Does dysbacteriosis take place, can it pass by itself?

Dysbacteriosis can cause quite a lot of different situations and conditions. So, for example, disturbance of microflora can cause the experienced stressful situation, or the course of any disease.

If the dysbacteriosis is caused by some disease or the process of its treatment, then the disorder can pass by itself. However, in this case there are several nuances. First of all, the disease is considered, which acted as the reason for the appearance of such a state of the intestine. So, if its course is too heavy, then it is unlikely that the dysbiosis will pass by itself.

In addition, to answer the question about whether the dysbacteriosis itself passes, you need to know what medications were used to treat the disease. Thus, antibiotic drugs are one of the causes of the appearance of a violation of the intestinal microflora. In the event that an uncontrolled course of use of these funds was conducted, it is unlikely that a violation of the microflora will be cured without taking measures. Dysbacteriosis is subject to all medical recommendations. In some cases, even does not appear symptomatic of bacterial disorders in the intestinal cavity.

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Does the dysbacteriosis itself under stress, constant overwork and other psychological causes? Yes, it certainly can, but if its course is in mild form, and the therapy was carried out immediately at the first signs of development. In other cases, you will need comprehensive and long-term treatment to restore intestinal microflora.

It should be noted that in children under one year, the dysbacteriosis can pass independently, but it is better not to take risks and take tests. To heal a child, of course, is not worth it, but as the saying goes, "Beware, God Keeps".

Does dysbacteriosis take place after pregnancy? Predominantly yes, however, if the negative state lasts more than a month, then it is worthwhile to consult a specialist.

Thus, the answer to the question: "Can the violation of the intestinal microflora pass on its own?" Is simple - it can, but if the changes were insignificant, and the body has a strong immune defense.

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