Vomiting, nausea and heartburn with dysbiosis

Vomiting, nausea and heartburn are some of the first signs of dysbiosis. For their appearance, a large number of factors influence. So, mainly they arise due to the use of a product that could not only cause the dysbiosis itself, but also disrupt the work of the entire digestive system.

When vomiting, which is caused by the pathogenic state of the intestinal microflora, there are also symptoms such as severe weakness, chills and cold sweat, diarrhea. It should be noted that the urge to vomit is strictly forbidden to restrain. In the case of infrequent vomiting with dysbacteriosis, a large amount of liquid is recommended, thereby washing the stomach.

With continuous vomiting in the pathogenic state of the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to immediately take the patient to the hospital where the tests will be performed, on the basis of which the correct medicament preparations will be prescribed. It may be necessary to carry out droppers. After restoring the acid-base balance in the body the drugs will begin to affect, there will be a marked improvement in the patient's condition and the cessation of vomiting.

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With dysbacteriosis with vomiting, it is necessary to observe proper nutrition, taking drugs to improve the intestinal microflora and using antibiotics.

Nausea with dysbiosis

This symptom can not be ignored. So, the main aspect of treatment is the determination of the most important cause of nausea. For example, in some cases, such a symptom is a normal course of the disease, and in another - is a sign of improper medical manipulation.

In the event that nausea with dysbacteriosis appears together with painful sensations in the abdomen, chills and a high temperature index of the body, it can be judged that the medications used or the diet was not correct. From nausea will help get rid of drugs that have the property not only to stop this symptom, but also to restore the intestinal microflora.

Heartburn with dysbiosis

To quickly get rid of this symptom of dysbiosis, many patients prefer to use soda. Sure, soda really has a high efficiency, but only a temporary one. In addition, it causes a feeling of raspiraniya in the stomach. Also, it provokes gas formation and, therefore, it is not worth using this method.

To eliminate such an unpleasant symptom of dysbiosis, you can use drugs that are safe - antacids. They assist in neutralizing hydrochloric acid, which does not lead to the production of carbon dioxide. Also, to quickly stop the occurrence of such a symptom, alginates can be used, which turn under the influence of hydrochloric acid into a dense gel, which mechanically prevent the acid from being thrown into the cavity of the esophagus.

You can use such a popular recipe to get rid of heartburn: in an equal proportion takes the herb of dill and fennel with crushed aniseed seeds.10 g of the collection is brewed with 300 ml of boiled water, after which it is insisted for half an hour. Infusion is filtered, and the reception should be carried out at 300-600 ml at a time in small sips.

In any case, if you experience frequent occurrence of the described symptoms, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist, so as not to run a dysbacteriosis.

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