Coriander seasoning: application

Spices give the dishes a unique flavor and taste. But many of them can be used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, used in the recipes of traditional medicine. Coriander - a unique seasoning, the correct application will help get rid of many diseases and extra pounds.

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Benefits and harms

For the first time on the beneficial and curative properties of corianderChinese parsley) drew the attention of the ancient Greeks and Romans, a description of this spice can be found in the treatises of many healers. What does coriander look like? In fresh form this spice is called coriander, it looks like parsley, only the leaves are slightly larger. Seeds are called coriander, they are sandy or light brown in color, have a bright, specific flavor.

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Coriander contains calcium, potassium, phosphorus, retinol, all B vitamins, rare PPK vitamins. The amount of ascorbic acid in this spice is higher than in the lemon. This plant is a powerful natural antiseptic, antispasmodic, possesses choleretic properties.

All parts of Chinese parsley possess useful properties:

  • seeds are used by pharmaceutical companies in the production of medicines - they have bactericidal properties, help to eliminate manifestations of colds;
  • oil normalizes the work of the heart, blood vessels and brain, improves memory, helps with hemorrhoids, it is used to treat eye diseases;
  • massage with essential oil is useful in rheumatism, muscular and joint pain;
  • fresh green invigorates, helps with emotional fatigue;
  • fruits reduce sweating, help prevent seizures in epilepsy, infusions based on them have an expectorant effect.

Coriander is used to treat stomatitis, gingivitis, respiratory diseases. Spice helps to get rid of puffiness, it normalizes the work of the kidneys, it is irreplaceable for anemia, loss of strength. Aromatic grains are recommended to be used as a prophylaxis against lung cancer.

If you need to quickly refresh your breath, get rid of the smell of alcohol, hangover syndrome, it is enough to chew a few grains or twigs of cilantro. Seed plants help improve potency, help get rid of many male diseases.

Contraindications for coriander slightly - the broths and infusions of this plant can not handle open wounds, spices should not be consumed by diabetics. Danger of spice with thrombophlebitis, ischemia, gastritis. It is strictly forbidden to use the fragrant plant during the recovery period after a heart attack, under high pressure.

You should not be very addicted to spice - overdose can cause problems with sleep, sometimes women have malfunctions of the menstrual cycle.

Important! Ground coriander is contraindicated in pregnant women. But you can use fresh coriander - it helps to get rid of heartburn, improves digestion, clears the body of harmful waste, has a mild diuretic effect. But it should be used in small doses, and in the first trimester of spicy herbs should be completely abandoned.

Application in cooking

In cooking, coriander is widely used, to what dishes can it be added? Yes, almost all - confectionery products, pastries, pickles, marinades, alcoholic beverages, spices were widely used in conservation. Cilantro is a seasoning, without which it is impossible to imagine summer vegetable salads, soups, it gives the dishes an unusual flavor.

Where to add coriander:

  • in homemade sausages, soups;
  • spice is ideal for marinades and sauces for meat, fish;
  • gives a pleasant taste to dishes from cabbage, beets, pumpkin, bean vegetables;
  • sweet pastries - gingerbread, bagels, biscuits;
  • seeds can be sugared - you will get a quick, tasty and healthy dessert.

What kind of food and drinks does coriander suit? It is used in the conservation of cucumbers, when pickling cabbage, mushrooms, in Greece add to marinades for olives. In Russia, a delicious and healthy tincture of fragrant seeds was prepared, in England and Germany they are added to beer. In Thai and Vietnamese cuisine in many dishes add the roots of Chinese parsley. Without odorous grains it is difficult to imagine popular Caucasian sauces - satsebeli, tkemali, adjika.

Application of coriander in cosmetology

Various parts of Chinese parsley are used in home and professional cosmetology - they effectively combat pigmentation spots, freckles, bruises and swelling under the gases, dryness and wilting of the skin.

  1. Chinese parsley is useful for hair - it allows longer to preserve the natural color of the curls, strengthens the roots, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminates dandruff, restores the strands after staining. To prepare rinse aid, mix 10 grams of crushed leaves of cilantro and mint, brew 1 liter of boiling water, insist 30 minutes.
  2. Universal tonic can be made from 15 grams of crumbled fresh cilantro leaves and 350 ml of boiling water. After 25 minutes, infusion to strain, wipe the face, neck and décolleté area.
  3. For inflammation of the skin and acne should drink tea from coriander - pour 10 g of raw material 220 ml of boiling water, cool. Continue treatment for 14-15 days. Such a drink helps to get rid of allergic reactions, itching, burning.

Important! Cilantro essential oil develops creativity, improves mental activity, helps to concentrate.

Application in folk medicine

Useful properties of coriander are indispensable for the treatment and prevention of various diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular, nervous system. Decoctions and tinctures will help with colds, severe coughing.

Recipes of medicines from coriander:

  1. Classic infusion. Brew 12 g of seeds 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a closed container for a quarter of an hour. If you have problems with the digestive system, take 75 ml of medication three times a day before meals. With a cold, nervous overexcitation, irritability, you can drink a drink instead of tea, but not more than 400 ml per day.
  2. Tincture for the treatment of depressive conditions. Grind 100 g of seeds, pour 1 liter of red dry wine, put it in a dark room for 7 days, shake every day. Strain, drink three times a day for 100 ml of medicine.
  3. Infusion at elevated temperature, cold. Pour 15 grams of seeds 240 ml of cold water, leave overnight. In the morning, drink the entire portion of the medicine before breakfast.
  4. A remedy for eye treatment, rashes on the skin. Pour 250 ml of boiling water 6 g of seeds, leave for 35-40 minutes. Rinse the inflamed areas 5-6 times a day.

Coriander helps to get rid of extra pounds - spice activates metabolic processes, accelerates the burning of fats. Promotes better digestion of food.100 g of fresh leaves contain 23 kcal. Application rules for weight loss - a day should be consumed 4 g of coriander seeds or 35 g of fresh cilantro. If you refuse from sweet, fatty and floury, you can lose up to 10 kg per month.

Important! Ground coriander grains are an excellent preventive against worms.

The use of coriander is quite diverse - spice improves the taste of dishes, helps to eliminate many diseases, enhances sexual attraction. From fragrant seeds it is possible to prepare various cosmetic means which will help to get rid of various rashes, pigmented spots. To avoid the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, you must eat coriander and coriander in reasonable doses.

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