Clinic and medicine of intestinal dysbiosis - etiology, treatment in adults

Dysbacteriosis in adults is a consequence of the passage of a disease or the entry into the body of various pathogenic bacteria, resulting in pathogens that begin to prevail over the beneficial flora, which causes imbalance. The clinic and the etiology of dysbacteriosis are different, and therefore it is worthwhile to know how it is possible to identify and what to be afraid of in order to avoid the appearance of this ailment.

The etiology of dysbacteriosis is different. It can be a congenital ailment of the gastrointestinal tract, and surgical interventions, and infection, and poor-quality and irregular diet, as well as various kinds, especially hard, diets. All such conditions require that they be given increased attention, and take care of the intestines.

The person, mostly, is to blame, that he showed a violation of the microflora, since he just periodically tortures his own organism. In adults, the emergence of the etiology of dysbiosis is a completely normal phenomenon - and in all it is to blame careless attitude to their health.

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In some cases, it is the uncontrolled intake of various traditional and traditional medicine, as well as vitamins and dietary supplements, by many experts it is believed that this refers to the etiology of dysbiosis in adults. In addition, the cause of the disturbance of microflora can also be manifested due to a lack of time to eat normally, exercise physically, cure the disease. But to drink medicine from diarrhea, colic, cold - so it's sweet thing.

The intestinal dysbacteriosis clinic

The adult dysbacteriosis clinic is divided into 4 stages:

  1. The first stage is that there are small violations of the microflora balance. There is no serious illness in the clinic, it is only possible that there will be rumbling in the abdomen.
  2. The second stage in medicine is characterized by the appearance of a clinic, consisting of loss of appetite, the appearance of an unpleasant taste of metal in the mouth, nausea and vomiting. In addition, patients complain of the appearance of a clinic bloating, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea. It is worth noting that such a clinic often occurs in other diseases.
  3. In the third stage, medicine distinguishes a fairly serious clinic, manifested in painful sensations along the bowel, and symptomatology of the second stage only progresses. In the stool you can notice the appearance of impurities and undigested food pieces.
  4. With the fourth stage of dysbiosis, a clinic of impaired absorption and anemia with avitaminosis develops. In addition to the clinic described above, insomnia, overwork, depression and apathy join in medicine. In some severe cases, infection may occur.

Clinic of dysbacteriosis and treatment of

The beginning of treatment of dysbacteriosis consists in adjusting the diet. The diet is aimed at restoring the balance of microflora and normalizing intestinal motility. Medicine recommended strict diet, where products that affect not the increase of gas production and the content of coarse fiber are excluded. In addition, it is best to eat daily dairy products, additionally enriched with useful bacteria.

In addition, treatment of dysbacteriosis includes drug therapy. Antibiotic agents can not only be the cause of the emergence of a dysbacteriosis clinic, but also apply to the treatment of microflora disorders. Penicillin, cephalosporin, fluoroquinolonine groups are predominantly used. With a mild course of dysbiosis, antimicrobial agents with bactericidal action are prescribed for the treatment of medicine.

To improve digestion and absorption of nutrients, as well as create optimal conditions for the occupancy of useful microflora, enzyme preparations can be used. For the adjustment of intestinal motility, which is manifested in the clinic of stool disorders, stimulants of peristalsis or anti-peristaltic agents are prescribed.

Restoration of the normal state of microflora in dysbacteriosis in medicine is achieved by using pro and prebiotics. The first in its composition have live beneficial microorganisms, and the latter are used as food for natural bacteria. In addition, there are symbiotics, where both are combined.

In addition, immunity is supported through the use of vitamin therapy and immunomodulators.

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