What to take with constipation, what can I take medicine( drugs) at home, what should I drink to adults to improve digestion?

The one who often has a stool delay, is wondering what can be taken with constipation, what laxatives to choose, trying to solve the indicated problem at home. There are really a lot of medicines. Physicians allocate five classes of laxatives, classifying them according to the active component and the principle of action. Each of them has his own testimony, his limitations to admission, so when deciding what can be taken with constipation, it is important to carefully study the following material and consult a doctor.

Few people know that almost all medication laxatives are designed to provoke a one-time act of defecation. They do not treat, do not eliminate the causes that triggered a decrease in motor-evacuation function of the intestine, they only make life easier, so it is impossible to take a laxative with constipation and solve the problem as a whole. Talking about what can be taken with constipation and what remedies should be used to eliminate them, gastroenterologists and proctologists pay attention to casual therapy. In order to eliminate constipation in adults, you need to completely change your lifestyle, daily diet, cure diseases that can provoke fecal congestion. In the event that such measures do not help, you can start using the described medications. What kind of medication is best to take, what to use? Let's understand together.

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What medications should I take with constipation?

So, before deciding what can be used at home without consulting a doctor, it is important to find out what modern pharmacies offer. There are tablets in the assortment that can be divided into five classes and take this division as a basis:

  1. Laxatives, which irritate the intestinal wall.
  2. Osmotic preparations.
  3. Non-digestible carbohydrates( prebiotics).
  4. Modified polysaccharides( volumetric tablets).
  5. Detergents.

What is better to take with constipation for adults, what medicines to give preference?

Drugs that have an irritant effect( Bisacodyl, Dulcolax, Regulax) are the most effective medicines that are prescribed for adult patients with intestinal atony, in the presence of flaccid peristalsis of the large intestine. In the range there are preparations of plant origin, there are medicines created entirely on the basis of synthetic components. Both those and others, getting into the intestines, act on the nervous receptors of the intestine, irritate them, stimulating peristalsis. Solving the question of what can be taken with constipation in the home, it is important to understand that irritating medications cause only a single defecation, it occurs, as a rule, six hours after taking the pill or drops. Take longer than two weeks, irritant drugs can not, longer use leads to the formation of a lazy gut syndrome. Laxative disease is the most dangerous complication that can occur with their uncontrolled use. This axiom should be taken into account.

Osmotic tablets are salt preparations, which contain sodium, sodium hydroxide, sulfate or citrate. With their help, too, only symptoms are eliminated, the causes of constipation remain. The principle of the action of such drugs is based on the physical effect: salts retain water, water softens the feces and increases its volume. Increased in size, stools cause the formation of osmotic pressure, which spurs the peristalsis of the large intestine. Osmotic laxatives are better taken in two cases:

  1. If necessary, accelerate the evacuation of stool during food and drug poisoning.
  2. In the presence of acute constipation.

Taking such drugs in case of constipation is contraindicated in pregnant women, so those who are in an "interesting situation" have to look for other ways to combat stool retardation.

Prebiotics are the best option for treatment. They act as osmotic agents, but in passing contribute to the restoration of useful intestinal microflora, to improve digestion. When you need to choose and take a laxative remedy at home, it is worth giving preference to the indigestible carbohydrates Lactusan, Dufalac or Prelax.

Modified polysaccharides are also considered when deciding what can be taken with constipation for adults. They are not digested in the stomach and almost completely enter the intestine. There they under the action of water swell and form a contractile wave, which literally pushes the feces outward. The effect of the drug increases with increasing volume of water consumed. The evacuation of the chair takes about 12 hours. To take modified polysaccharides at home is advisable only with mild constipation.

But the detergents that are able to ensure the evacuation of the chair after four hours. They soften the feces, facilitate their sliding in the gut, but they do not contribute to the improvement of digestion with constipation. In addition, the ingredients in their composition are very quickly absorbed into the mucosa and affect other internal organs located side by side. Therefore, it is forbidden to take detergents for a long time. As a rule, many of them can be replaced by folk remedies.

Given everything that was described above, to say unequivocally what medications or folk remedies can be taken at home with constipation, and which can not be done, only a doctor can. Therefore, do not postpone the visit, if the described syndrome is a lot of inconvenience.

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