Types of intestinal dysbiosis

There is always a certain amount of microflora in the human intestine, both normal and conditionally pathogenic. It is necessary for the digestive organs to perform their functions of digesting food and absorbing the nutrients, micronutrients and vitamins that the body needs. But sometimes it happens that the number of "harmful" bacteria increases, inhibiting this most useful, the balance between them is disrupted, and, accordingly, the gastrointestinal tract is malfunctioning. This pathological change in the quantitative ratio of useful and harmful microorganisms is called dysbiosis.

The disease has several types, which are determined depending on why this situation occurred in the digestive organs of a healthy person. And there are many reasons that can lead to it, which are collected in 2 main groups:

  • The consequence of the fact that a person has been ill with any inflammatory disease of the digestive system, including helminthic invasion;
  • Dysbacteriosis has developed as a concomitant disease.
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In these 2 groups and collected many types of dysbiosis. And in connection with the fact that almost all pathological changes in the digestive tract organs develop due to fungal, staphylococcal, proteus and other pathogens, depending on their type, the emerging dysfunctions in them are subdivided.

Kinds of intestinal dysbiosis

This pathological condition can occur in any digestive organ where there has been a change in microflora in favor of "harmful", starting with the oral cavity. But for the most part, dysbacteriosis is associated with the intestines. Specialists choose to distinguish 5 types of this pathology, developing there, depending on the reasons that caused them:

  1. Age, professional or seasonal. These types of dysbacteriosis occur in healthy people due to changes in the body( the beginning of aging), for reasons of violations of working or living conditions, as well as the arrival of the harvest season and the consumption of a large number of fruits, vegetables and berries;
  2. Certain types of intestinal dysbacteriosis may depend on diseases of the digestive system( bile ducts, liver, pancreas), or malabsorption syndrome, when the development of enzymes that promote digestion of food stops. Their name in this case comes from what exactly the ailment caused;
  3. Another kind of dysbiosis arises from allergic or infectious diseases, hypovitaminosis, immunodeficiency. In addition, a certain kind of functional disorder in the digestive organs can develop and because of hypoxia, the so-called oxygen starvation, due to which a small amount of it in the blood leads to insufficient entry into organs and tissues, which is fraught with the death of useful microflora. And intoxication, which arose from the poisoning of the body with waste products of the vital activity of parasites, also contributes to the development of dysbiosis;
  4. The medication taken uncontrolled or prolonged course of treatment with antibiotics that contribute to the suppression of beneficial intestinal microflora leads to the disease. In addition, dysfunction of the digestive system often develops on the background of chemotherapy. In these cases, the medicinal form of the disease develops;
  5. The stressful development is promoted both by the disorder of a person in life, and by a great nervous or mental shock, which can also disrupt the balance of microflora in the digestive tract.

But whatever type of dysbacteriosis develops in the patient, in order to avoid the dangerous consequences to which he can, it is necessary, at the first, still easy enough symptoms, to consult a specialist and begin the appropriate treatment.

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