Increased sugar in the urine, what does it mean?

Very often, based on blood glucose levels, the condition of various systems and organs of the human body is determined. Normally, sugar should not exceed 8.8-9.9 mmol per liter.

If its level in the blood rises, the tubules of the kidneys lose the ability to normally suck in blood from urine an increased amount of glucose. It is as a result of this that glucose appears in the urine - this process is commonly called glucosuria. The causes of sugar in the urine can be very diverse. Thus, glucosuria may appear due to insulin deficiency, due to the decrease in renal( or liver function), the violation of hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, and also because of excessive consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates.

Preparation for the

analysis Urine collection for daily analysis should be prepared morally and physically. Indicators can be distorted due to stress and overload, both emotional and physical. All this should be avoided to the extent possible.

When collecting 24-hour urine, you need to pay attention to your diet: you need to exclude from the diet citrus( oranges, grapefruits), buckwheat porridge, beets, because these products change the color of urine. And, of course, when you collect urine for glucose, you can not eat sweet.

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Norm of sugar in urine

Under normal body health, the glucose level in the urine is very low, its indices range from 0.06 to 0.083 mmol per liter. This sugar content in the urine is not detected when conducting laboratory methods of research( biochemical analysis of urine, general urine analysis).

Diabetes mellitus

One of the causes of the appearance of sugar in the urine is diabetes mellitus. In this case, sugar is found in the patient's urine when the blood glucose is significantly reduced. Most often this pattern is observed in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. In this process, sugar can be absorbed into the blood through the renal tubules only when it is phosphorylated by the enzyme hexokinase. The signs of diabetes are: decreased or increased body weight, increased appetite, frequent urination( polyuria), thirst, as well as reduced resistance to infections, slow healing of wounds, itching of the vulva, decreased vision and some others.

Causes of Sugar in the Urine

What does this mean? Sugar in the urine can appear due to a variety of diseases. The main causes of this phenomenon are an increased concentration of glucose in the blood, an impaired kidney filtration mechanism, or a delay in the reabsorption of glucose in the tubules.

The following are the reasons for the increase in glucose( sugar) in the urine of : :

  • The first disease that has the highest percentage of diagnoses is diabetes mellitus( both first and second type),
  • hyperthyroidism,
  • Isenzo-Cushing's disease,
  • pheochromocytoma,
  • acromegaly,
  • hereditary tubulopathy( de Toney-Debre-Fanconi syndrome),
  • renal failure,
  • pregnancy.

Physiological causes of increased blood glucose:

  1. Alimentary glucosuria - develops as a result of a short-term increase in blood glucose levels above the threshold for the kidney value after eating foods rich in carbohydrates.
  2. Emotional Glucosuria - blood sugar levels can rise dramatically against a background of stress.
  3. In pregnancy - physiological glucosuria in pregnant women

Based on a significant list of causes that can provoke this pathology, it can be concluded that the appearance of sugar in the urine is an indicator of pathological changes that affected the human body and an incentive factor that should cause the patient to seek helpto the doctor.

Symptoms of

Glucose levels can fluctuate, both in men and in women. It depends on age and lifestyle, diet and other factors. If sugar has increased once, do not panic, it is better to retake the tests.

With a high sugar content in the urine of , the following symptoms of occur:

  • a strong sense of thirst;
  • a constant desire to sleep;
  • irritation and itching in the genital area;
  • feeling tired;
  • unexpected weight loss;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • dry skin.

If you have any of these signs, you should consult a doctor to get a check-up and make a diagnosis.

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