Why are the leukocytes in the blood lowered, and what does that mean?

Low level of leukocytes in the blood is called leukopenia. Since leukocytes in the body are responsible for protective functions, their low level leads to a decrease in immunity. A strong and prolonged decrease in leukocytes in the blood is dangerous, because at this moment the body can be badly damaged by the most simple infection.

Leukopenia can be divided into two types. At the first there is an oppression of the formation of leukocytes in the bone marrow, at the second reduction is associated with the destruction of mature leukocytes already in the bloodstream. Why the leukocytes in the blood are lowered, and what does this mean in an adult or a child would be disassembled in this article.

Reasons for low blood leukocytes in blood

White blood cells are white blood cells that are necessary to fight infection, bacteria and viruses. They play the main role in the work of immunity and resistance to various diseases. If the level of these cells deviates from the limits of the norm in one direction or another, this result should be analyzed and corrected.

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If we talk about the reasons, we can distinguish three main ones, from which already there are "ramifications", including diseases:

  1. Insufficient amount of substances,which are necessary for the synthesis of leukocytes.
  2. The disappearance of leukocytes in the structure of the blood.
  3. Problems with the work of the bone marrow.

Leukopenia indicates the development of a disease. His presence and provokes the fall of white bulls. There are several reasons for this state. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

Diseases and medications

Leukocytes in the blood can be lowered due to serious illnesses, as well as long-term use of certain medicines.

  1. If a person has had flu, malaria, typhoid, measles or rubella.
  2. After taking a variety of antibiotics, anti-virus drugs, pain medications.
  3. With oncological diseases, not only does the disease itself promote the development of leukopenia, but the methods of its treatment are also reflected in the level of white cells in the blood. So, chemotherapy courses destroy them in large quantities.
  4. With hyperthyroidism and with an overabundance of hormones, because of this, leukocytes are destroyed.
  5. Severe course of infectious processes( sepsis, tuberculosis, brucellosis) and viral lesions( rubella, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis, herpes).In this case, leukopenia is often a poor prognostic factor.
  6. Parasitic infections, among which can be identified toxoplasmosis, trichinosis and chlamydia. In this case, the leukocytes are transferred from the blood to the tissue fluids to fight harmful viruses.
  7. Autoimmune conditions( systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, etc.).
  8. In cases of diseases of the spleen and liver that are caused by malnutrition.

Reduction of white blood cells in different situations can be peculiar. To find out the cause of this phenomenon, you need to be fully surveyed.

Lack of substances needed to create new white blood cells

This is the simplest and most common cause. A good doctor pays attention to it even if the white blood cells are normal, but the indicator is close to its lower limit. As a rule, this cause does not lead to significant deviations from the norm, and is associated with a drop in red blood counts( erythrocytes, hemoglobin), since they require the same trace elements and substances:

  • vitamins: thiamin( B1), riboflavin( B2),Folic acid( B9), ascorbic acid( C);
  • microelements: iodine, cobalt, copper, manganese, zinc, iron;
  • arachidonic acid, selenium, proteins.

To bring the indicators back to normal, it is enough to adjust the diet. In the diet should appear above products rich in substances, responsible for the synthesis of leukocytes. If the diet adjustment did not help, the doctor will prescribe medications that will supply the body with the necessary substances. It should be remembered that if the leukocytes in the blood are kept for a long time, then it is necessary to exclude oncological diseases after a more thorough examination.

Death of leukocytes in the body

Sometimes there are situations when the body actively creates new white corpuscles, but they die in the blood. Explanations can be several:

  1. Normal immune response, redistribution of leukocytes .A pathogenic agent that attempts to destroy leukocytes, enters the body locally( through the so-called "gateway infection").Leukocytes in this case will rush to the damaged tissues, partially leaving the vascular bed. Those.in the body they will continue to act, but in the blood itself the number of leukocytes will drop, and this will affect the results of the analysis.
  2. Another reason for the reduction of leukocytes in the blood of may be their destruction .This happens if the body is poisoned by poisons. Toxins can enter the body with micro doses for a long time. For example, from the air, if you live next to harmful production. Often they are contained in water and food. Heavy metals, poison from insects, fungi that appear on stored incorrectly products - all this becomes a source of poisoning. Then neutrophils rush to fight poisons and perish.

If the fraction of segmented neutrophils is also reduced in blood test results, then it is most likely a bacterial infectious disease. Of the viral diseases, severe forms of influenza or hepatitis are also possible.

Bone marrow malfunction

As all sub-groups of leukocytes are created and ripen before they enter the blood in the bone marrow, any damage to this organ leads to a drop in the indicator in the blood test results. It is not so much about physical trauma as about the factors of internal origin.

Such pathologies, there may be many, we note only the basic:

  1. Intoxication .And it can be like the simplest poisons, alcohol, nicotine, food poisons, and complex - heavy metals, arsenic, medicinal poisons.
  2. Autoimmune damage to , in which the body destroys the cells of its own organism, taking them for a pathogenic agent.
  3. Congenital diseases .The occurrence of leukopenia is provoked by certain genetic diseases affecting the normal operation of the bone marrow and the production of leukocytes( myelocatexis, Costman's syndrome).
  4. Conducted treatment for .Low content of leukocytes can be triggered by treatment of some serious diseases( cancer tumors, viral hepatitis).
  5. Tumor displacement .Metastasis of the tumor into the bone marrow leads to the destruction of leukopoietic tissue and the replacement of its tumor tissue. Leukopoietic tissue is responsible for the generation of new leukocytes, and its shortage is immediately affected by a drop in the indicator in the blood test.
  6. Chemotherapy, reception of interferon is all necessary for severe damage to the body, but it affects the work of the bone marrow.

It should be remembered that such bone marrow pathologies are extremely rare, therefore, with a small decrease in leukocytes, it is too early to sound an alarm.


The norm of leukocytes in the blood is calculated by a special formula and depending on the age it looks like this:

  • Adult men and women 4,0-9,0 × 109 / l;
  • Children from 6 to 10 years old - 6.0-11.0 × 109 / l;
  • Children from 1 to 3 years old - 6.0-17.0 × 109 / l;
  • Newborn babies - 9 to 30 × 109 / l.

Leukocytes are divided into granular( granulocytes) and non-grained( agranulocytes) species. If the blood levels of leukocytes are slightly lower, then the drop is at the level of 1-2 units below the age norm, all that exceeds 2 units is severe leukopenia.

Drug treatment

Leukopenia of blood most often accompanies the onset of pathological processes associated with the destruction of white blood cells. To treat this condition, drugs are used whose action is directed to stimulation of leukopoiesis. They are divided into two groups:

  • To stimulate metabolic processes. These include Pentoxyl, Methyluracil, Leucogen, and the like. They have the properties of cell regeneration and the ability to restore immunity at the cellular and humoral levels.
  • For repetition of colony-stimulating factors. It's Sagratostim, Filgrastim, Lenograstim.

Leukopenia can not be taken categorically as an independent disease. Nevertheless, to eliminate it, it is necessary to eliminate the factor that served as the etiology for obtaining such a blood test. Thus, it is extremely important to consult a specialist to establish the exact cause.

It is worth noting that it is not always possible to get rid of leukopenia. For example, if it was caused by excessive intake of analgin or sulfanilamides, it is enough to simply refuse to take these medicines to normalize the analysis, but chemotherapy can not be stopped. In addition, congenital bone marrow diseases of unexplored etiology, or those caused at the genetic level these days, are practically not treatable, as well as autoimmune pathologies.

How to increase white blood cells at home?

To increase the level of leukocytes in the blood can be a variety of ways, but a fundamental role in the treatment process is given to the diet. As practice shows, without dieting, it is almost impossible to increase the number of white blood cells, even if you take special medicines. Such a diet is prescribed by the attending physician. Usually, the amount of carbohydrates consumed is limited, instead the food ration is enriched with protein food and vitamins, especially ascorbic and folic acid. You also need to eat foods high in choline and lysine amino acids.

Basic products in the treatment of leukopenia - increase white blood cells at home:

  1. Eat more citrus fruits, various berries.
  2. It is useful to use bee uterine milk to raise the level of leukocytes. Its number should not be too large, depending on the doctor's recommendations.
  3. It is allowed to drink a large amount of milk and other fermented milk products.
  4. Use more vegetables and legumes in cooked form or in raw, in which a high content of fiber.
  5. Vitamin C can be used as supplemental vitamins, B9 - effectively increase leukocytes.
  6. A decoction of barley is useful, which is infused for half an hour on fire to increase the grain concentration. For this, one and a half cups of barley should be filled in two-liter dishes and filled with water. Boil on the fire to half the boiled water, and then the filtered liquid to drink 200 grams twice a day.

In case of a low white blood cell count, it is recommended to seek medical treatment from a hematologist, a specialist in the treatment of blood diseases. The hematologist must find the cause of the leukopenia and prescribe the treatment. In some cases it is necessary to consult an oncologist, infectious disease specialist or immunologist.

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