What to do when the head, weakness and runny nose are hurting

1 First signs of a cold

When you get home, ventilate the room in which you will be. The air in the room must be clean and fresh. In the winter season, when heating is on, air in the house can be dry. This is very harmful for the respiratory system and throat mucosa. Therefore, try to moisten the air. Very good, if there is an electric humidifier. Turn it on for a few hours. In the water can add a few drops of essential oil of juniper, lavender, pine, mint. This further disinfects the air. If there is no humidifier, you can sprinkle water from the spray gun, put a wet towel on the batteries or do a wet cleaning. If you feel very bad, ask your relatives to help you.

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If there is no temperature, then the bath with mustard will help to get rid of the first signs of cold.

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Pour hot water into the basin, add 1 tbsp.l.powder mustard and hold the legs in it for 10-15 minutes. After taking a bath, wipe your feet dry with a towel, put on woolen socks and lie down in bed.

At the first sign of a cold, make tea from herbs in a thermos bottle. You can use it for raspberry, lime, chamomile, mint, thyme, and dog rose. In the tea, add honey, jam from raspberries or viburnum, lemon. You need to drink this tea as often as possible. It will help you not worse than expensive medicines and prevent the development of complications.

On the first day of cold you need to take a shock dose of vitamin C. You can take several tablets of ascorbic acid, and you can increase the intake of foods that contain this vitamin: fresh herbs, strawberries, citrus. To meet the daily requirement of vitamin C, it is enough to eat 2 medium oranges. Do not rush to throw out the skin of citrus fruits, it can also be useful for recovery. Peel can pour boiling water and breathe over it, covered with a towel, for 5-10 minutes. It can be finely chopped and placed next to the bed to disinfect and refresh the air. From the peel, you can make a decoction, which is also very useful.

If the throat hurts, every 30 minutes, rinse the mouth with warm water with the addition of sea salt( 1 teaspoon - 1 tsp salt).If sea salt is not available, you can use ordinary salt or replace with baking soda. Very useful are various lollipops and sprays from sore throat.

If you feel weak and have a severe headache, lie on your bed and measure the temperature. On the forehead, you can put a leaf of fresh cabbage, which well removes the headache. If there is no temperature, or it is not very high, you can take the usual pill for you from a headache. If the temperature is high( more than 38ยบ), then an antipyretic agent should be taken. If there is severe weakness, vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen, loss of consciousness, then immediately call an ambulance.

2 Nutrition and rest during the illness

To the body quickly cope with the cold, you need it to spend less energy on digesting food and other needs. Eat only easily digestible food, which contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements. The diet should consist of cereals, sour-milk products, fresh vegetable and fruit salads. For cooking meat dishes, use chicken fillet and turkey fillet, rabbit meat, lean beef. All fried and fatty foods should be excluded. If you do not have any appetite, do not force yourself, eat often, but little by little.

Ventilate the room several times a day, walk for 30-40 minutes daily in the fresh air. Every day, always change your underwear. If there is no temperature, you can take a hot bath once a day with the addition of sea salt and essential oils.

3 Treatment of

Coryza, headache and severe weakness are especially pronounced in the early days of the disease. It is during this period that you need to provide the body with complete peace. Do not under any circumstances load yourself during this period with mental or physical work. Drink tea from broths of grasses more often.


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To cure infectious rhinitis, the main focus should be on antimicrobials, with which you can get rid of pathogens and prevent the development of complications. Pharmacology to date offers a large number of different drugs that have antimicrobial effect and are available in a variety of forms: as an ointment, spray and drops for the nose.

As with the common cold, sputum drying should not be allowed to cough. All the means used to treat a cough should be agreed with the attending physician. When dry cough at the beginning of the disease is very good help mucolytics, which increase the amount of sputum and dilute it. For the treatment of moist cough, expectorants are used.

You can successfully treat colds with the help of folk remedies. Stir the grated black radish with honey and leave to infuse for 4 hours - as a result, the radish will let the juice, which is useful for drinking 1 tsp.several times a day to cure a cough and sore throat.

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To get rid of cough, if there is no temperature, rub the breast with bear fat or lard, and then dress warmly. You can draw an iodine grid on your chest or put a bag of warm salt. Inhalations will help to increase spitting and thus improve overall health.

If the treatment does not help, the temperature lasts more than 2 days, wheezing in the lungs and bronchi and other complicating symptoms, be sure to ask for help in the clinic where you will be given the necessary treatment.

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