Tincture of valerian: instructions for use

Nowadays, popular and popular folk remedy is valerian tincture, the benefit and harm of which is familiar to almost everyone. Valerian on the armor.valerianae is a perennial plant counting more than 200 species. The most popular drug is valerian. It is this herb that is considered a plant that acts positively on the entire human body. Before using the tincture of valerian, you need to know the instructions for use, contraindications, and when to take.

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Description and useful properties

Valerian is a plant withcontent in the roots of acid, which has a soothing effect. The composition of the medicinal plant includes a huge number of useful components: essential oils, trace elements, various acids, tannic and resinous substances. The most valuable component in a plant is considered to be the roots, but it can be used for medicinal purposes stems, leaves and seeds. In height, the plant can reach up to 2 meters, the roots are powerful, dense, with lateral processes.

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The rhizomes are harvested in the beginning of autumn, after they are processed, then dried. To make a medicine at home, roots are used, 2 years of age. They contain a large number of nutrients.

The medicine is manufactured in different forms:

  • infusion;
  • decoction;
  • powders;
  • tablets.

To understand the tincture of valerian or tablet, which is better, you can read a lot of information and recommendations for use. These 2 drugs differ in different components and amount of valerian extract.

  1. Because of the contained alcohol, the treatment gets a positive effect more quickly, but there are a number of contraindications.
  2. Tablets are more convenient for taking, they can be worn with you, but they are not recommended for young children.
  3. Their impact is much slower.
  4. One dose is taken in the morning and in the evening, depending on the severity of the disease.

For evening use, green-coated tablets are produced that contain additional components in the formulation. Yellow has an improved effect, since the plant origin, do not have additives. You can combine the intake of different forms of medicine to improve your health.

The drug is taken with a course of treatment with a duration not exceeding 2 months. If the use of tincture has not produced results, alcoholic tincture of valerian is used.

Important! The difference between alcohol and normal tincture, is determined by time, through how much valerian acts. Alcohol affects the body much faster, because it is absorbed into the walls of the stomach.

How to prepare a tincture of valerian

For self-preparation, you need a small number of dry rhizomes, which are poured with alcohol or vodka, then insist for several days.

The popularity of the tincture is:

  • calms the nervous system;
  • normalizes heart function;
  • eliminates mental processes;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • relieves spasms of the stomach and musculature;
  • is used as a sedative.

Not everyone can apply the tincture, some people do not tolerate its smell.

Indications for use

Valerian tincture serves as a sedative, the main indications for the use of this drug are states due to nervous system excitement:

  • mental disorder, oppression;
  • tearfulness, hysteria;
  • anxiety, fear, fear;
  • with migraine reduces seizures;
  • an effective sleep remedy, is taken from insomnia;
  • with rapid heartbeat, hypertension.

The tincture of valerian acts as a spasmologist. Continuous use helps to normalize muscle tone, eliminate intestinal spasms. The mechanism of action of alcohol tincture has its effect in kidney stones. Tincture has positive indications when applied from bronchial asthma. To do this, you need to know how to take the tincture, you should dissolve 15 drops in a glass of water, if an attack occurs, the dosage is doubled.

Important! Apply folk remedy for headaches, stress. It is allowed to combine with other medicines to enhance the effect.

How to take

tincture Adults are prescribed to take a minimum dose of 20 drops, then the dose can be increased to 30 drops. Treatment continues until symptoms of health improve. The adult organism tolerates it calmer, in contrast to the child.

Important! Children are allowed to take medicine only when they reach the age of 12 years.

  1. The tincture of valerian is best taken in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  2. It is recommended to dilute with a small volume of liquid, for example, to drip into a tablespoon. Filtered water is suitable for this.

It is more difficult with children, because the instructions for use for children are different than for adults. It is harder for a young person to absorb ethyl in the preparation. The dosage of the medicine is calculated individually for the child. The doctor appoints a child, depending on the age, how many drops he needs for treatment.

It's important to know! As the tincture causes drowsiness, coordination of movement is disrupted, it is not recommended after driving to drive the car.

To achieve a positive effect in treatment, it should be continued for at least 2 weeks. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor can change the dosage regimen and dosage of the drug.

During pregnancy, many women develop a sense of fear, stress, which helps to get rid of the infusion of valerian, because the instructions say that the tincture of valerian during pregnancy is strictly prohibited.

But there are exceptional cases when doctors prescribe women in the position of tincture in small amounts, if it does not do much harm. Valerian drops diluted with boiled water, after a certain time a woman feels much better.

When breastfeeding it is contraindicated to drink the medicinal composition of the tincture, since the substance enters the baby's body with milk. For young children under 3 years of age, nursing and pregnant women are allowed to take tablets, decoctions and infusions made on the water. The dosage of the application should be prescribed by the attending physician in order to avoid side effects.


Despite the huge benefits, there are also contraindications to use.

  1. High susceptibility of the drug. Before use, it is recommended to make tests for allergies, as various skin rashes may appear.
  2. Sick, with epilepsy.
  3. Alcoholism.

Any medicine benefits the body, but if it is used incorrectly, a side effect occurs.

It's important to know! Before using alcohol tincture, you should study the indications for use and contraindications, to avoid side effects.

As with all medicines, valerian tincture has a number of side effects:

  • stomach upset, diarrhea;
  • propensity to sleep, fatigue;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dizziness, fatigue;
  • heart palpitations, poor performance.

If there are signs of side effects, if an overdose of the drug is obtained, special measures must be taken. You should drink as much liquid as possible to wash your stomach.

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