Running with hemorrhoids, can you run, ride a bicycle, jump on a rope, do bike exercise, play football?

Among the reasons provoking the development of hemorrhoids, along with impaired nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, a large place is occupied by physical activity associated with lifting weights. Based on this, there are sports that are useful and effective for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids at any stage of the disease. In this respect, running with hemorrhoids, with its high motor activity, restores normal blood flow through the veins of the rectum. While training abdominal muscles in a very mild form, running eliminates such a major provoking factor of hemorrhoids as constipation.

Running with hemorrhoids can and should be done, but following certain rules. They include:

  1. If the disease worsens, stop exercising for a while.
  2. Beginners need small in time and slow jogs.
  3. Beginning starts at a slow pace, gradually increasing the intensity, and before completing the jogging go to a quick step.

While running, the muscles of the legs and buttocks actively contract, improving the passage of venous blood through the lower extremities and in the rectal area. Enriching the blood during running with oxygen, improves the supply of tissues of hemorrhoids and rectum. When running, the influx of oxygen promotes rapid healing of damaged skin and mucous membranes, and the walls of the vessels become stronger, and their elasticity increases.

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Eliminating stagnant phenomena, running prevents the development of inflammatory processes, reduces the frequency of exacerbations. With hemorrhoids you can run and need it, as it is not only an ideal preventive measure, but an effective remedy for the disease. If you did not have to do this kind of sport before, the best option would be jogging several times a day for 10 minutes. Then the run time can be gradually increased to 20 minutes and you need to constantly monitor your health.

If you experience shortness of breath while running, dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms, you should stop running. The main thing at the same time remember that running for the purpose of recovery should not be accompanied by grueling training. Advantages of this type of training is the ability to control the load, gradually increasing its intensity of training. Running is not recommended for people susceptible to cardiovascular disease, with increased blood pressure or overweight. In these cases the decision, whether it is possible to be engaged in running with hemorrhoids, is accepted after consultation with the doctor and the approach here should be strictly individual.

Is it possible to ride a bicycle with hemorrhoids?

Cycling is very useful for strengthening the heart muscle, training the vestibular apparatus and in general for stabilizing and ensuring the normal operation of all the basic life support systems of the body. All these qualities are very valuable for the treatment of stagnant phenomena caused by insufficient physical activity. However, when riding a bicycle, blood flow to the hemorrhoidal nodes is increased, which can cause bleeding and infringement of the nodes. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to ride a bicycle with hemorrhoids is very relevant. Research problems have shown that this can not cause the disease, but if the disease is already there, then incorrect behavior can lead to exacerbation.

However, cycling is very useful in the treatment and prevention of disease, with the following rules:

  1. The correct selection of the saddle.
  2. Adjust the seat and rudder height to avoid loading the anus hole.
  3. The trip should not be exhausting, you should avoid overstressing the blood vessels and overfilling them with blood.
  4. Use for riding special bicycle shorts that do not rub the skin and eliminate sweat discharge.
  5. After the trip, take a shower and inspect the body for damage.

You should not give up cycling after the operation to remove hemorrhoids. Another way to protect the exacerbation in the presence of the disease is the ergonomic shape of the saddle, protecting against the possibility of infringement of the nodes in the anus. When practicing in the gym on standard equipment, there is no such possibility. Proceeding from this, the answer to the question: "Is it possible to practice on an exercise bike with hemorrhoids?" - will be negative.

The game of football, mobile and with the possibility of dosing physical activities, do not belong to the number of games that are prohibited for hemorrhoids. However, if the nodes are greatly enlarged or there is a risk of their loss, then from the game of football should abstain. The permission to play football with hemorrhoids in each case can be given by the proctologist after the examination. But is it possible to jump on a rope with hemorrhoids, even without advice from a doctor, you can answer in the negative. The fact is that by performing this exercise, which does not require special efforts, it is necessary to make sharp movements.

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