Wood lamp: the cost of diagnostics, reviews, indications, contra-indications

Skin diseases require the most attentive attitude to themselves, and all the diagnostic methods that are used at the present time allow identifying them with great accuracy, attributing them to a specific species. Diagnosis is a key point in the process of skin regeneration, because it makes it possible to compile an effective treatment regimen.

The use of the Wood bulb is now widely used, since this diagnostic tool makes it possible to reveal even the initial stages of many pathological processes that occur on the surface of the skin. This device is familiar to almost every owner of pets: it is also used in veterinary clinics with suspicion of some skin lesions in animals.

What is the Wood Lamp

With its very small external dimensions and light weight, this diagnostic device can be used to inspect the skin almost anywhere in the body. Identifying even the initial stages of fungal lesions, the Wood lamp is easy to use and provides the most complete information about both the location of the infection and its extent.

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Features of the use and operation of the lamp require certain conditions for its operation, and the information obtained during the research makes it possible to make the most effective treatment for detecting a fungal skin disease.

How shines the lichen under the lamp of Wood( photo)

Who is assigned the diagnosis

  • Because this device allows you to identify the current fungal process on the surface of the skin, it can be used when suspected of fungal damage, with demodicosis, inflammatory processes of any kind.
  • Such an examination of the skin can be assigned to both humans and animals with abnormalities in the condition of the skin or coat, and also after contact with patients with any skin diseases.

Areas of application of

The use of Wood's lamp is due to the need to identify many skin diseases that can be transmitted to healthy people and are dangerous by a number of complications. Such a procedure may also be recommended after contact with an animal in whose health condition there are doubts.

The frequency of performing the diagnostic procedure with the help of the Wood lamp is not limited, but due to the fact that certain irradiation is involved in its operation, it is necessary to minimize the effect of the lamp on pregnant women and children under 1 year of age.

Types and methods of

The use of the Wood lamp to identify many skin lesions is not particularly difficult due to the simplicity of its mechanism of operation. The effect of the lamp is manifested in complete darkness, wear protective goggles when working, protecting the eyes from the negative effects of irradiation.

Under the light of the lamp, the skin in healthy condition has a blue color, in case of lesions of various types of skin diseases the shade of the glow changes, which becomes visible even to the naked eye:

  • when deprived, the color of the glow changes from blue to yellow;
  • with fungal lesions, the current inflammatory process, the skin becomes white;
  • when the infection is activated on the affected skin - the glow turns green.

Due to the ease of operation, the Wood lamp can be used only in medical rooms, but also at home. There are no variants of using the Wood lamp, it can be used in the form of skin highlighting in a completely dark room.

Indications for

With its high sensitivity to skin lesions and a variety of dermatological diseases, the Wood lamp is indispensable for identifying diseases that may not be visible to the naked eye.

The following conditions are relevant for the examination of skin:

  • mycosis;
  • skin dermatoses of various types;
  • dermatitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • is lupus erythematosus;Microsporia
  • ;
  • hyperpigmentation.

The listed states can have any stage of development;Even with the initial stages, when external manifestations have not yet become visible externally, they are easily identified by using a Wood lamp.

Contraindications to the use of

In pregnancy and childhood, the use of a Wood lamp as a diagnostic tool should be severely limited in order to avoid possible negative effects on the health of the future baby and child.

There are no other contraindications to the use of this diagnostic method.

A discordant lichen under the Wood lamp is shown in this video:

Safety procedure

The complete safety of this type of skin condition diagnostics makes it possible to apply it as widely as possible. In such areas as medicine, cosmetology, dermatology - everywhere this lamp becomes an indispensable assistant, which will allow to reveal in time the initial stage of skin lesion, which during this period gives in to a greater degree to complete cure.

A doctor may prescribe this examination if any skin lesion is suspected or for the purpose of prevention.

Preparing for it

Before the examination of the skin using a Wood lamp, no special preparation is required.

  • It will be enough to remove the makeup from the skin of the face, as well as remove cosmetic means to eliminate the possibility of distortion of the survey data obtained.
  • Also before starting the procedure it is recommended to remove clothing, fluff and hairs from the inspected surface in order to also get a complete picture of the skin being examined.
  • Wash or use special cleansers should not not change the microflora of the skin.

How the fluorescent diagnostics of the Wood lamp passes, we will tell below.

Features of the

During the use of the Wood lamp, the patient does not feel any sensations. Compliance with the basic requirement - complete darkness in the room allows you to get the most reliable result, which will help to make the correct diagnosis, and then make the most effective treatment regimen.

Decoding results of

The results obtained are already visible in the process of investigation, and they are deciphered by a dermatologist.

Wood lamp in dermatology( table of luminescence colors)


The price of the inspection carried out with the help of the Wood lamp is not high and can vary slightly in different medical offices. The price of the test is from 850 to 1,250 rubles per one session, depending on the pricing policy of the medical center.

This video will tell you how to make a Wood lamp:

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