Could there be constipation from Sab Simplex, Ursofalk, after taking Loperamide, Lopeidum, Imodium, activated carbon, Ursosana?

In the preparation of patients for diagnostic studies( ultrasound, radiography) of the esophagus, gastroduodenoscopy, poisoning with detergents, enhanced gas production effectively use the drug Sab simplex. The active substance of the preparation( simethicone) physically affects the gas bubbles formed in the stomach, reducing their surface tension, which leads to the destruction of bubbles.

The appearance of colic in newborn babies is quite common and the use of Simplex Simplex in this case is justified by the absolute absence of exposure to the mucous membrane, both physically and chemically, and the withdrawal of the drug with unhealthy masses. The property of the preparation is perfectly mixed with all liquids used in the treatment of infants by adding a suspension to breast milk or a mixture. At the same time, the answer to the question is very important, can there be constipation from the Simplex in the baby? In general, there are no side effects when using the drug, although the allergic reaction in the form of rash, itching on the skin is theoretically not ruled out. However, if there is an individual intolerance to simethicone or any of the components that make up the complementary substances, therefore, constipation from the Simplex is not excluded.

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Constipation from Ursofalk

The main active substance of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid, which helps to lower cholesterol in the blood, dissolves gallstones, has choleretic effect and reduces the ability of absorption of toxins in the ileum. In addition, the drug has an immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective action, a preventive effect on the development of varicose veins of the esophagus. Indications for use Ursofalka is:

  • acute hepatitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • cirrhosis;
  • cholesterol stones in the gallbladder;
  • biliary reflux gastritis.

Constipation Ursofalk causes, if it is applied together with antacid agents containing smectite. Another cause of problematic defecation may be individual intolerance of additional substances in the drug.

Constipation after Loperamide, Lopeidium, Imodium.

Loperamide is one of the most well-known antidiarrhoeal drugs. Its medicinal properties are based on the slowing down of rhythmic contractions of the musculature of the intestine, which causes an increase in the time of finding the contents in the intestine. Moreover, the liquid is absorbed from the intestinal contents, sealing the stool masses. Constipation after taking Loperamide is caused by an incorrect selection of the therapeutic dose. In older people, stool retention occurs due to a decrease in the activity of the rectal muscles. The active substance Loperamide is the basis of similar drugs. Constipation after Lopeillium and Imodium may additionally be caused by overdose, self-medication, and also joint use with opioid analgesics.

Constipation after activated carbon

The high sorption activity of activated carbon has caused its use to remove from the intestine all unwanted elements that the body is unable to cope on its own. It is used at the first sign of a persistent stool delay. However, manifestations can persist if used in an incorrect way. Stool retention is provoked by the property of the drug to irritate the intestinal mucosa. When asked if there can be constipation from activated carbon, the answer will be positive if applied for a long time and uncontrolled.

Can Ursosan be constipated?

The drug Ursosan is used to protect the liver from the toxic effects of alcohol, certain medications adverse environmental effects. The appearance of stool retention when taking Ursosan depends on the sensitivity to the acid contained in the preparation. The drug is an analogue of Ursofalk, so an overdose of Ursosan can cause constipation.

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