Immunogram in dermatology: indications, conduct, transcript, price

An immunogram is a diagnostic technique used to determine the state of the entire immune system. The procedure examines all components that are important for human immunity. The study itself helps to get an idea of ​​the general state of the patient, about how well his body can tolerate diseases and viruses.

What is an

immunogram This diagnostic method is a labor intensive complex examination of all important immunity indices. The need for analysis is always justified by the symptomatology. Immunogram is not suitable to just know the level of its immunity. The doctor, when assigning such a study, always has a rationale.

In many cases, the procedure is supported by a number of diagnostic studies, and most of them are carried out to the very immunogram. The need for this is due to the fact that some indicators may deviate significantly from the adopted figures, but this will be the norm. Repeat the procedure several times, which helps to get an accurate picture.

About when to make an immunogram, this video will tell:

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To whom it is prescribed

The procedure is usually started for patients when the following events occur:

  • purulent lesions on the skin;
  • inflammation( especially frequent) of the respiratory system;
  • immunodeficiency of different species;
  • presence of parasites;
  • fungus;
  • Rh-conflict in the period of gestation;
  • frequent colds;
  • GI tract infection;
  • lupus erythematosus, rheumatism and other autoimmune diseases;
  • organ transplant;
  • toxicosis;
  • herpes;
  • chemotherapy;
  • strong stress;
  • frequent recurrences of infection of cytomegalovirus nature.

The immunogram is done only in the presence of indications, so it is not necessary to perform a prophylactic procedure. It is one of the important diagnostic tools and greatly helps to clarify the causes of pathological processes.

Types of procedure

The study is divided into the types of material that are required for the diagnosis of the disease. Most often such material is blood, but sometimes such components as, for example, cerebrospinal fluid, saliva, tears are required.

On what the immunogram of blood shows in children and adults, read below.

Indications for

Different types of immunodeficiency is the main prerequisite for the appointment of an immunogram. The procedure is sometimes required for endocrine disorders, blood pathologies, skin diseases and autoimmune diseases. The immunograms and condition after organ transplantation, as well as antitumor therapy, are evaluated.

Assign the test if signs such as:

  • persist for 2 weeks, although studies do not detect any abnormalities;
  • occurs unexplained weight loss;
  • often shows infections and skin rashes;
  • there is a pain in the body, aches, weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Despite the important role of immunity in the treatment of sexual infections, the procedure in this case is not prescribed.


  • The main contraindication for the procedure is the period of infection or inflammation.
  • Also, women are not immunized with menstruation.
  • Do not use analysis in the normal course of pregnancy.

Preparation for analysis of

  1. Failure for 12 hours before analysis from food.
  2. Exclude smoking, any strong drinks.
  3. Do not expose yourself to stress.
  4. Discontinue use of any medication. If such a measure is dangerous and impossible to implement, then the doctor should be warned about all medications taken by the patient.
  5. Do not load yourself physically.

On how and how much the immunogram is made, we will tell below.

On the features of carrying out and decoding the results of the immunogram will tell this video:

How the procedure passes

During the procedure, the patient takes a certain amount of blood in two tubes at once. For research is suitable as a material from a vein or from a finger.

The very taking of the material for the study usually takes place with a little pain at the time of the injection, then the discomfort goes away.

The decoding of the immunogram( blood) analyzes in children and adults will be considered, the norm and characteristics of the indices will be discussed.

Decoding of the results

Because of the abundance of specific indicators, the doctor-immunologist decrypts. The very process of analyzing the data obtained is complicated and involves a number of features. Correctly deciphered indicators significantly influence the success of treatment, shortening its duration.

In the immunogram the following parameters are determined:

  1. Allergic reactivity( IgE) of the organism;
  2. Leukocytes;
  3. Eosinophils( antiparasitic components of cells);
  4. IgA component necessary for fighting bacteria;
  5. Phagocytes and microphages( needed for the production of immunity cells and the control of dead microorganisms);
  6. Inflammation development index - IgG;
  7. Monocytes( important in the formation of immunity against cancer, infection, parasites);
  8. Basophiles;
  9. IgM - these particles are detected in the acute form of inflammation.

The norms of all components are strictly individual, therefore it is impossible to accurately reflect that quantity or their percentage, which is considered normal. The doctor at the time of decoding compares the data with other results of diagnostic activities, with anamnesis and the result of the examination. Self-diagnosis is not allowed!

Now you know what the immunogram is for normal performance and results. Next, we will talk about how much is the analysis for the immunogram and where it can be done.

Average cost of analysis

The price depends on those indices of the status of immunity that need to be investigated, as well as on their number. The most complete analysis for the immunogram has, according to reviews, a price of about 5 thousand rubles.

On the immunogram during pregnancy will tell in this video Dr. Komarovsky:

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