Increased salt in urine, what does it mean?

The value of most medical tests for people unfamiliar with medical science is a "dark forest".Not an exception and a general analysis of urine. In particular, indicators of the level of salts, because it, in fact, should be present in this biological fluid.

What is wrong, then, if there are three or four pluses in the analysis opposite the corresponding parameter, at the rate of 1-2?In principle, nothing bad, if the pros appeared once.

If, in repeated analyzes, salts in urine are in the same amount or their concentration increases - it is worth considering health problems.

Among the salt, which contains urine, you can distinguish urates, oxalates and phosphates.

Causes of salt in the urine of an adult

Why does urine have elevated salt, what does it mean? The adult main causes of salts in the urine:

  1. Incorrect food .In this case, it is recommended to exclude from the diet products containing oxalic acid( tomatoes, berries, sorrel, and chocolate) and be sure to consume fruits, watermelons, prunes, cauliflower.
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  3. Infection of the of the urinary tract or genital tract.
  4. Insufficient amount of fluid in the body .

Possible and frequent causes of salt in the urine are diseases such as nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, diabetes, poisoning, digestive disorders, and various pathological changes.

Salt in the urine of a child

The child's organism, just like an adult, is prone to negative effects of pathogenic factors, but sometimes it can inadequately respond to seemingly normal things. So, normal salt in the urine of a child occurs in the preschool age, which is associated with:

  • features of the diet;
  • immaturity of the renal parenchyma and inferior filtration function;
  • inability to rapidly metabolize the basic chemical compounds entering the kidney;
  • daily fluctuations in the acid-base state.

If your son's urine test results exceed the salt index, the first thing you should do is change the habitual diet. Watch that the child drank at least one liter of purified non-carbonated water every day. The food should be full and varied. The doctor will tell you which foods should be temporarily excluded from the baby's diet.

Classification of

Determine the presence of salt crystals by conducting a general urine test. But in order to find out to which form they relate, it is necessary to do additional analysis on the stone-forming function.

In the urine of , it is possible to detect such salts of :

  1. Phosphates;
  2. Oxalates;
  3. Urates;
  4. Ammonium urate precipitation;
  5. Hyppuric acid salts;
  6. Calcium sulphate.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Urate in urine

Urate is a precipitate of uric acid salts. If urates are found in the general urine analysis for salt, one of the diagnoses is most likely: fever, uric acid diathesis, gout or leukemia.

The presence of urates can also indicate an irrational diet, in which protein products and strong tea are consumed in excess quantities. In addition, a similar result is characteristic of people who are overexerted, as well as with dehydration or fever.

If urate was found in urine:

  1. Increase the use of non-purulent products( fruits, vegetables, cereals, milk, curds, flour products, eggs), as well as foods containing B, A, calcium, magnesium and zinc vitamins( nuts,cereals, poultry);
  2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water a day.

When urate was found in large quantities, it is necessary to additionally give drugs that affect the salt metabolism.

Oxalates in urine

Oxalates in urine are salts of oxalic acid secreted by the kidneys. They enter the human body with certain products of plant origin, and also are formed in the course of various biochemical reactions.

The main reasons when there are many oxalate salts in the urine:

  1. Diabetes mellitus, especially when its treatment is inadequate.
  2. Eating foods with a high percentage of oxalic acid( asparagus, rhubarb, spinach, gooseberries, beets, mango, tea, coffee) and vitamin C( rose hips, juniper, kiwi, currants, sweet peppers).
  3. Pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and other kidney diseases, accompanied by impaired excretory function.
  4. Ethylene glycol poisoning, which is contained in antifreeze and brake fluid.
  5. Increased use of ascorbic acid and vitamin D.
  6. Oxalosis is a hereditary disease associated with a metabolic disorder.
  7. Removal of a segment of the ileum for benign and malignant diseases.

Treatment is based on the use of therapeutic nutrition. When constructing a dietary diet for patients with oxaluria, it should be remembered that the introduction of foods rich in oxalic acid increases the excretion of oxalate in the urine.

Therefore, products with an excessive content of oxalic acid and its salts are excluded from the diet: sorrel, spinach, beets, beans, rhubarb, figs, parsley, plums, strawberries, gooseberries, tea, cocoa, chocolate.

Recommended: potatoes, cauliflower and other vegetables( lentils, peas, green peas, turnips, asparagus, cucumbers), milk, white bread, lard, vegetable and butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, eggs, dairy products, cheese, dishes from cereals and dough, cabbage, apples, vegetarian soups( from permitted vegetables and fruits), meat, fish and poultry in unlimited form, pears, apricots, peaches, grapes, dogwood, quince.

Phosphates in the urine

The presence of phosphate salts indicates a reduced acidity of the reaction pH of urine. They can be found in the urine of healthy people after a plentiful meal as a result of lowering the acidity of urine. The phosphate content increases with the use of foods rich in phosphorus( fish, caviar, milk, sour-milk products, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, alkaline mineral water).

To reduce phosphate salts, doctors recommend reducing the intake of vitamin D and calcium-rich foods:

  • cheese;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fish liver;
  • eggs;
  • oily fish;
  • sour cream;
  • fatty yogurt;
  • caviar.

The cause of the increase in phosphates can be alkaline urine reaction, cystitis, gastric lavage, vomiting, fever, Fanconi syndrome, hyperparathyroidism.

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