Laxative for chronic constipation, treatment of folk remedies at home, what drugs and medications are used, how to treat?

Many believe that the most effective laxative for chronic constipation is medication. It has an instant effect, so together with analgesics are the most popular and popular. But they can not be used without consulting a doctor. And all because almost all of them have their own side effects. Which, let's understand together.

In the pharmacy you can find a rich assortment of drugs that can help to cope with the described problem. Anyone who wants to know what laxative tablets with chronic constipation is the most effective, what to take and what does not, should be able to distinguish between 5 classes of drugs. Classification is carried out taking into account the mechanisms of action of active components.

For example, first-class drugs have an irritant effect. A relaxing effect is achieved by affecting the receptors of the colon mucosa. As a result, peristalsis is stimulated, which provides one-time defecation for chronic constipation. Desires for her come in about six hours after taking the drug. Laxative agents of irritating action are divided into two groups:

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  • Vegetable origin - bark of buckthorn, leaves of Senna.
  • Medicines with a synthetic base( Regulax, Guttalax).

I stimulate the work of the colon, such laxatives after a two-week period lead to the formation of the syndrome of "lazy gut", to the formation of electrolyte imbalance, to the degeneration of the nerve conduction of the smooth muscles of the hollow organ. Therefore, uncontrolled use of such drugs for chronic constipation, without consulting a doctor, is strictly prohibited.

Second-class drugs act differently. They keep water in the intestine, which helps soften the stool. At the heart of the funds are used the salt components( sodium sulfate, citrate).They draw water from the blood plasma and from fatty tissues. Such a laxative is more effective for chronic constipation. But doctors do not recommend taking such pills for elderly people. And all because with prolonged use there is a risk of loss along with the caloric masses of stocks of potassium and sodium salts. And this seriously affects the work of the cardiovascular system. And young people, adults and children with chronic constipation take longer than three months second-class laxatives are not recommended.

Laxatives of the third class are represented by prebiotics. In their formula, there are indigestible carbohydrates. They are not digested in the upper layers of the food tract( in the stomach and in the small intestine), and therefore remain unchanged in the large intestine. There they develop active activity, stimulating an increase in the number of beneficial bacteria that improve the microflora of the hollow organ. Together with the microflora, the motor and evacuation function of the intestine is gradually restored. Prebiotics( Prelax, Dufalac) are a new generation of drugs, they are actively used at the stage of preventing chronic constipation. The time of laxative effect depends on the dose of indigestible carbohydrates in their medicament composition. So, for example, in the presence of 40-50 ml of active substance, desires for defecation occur in an hour and a half.

Telling about what to take with chronic constipation, doctors pay attention to the existence of laxatives of natural or synthetic origin, in the composition of which there are polysaccharides - substances that in our body are not digested at all. Getting into the intestines, they suck in water and swell, increase in volume. That is why the means of the fourth class of physicians are called "volumetric".A swollen lump forms a reflex reaction. And if the large intestine could retain the ability to respond to such changes, the evacuation of the stool occurs safely. Volume laxatives from chronic constipation are prescribed when it is necessary to provide a soft effect. Act of defecation occurs 12 hours after taking such tablets, so it is better to drink them at night. The described group includes agar-agar, flax, wheat bran and methylcellulose.

In the presence of fecal blockages, laxatives of the fifth class are used - detergents( oils).They help soften the hard stool, facilitate its movement through the intestines. In contrast to the medicines described above, such drugs act at the level of the small intestine. To consume for a long time such laxatives with chronic constipation is impossible. Over time, the active components are quickly absorbed into the intestinal walls, eroding them. With continued use, other side effects are possible. The patients note itching around the anus, and physicians diagnose the depletion of fat-soluble vitamins.

Taking into account all of the above, it is worth more attentive to the independent choice and intake of laxatives in the treatment of chronic constipation. Ideally, advise how to treat, what to take, what medicine should be chosen only by the specialized doctor( gastroenterologist or proctologist).Buying in pharmacies on their own these means, be sure to ask the pharmacists, to which class belongs the recommended medicine. It is impossible to treat chronic constipation for a long time without control, you can not violate the instructions for taking laxatives. If you have to buy medicines without a doctor's prescription, you should give preference to a laxative third grade. Prebiotics contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora, stimulate the activity of the hollow organ, provide a stable therapeutic effect.

Treatment of chronic constipation folk remedies

It is the presence of dangerous complications that makes drug therapy undesirable and unacceptable in special cases. Alternatively, chronic constipation is treated with folk remedies. All of them are aimed at improving the peristalsis of the colon. In nature, there is a large number of products that are capable of producing a laxative effect. What is the most effective treatment for chronic constipation? We list the most basic directions:

  1. Treatment with medicinal herbs.
  2. Treatment with a strict diet.
  3. Application of elements of physiotherapy.

Treatment of chronic constipation at home with herbs is actively used even in official medicine. A powerful laxative effect possess senna leaves. This low shrub has long been cultivated, decoctions from constipation are prepared from leaves and small yellow flowers. The action of the national means is intensified when the Senna is united with prunes. Simple recipe for chronic constipation is not difficult to reproduce at home. For 100 grams of dried fruits, two teaspoons of dry grass are taken. Ingredients are boiled with boiling water( 600 ml), insisted in a dark place for three hours. The medicine is consumed five tablespoons before meals. The duration of treatment for chronic constipation in this way is not limited. Infusion should be drunk until the intestines work.

If you have ripe fruits of mountain ash on hand, you can also prepare a powerful folk laxative from chronic constipation. Here is the recipe. The berries are layered together with sugar in a glass container, the container is wrapped with a towel, then it is removed to a dark, necessarily warm place. Three weeks later, the berries will give juice, it's something you need to drink on a glass right before meals, providing treatment at home without medication.

treatment of chronic constipation at home with physiotherapy

Folk treatment of chronic constipation in adult patients must necessarily be combined with elements of physiotherapy, which can not be reproduced independently.

Well helps adults with chronic constipation self-massage. To do this, you need to take a wet thin towel, squeeze it well and wrap it around your right hand. The wrapped brush is applied to the groin area of ​​the right side and gently pressing on the abdomen, raise the brush to the ribs. Such massing movement is made on five approaches. Then exercise is done on the left side. On the day, massage is done four times, after each session it is useful to stand up and walk around the room in a leisurely pace. The first treatments of the effect will not produce, but those who act aggressively can get rid of chronic constipation without laxatives and make the intestine work like a clock.

In a situation where in the morning it is necessary to take any measures to eliminate chronic constipation at home, it is better to use laxatives instead, to use proven folk remedies and to make a cleansing enema. Then it is useful to drink on an empty stomach a glass of warm water, in which was added a small pinch of salt. To eat after such procedures it is possible only in an hour. Such a physiotherapy complex should be repeated for two weeks, or until the intestine begins to function normally.

Helps eliminate chronic constipation and oily enemas. In the pear half of a glass of any vegetable oil is typed and it is found in the anus. After the enema, lie down for about fifteen minutes on the side. To introduce oil better at night. In the morning, as a rule, the intestine without laxatives resumes its work.

From all of the above we can draw the following conclusion. Applying certain folk remedies for the treatment of chronic constipation, it is important to act consistently and be patient. The result comes gradually, the effectiveness of treating chronic constipation increases, if elements of physiotherapy are used together with the recipes of traditional medicine and a diet is observed. Any laxatives are taken only as prescribed by the doctors.

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