presence in the body of various specific microflora, as well as the entry of strains of Escherichia, Proteus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus into the body. In this case, the best inexpensive drugs for restoring the intestinal microflora are Furazoline, Streptomycin, Enteroseptol, IntetriX and Nystatin. Drug medications should only be prescribed by a specialist after the diagnosis.

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Symptomatic drugs for dysbiosis

What is better to use with appropriate manifestations? To ensure normalization of intestinal microflora, increase of immunity and get rid of symptoms, it is possible to use such a list of medicines for dysbiosis:

  • BS from living strains. This group of medicines is produced by applying a basis from the normal state of the intestinal microflora, and is effective in the first and second forms of dysbiosis. The best drugs are Bifikol, Enterol, Colibacterin and Bactisubtil.
  • Probiotics. The most popular and popular group of drugs against dysbiosis, which improves the condition of microflora. Actively used in the treatment of all types of imbalance, and are recognized as the best at any stage of therapy. Known cheap medicines are - Lineks, Narine, Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin.
  • Prebiotics, This group of drugs does not have in its composition strains of normal state of the intestinal microflora, however, it helps in stimulating an increase in its concentration. The most effective inexpensive drugs are Hilak Forte, Dufalac and Normasa.
  • Enzymes. This group with drug treatment of dysbacteriosis provides an opportunity for normalization of absorption processes and digestion in general. In addition to pancreatin, they contain amino acids, bile acids, hemicellulose, extracts of the gastric mucosa. The most commonly used are such cheap drugs as Mezim Forte, Digestal, Pansinorm Forte.
  • Recovery of motor function. In the case of spasmodic syndromes in the intestinal cavity, diarrhea or constipation, then Duspalatin, Trimedat, Meteopazmil are used to eliminate this unpleasant symptomatology.
  • Stimulants of the intestinal epithelium. This group of inexpensive drugs for dysbiosis helps in the additional stimulation of the normal functioning of the membranes of the rectal mucosa and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. The best is Essentiale.
  • Sorbents. This group of cheap funds is used at the first stage of dysbacteriosis. The main purpose is to neutralize toxic substances by binding them to the elements of the medication, which are used in cases of disturbance of the intestinal microflora. The most popular medicinal preparations: activated carbon, Pepidol and Polypefan.
  • Immunomodulators. To consolidate the positive result of treatment, as well as normalize the activity of the immune defense of the gastrointestinal tract, predominantly prescribed Levomizol and Decaris.

Antibacterial drugs for the dysbacteriosis

The drugs in this group are used if, in addition to the low abundance of beneficial bacteria in the microflora, there are pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in excess of the normal value. Antibiotics may be prescribed.

Inexpensive drugs of this group are divided into internal and local. They are not prescribed in each case, but only if the manifestations of dysbiosis are pronounced. In the case of dysbacteriosis, antibacterial agents acting within the intestinal cavity can be prescribed, while there is no absorption into the blood and systemic action.

The best drug is Enterofuril, since such a cheap medicine has the property of active suppression of opportunistic microflora, while not adversely affecting the development of normal beneficial bacteria. The medicine against dysbacteriosis is affected locally, in the intestinal cavity, without its absorption into the blood. It can penetrate into bacterial cells, as a result of which the biochemical process that leads to the death of these microorganisms in the intestinal cavity is disrupted.

In addition, a specialist can be prescribed the use of drugs against dysbiosis in the form of candles or gels. Predominantly in their composition is metronidazole, but other active substances, for example, Clindamycin, can be used.

In the process of treating dysbacteriosis, the choice of medicines is quite extensive. Nitrofurans, fluoroquinolones and many others can be used. If simple bacterial pathogens were found during examination of the stool, drugs that affect them will be prescribed. For example, Intetriks is used to get rid of amoebae.

Bacteriophages from the dysbacteriosis

Bacteriophages are drugs that are used in violation of intestinal microflora, with the presence of viruses that are capable of damaging a particular type of bacteria. Mostly they are taken when combined with antibacterial agents, or act as alternative therapies. Take such medications for dysbiosis can be both inside and as an enema.

Do not forget that the required list of drugs for dysbacteriosis you should leave a specialist on the basis of the diagnosis. This is due to the fact that only a doctor can understand how the disease is developing, and what is better to use. Only in this case, you will be able to quickly and successfully obtain the result from the treatment of impaired microflora.

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