Causes of pain and pulsation of the right temple and eyes

1 Symptoms of the disease

Pain never arises on a flat surface. She needs a trigger. If there is a constant tone of the blood vessels in the brain, it can lead to spasms of the arterial vessels or the expansion of the venous vessels. As a result, a person constantly has a headache, and the main place of localization of discomfort is the right temple. Such a situation can develop and against the backdrop of problems with the peripheral nervous system, which is why violations occur in the work of the cranial and spinal nerves.

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In medicine, the causes of pain on the right side of the head are identified by the following points:

  1. Stresses. Every day people are exposed to all sorts of stressful situations. The human body can react to them in different ways. Often pain in the right temple occurs in those who do not know how to cope with the situation, accumulates all the grievances. If a person is emotional and impressionable, then he takes all problems too close to his heart, which soon affects his health.
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  2. Engineering. Many people at work have a long time to sit at the computers. Here, the negative effect is on the eyes, since permanent radiation is harmful to humans. Even if you spend 2 hours a day at the monitor, you can feel how it affects your health. That's why doctors strongly recommend not to teach children to such things. And this applies not only to computers, but also to tablets with mobile phones.
  3. Overvoltage of the organs of vision. In particular, here is meant the right eye. This reason can be combined with the previous one, the only thing that should be added is reading books printed in too small a font. If the eyeball is constantly in a state of tension, it will lead to an increase in intraocular pressure. As a result, there is a headache in the right segment, which affects the temple. Why necessarily on the right? The fact is that, according to statistics, most people in the world are right-handed, therefore, even when reading something, the body unconsciously gives a big load to the right eye. And to wonder why it hurts it, it's not worth it.
  4. Cervical osteochondrosis. This disease is characterized by degenerative changes that affect the tissues of the spinal column. As a result, there is a movement of blood vessels, providing transportation of all nutrients to the brain. Pain in the right temple can arise due to deformation of the right vertebral artery, but if both channels suffer, then the discomfort will be felt throughout the head.
  5. Incorrect sleep organization. It's not for nothing that doctors recommend using orthopedic sleeping accessories: a mattress and a pillow. If a person always sleeps in an uncomfortable position for the head, sooner or later it will cause pain in the right temple. This can be caused by the pinching of all the same nerves in the cervical region. Discomfort also occurs due to the fact that the weight of the head presses on the pillow. In addition, it is recommended to sleep in a ventilated room, as the air saturated with carbon dioxide can also provoke the development of pain. If the dream exceeds 8-9 hours, it can affect the well-being.

2 Pathological manifestations of

Catarrhal diseases. Often such a situation arises when a person has blown. Therefore it hurts that side, which had a negative impact of the draft. But some diseases associated with the nasopharynx or the ears, can also have one of the unpleasant symptoms - pain in the right temple. Therefore, such ailments must be cured to the end.


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Injury. Such a cause carries a certain danger to a person. A bruise or a blow can come to any part of the head, but will be given to the temple. If a person shortly before having pain on the right side, was injured, then he urgently needs to seek help from a specialist. Even a minor, at first glance, injury to the head, can have very serious consequences.

Pressure. This reason is in the first place, which usually hurts the right temple. Of course, discomfort can also arise on the other hand, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. If the blood vessels are weak, then the person will constantly suffer headaches. And the trigger mechanism here can serve stressful situations, weather change and physical activity.

Neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve. This situation arises as a result of a cold. But, in addition to pain in the right temple, discomfort will affect the entire right side of the head. Often even there is numbness in the affected areas. In this case, consultation and supervision of a specialist is necessary.

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Bad habits. The right temple can also suffer from the abuse of alcohol or cigarettes. Such things provoke constant constriction and widening of blood vessels, and this, to say nothing of their toxic content. Tobacco and alcohol have a devastating effect on the whole organism.

Hormones. This reason affects the weak sex. Especially often the pain in the temple appears during menstruation or menopause.

Age. The older the person becomes, the weaker his body. The same goes for the vascular system. Elderly people react very strongly to weather changes, especially headaches. But often, if they turn to a doctor for help, then the problem is not in the head, but in other diseases: problems with the vascular system, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Here the treatment will be directed to eliminate the root cause.

Dysfunction of temporomandibular joint. This situation can develop against the background of the same injury. But here, in addition to the pain in the temple, discomfort will be observed in the occipital part of the head and just below the neck on the back.

3 The need for proper nutrition

The diet also deserves special attention. Not all products are equally useful. For example, if you consume beer, cheese, red wine, beans, yeast and chocolate in large quantities, this will definitely affect your well-being. In addition, many modern products contain an additive such as monosodium glutamate( E621).Such nitrate in large quantities is very harmful to the body, because of it a person can have severe pain on the left or right side of the head. Therefore, your diet should also be monitored.

If the right temple hurts, then, as is clear from all of the above, it is important to determine the true cause of the sensations. For this, a person needs to seek help from a doctor who will inspect and send for tests. And here already on the received results, will put the correct diagnosis and will appoint or nominate treatment.

4 Types of pain

If the right temple hurts, then you should analyze your feelings. In most cases, this helps the doctor narrow the search for a diagnosis.

Actually, the pain in the right temple can be different:

Pulsating. Often such discomfort occurs against a background of stressful situations and suggests that the person has sharply increased intracranial pressure. It can also indicate a spasm of the brain or the beginning of a migraine. Then the discomfort will affect the right eye. Pulsating pain can be a companion of such an unpleasant disease as pulpitis, when inflammation begins in the soft tissues of the tooth.

Shooting. If the temple hurts like this, then this is a direct sign of problems with the trigeminal nerve. Although in some cases can signal the temporal arteritis, when the inflammation has affected the walls of the temporal arteries. In this case, the patient in parallel will complain of weakness, loss of strength, sleep disturbances. Then the pain will be given on the face, in the eye, jaw, felt in the back of the neck. The syndrome increases its intensity, if you try to touch the temple.

Noah. In most cases, such pain is psychosomatic. Such patients notice the increase in their irritability, the presence of constant anxiety and rapid fatigue. But nevertheless, if there is aching pain, then it can be a signal of increased intracranial pressure.

Stupid. Here the main thing is not to confuse this pain with aching discomfort. Such feelings arise against a background of constant emotional imbalance. But there is a situation and a more severe - a traumatic brain injury. In this case, the pain will also be a dull character. If discomfort is reminiscent of yourself every morning for several days, you should consult your doctor.

Pressing. Often such a characteristic gives sensations associated with the presence of cervical osteoarthritis. The fact is that such an ailment provokes a violation of the blood supply to the brain. Here, both the right and left arteries can be damaged.

Accordingly, the temple can be hurted right or left. If you do not react in time to the situation, it will lead to vascular disorders.

5 Useful advice

If the pain is abrupt, arises suddenly and delivers a lot of discomfort, it is better not to joke and immediately seek help from a medical institution. This symptom can signal serious abnormalities in the body, especially if it is given to other parts of the body, such as the eye or jaw. Depending on how quickly a person reacts to the situation, and the risk of consequences will depend.

Giving pain to any other part of the body is a certain discomfort for a person. Naturally, everyone wants to get rid of it. And here the main mistakes begin: they are mistaken for self-medication. But it is worth remembering that one should not fight with the very symptom, in this case the pain in the temple, but with the cause. But without the help of a specialist, it can not be identified.

If for some reason the trip to the doctor is temporarily postponed, the best thing to do is take a pill of aspirin, analgin, paracetamol or phenacetin. But you can not always "sit" on medication. First, you can strongly poison your body, and secondly, over time, addiction to such drugs will come and they will stop helping. Therefore, without consulting a specialist can not do. It is better not to joke with your health, because it is given once and for life.

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