Treatment of hemorrhoids HAL RAR, removal( dezarterization) of hemorrhoids by Doppler method

Hemorrhoids are quite a serious and unpleasant disease due to varicose veins of the anus and accompanied by the dropout of inflamed nodes, severe pain and bleeding. Despite such an unpleasant symptomatology, few people of their people suffering from this disease are in a hurry to visit the specialist with the appearance of the first signs of pathology and begin treatment. The reason for this is the usual fear, because until recently, to get rid of the disease could only be through a painful radical operation, followed by a long period of recovery.

But recently, minimally invasive techniques have become widely used in medicine, allowing people to be rid of torment in a short time and without consequences. One of the least painful types of treatment is Doppler desarterization of HAL-RAR hemorrhoidal nodes using the Doppler apparatus. This method has several advantages:

  • Removal of inflamed internal nodes occurs without any incisions and wounds;
  • Possibility of using any type of anesthesia depending on individual indications of a person;
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  • The duration of the HAL-RAR procedure is no more than 40 minutes, and the patient's stay in the hospital is only 1 day;
  • The Doppler device for the treatment of hemorrhoids using the HAL-RAR method can be used at any stage of both internal and external hemorrhoids;
  • The disease recurrence rate is only 2%, that is, it is very low.

The HAL-RAR hemorrhoid treatment method itself is simple enough and effective at the same time, and consists in bandaging the inflamed nodes of the arteries and pulling up the intestinal mucosa, which prevents further prolapse. Thanks to this method, it is possible to completely cure the disease, which is at any stage, for 1 procedure. The advantage of desartering is that it not only eliminates physical manifestations and discomfort from pathology, but also blocks the root cause of the disease - inflammation of the nodes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by the HAL-RAR method

Patients who have to undergo this deserterization procedure are always interested in what it is and how it is performed. First of all, it should be said that this method of treatment is considered the most effective and safe. Minimally invasive surgery HAL-RAR, completely cleansing hemorrhoids, is performed under different types of anesthesia and lasts no more than half an hour. Usually, after the nodes have been removed by means of it, the patient can return to his habitual way of life after 2 days. After removal of HAL-RAR hemorrhoids, the risk of complications and anal bleeding is minimal. The procedure goes as follows:

  • An anoscope is inserted into the anus of the patient, which has a miniature ultrasound sensor and a backlight. With the help of this device, the pulsation of the veins feeding the nodes is determined and transformed into a sound signal. This method allows the proctologist to accurately locate the hemorrhoidal artery and bandage it;
  • The next stage after ligation( stitching) feeding the nodes of the arteries is a tightening of the intestinal mucosa. With the help of it, it is possible to completely stop their loss;
  • After the inflow of blood to the inflamed node is stopped, it begins to decrease in size and stops falling out. After about 1-2 weeks, the pathological cone almost completely disappears.

The very procedure for treating hemorrhoids HAL-RAR is completely painless, since all actions with the artery are carried out in the lumen of the intestine, where there are no pain receptors. Anesthesia with this minimally invasive HAL-RAR operation is necessary only so that the person does not experience discomfort during the introduction of the anoscope.

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