Vestibular neuronitis: symptoms of diagnosis, treatment, reviews and consequences

Vestibular neuronitis is an abnormal condition of infectious origin. The development of the disease can provoke angina, inflammation of the respiratory organs, sinusitis.

In any case, the signs of this violation should be the basis for a visit to a specialist. Correctly selected therapy will help you to forget about this ailment forever.

Vestibular neuronite

This term is understood as a selective lesion of the vestibular nerve. It has an inflammatory origin and is accompanied by a strong dizziness. In this case, the person is disturbed by the balance and the hearing is completely preserved.

The recovery of the vestibular function after an attack takes several weeks. According to the ICD-10 pathology is coded under the cipher H81.2 "Vestibular neuronitis."

Causes of

Vestibular nerve inflammation leads most often to the disease. Similar problems are a consequence of such conditions:

  • food intoxication;
  • infectious-allergic pathology;
  • various viruses - a particular danger is a herpetic infection of the first type;
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  • disorders of metabolic processes.

It is proved that the viruses play a key role in the emergence of the .Symptoms of the disorder appear 1-2 weeks after an acute respiratory viral infection. In addition, the vestibular neuronitis is accompanied by an epidemic surge of incidence in late spring.

Which organ is responsible for the balance

Symptoms, diagnostic methods

The main symptom of the disease is a dizziness attack. He usually appears suddenly. Subsequently, the clinical picture is supplemented by such signs:

  • imbalance;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • weakness.

During an attack a person notices that the severity of the listed manifestations increases when trying to change position or tilt the head. In addition, people complain of horizontal nystagmus.

In some cases, the disease is accompanied by psychosomatic symptoms. In this situation, it seems to the person that all the objects revolve.

These symptoms are present for quite some time. So, dizziness can last several hours, and nystagmus lasts for several days. After the attack is over for two more weeks, the person has impaired coordination of movements.

To diagnose, the physician conducts such studies:

  1. Clinical picture analysis - the presence of acute and prolonged vestibular vertigo is important, which is accompanied by instability.
  2. Caloric test - from the affected side there is vestibular areflexia or hyporeflexia.
  3. The presence of evoked vestibular potentials is observed when the lower branch of the nerve is affected. In this case, the caloric sample is negative.
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium - may show indirect symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of

To cope with the pathology, it is very important to begin treatment as early as possible. To do this, you need to visit the doctor at the first symptoms.

Drug treatment: patient reviews

Drugs are prescribed to eliminate dizziness and disturbances in the vestibular apparatus. Most often doctors prescribe vestibulospressors.

These include metoclopramide, dimenhydrinate. Of no little importance is the use of tranquilizers, which are related to benzodiazepines. This category includes diazepam, nosepam.

Because vestibular neuronitis is accompanied by vomiting, drugs need to be administered intramuscularly or in the form of suppositories.

The duration of administration depends on the severity of the symptoms. Usually, drug treatment lasts for 3 days, as drugs lead to inhibition of vestibular compensation.

  1. The first movements should be turning and sitting in bed.
  2. When the nystagmus disappears, you can fix your eyes at different angles and perform eye movements. In this period of time, the patient needs to stand and move.
  3. Walking with closed eyes is used for training. In this case, the patient needs to provide support from the outside.
  4. On the 5th-7th day in the absence of nystagmus, it is possible to introduce exercises aimed at restoring balance.
  5. 2-3 weeks show complex exercises that exceed the usual load on the vestibular apparatus.

Gymnastics with vestibular neuronite

Folk remedies

Many people try to get rid of vestibular neuronitis with the help of traditional medicine recipes. However, such methods do not give results and can only exacerbate the course of pathology.

Consequences of

The pathology of the reviews has a rather favorable prognosis. It practically does not provoke negative consequences. After stopping the symptoms of the disease, he can be considered cured.

Even if the work of the vestibular nerve is not completely restored, people do not experience special discomfort due to compensatory processes.

See our video with exercises for training the vestibular apparatus:


Because there is a connection of the vestibular neuronitis with viral infections, the prevention of these ailments helps to prevent its development. At the same time, there are no other preventive measures for today.

Vestibular neuronitis is a fairly serious disease that is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. To cope with this disease, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor in a timely manner. Thanks to adequate therapy, the disease can be completely cured.

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