Constipation during the diet Dyukan, protein, Kremlovskaya, what to do with weight loss( weight loss), after fasting or fasting, how to avoid?

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Nowadays millions of people are trying to lose weight. And this is not only women, but also many men. Whatever is done to get rid of extra pounds! But all sorts of widely advertised diets, food restrictions and long-term starvations in addition to significant weight loss lead a person to great trouble. The consequence of them is always violations of the internal organs, fatigue, weakness and permanent constipation. It's no wonder that many people are interested in the question of how to avoid such unpleasant consequences and what to do in the event that they all the same arose?

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand the reasons why constipation may occur during a diet, only after that it will be possible to develop methods to combat quality-of-life delays in the stool, as well as to determine the most effective ways and means of treating them. To do this, consider all the pros and cons of the most popular ways to get rid of excess weight.

Constipation with Ducane diet, how to avoid?

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This method of nutrition, which helps to quickly cope with unnecessary kilograms, is considered one of the most popular. Diet, developed by Dyukan, provides for 4 stages: attack, alternation, anchoring and stabilization. During them, getting rid of excess kilograms is not due to complete starvation, but thanks to specially selected products. The most severe phase is an attack, during which kilograms are gone. But with Ducan's attack, there is always a side effect - long delays in the stool.

This is due to the fact that the diet of a person using the diet scheme for Dyukan, becomes very unbalanced. It includes only digestible products that do not contain fiber and fibers. This has a very negative effect on the work of the intestine, its peristalsis slows down, which contributes to the occurrence of such problems as prolonged stool delays. And although people who have used Dukan's diet repeatedly, argue that the constipation that has arisen during it, a temporary phenomenon, we should not hope that the negative phenomenon will pass by itself. Not only that prolonged constipation significantly impair the quality of life, they can still provoke the development of quite severe diseases, for the treatment of which will take a long time. It will be best if, with such a diet, for preventive purposes, take daily bran and strengthen the drinking regime.

Constipation from popular diets

According to people who are trying to lose weight and have tried many of the tools that allow you to lose from 5 to 10 kilograms in the shortest time, the Koroleva diet is very effective. Margarita Koroleva is a specialist who helped cope with the appearance of extra pounds to many screen stars. The food ration differs from that of Dukan in that it is divided into 3 parts, each of which takes three days: rice, chicken and vegetable. But, despite the fact that a person does everything according to the rules, in the first two three-day days he develops constipation. The absence of vegetable fiber, which enhances intestinal peristalsis, contributes to their appearance. Do not allow the occurrence of constipation during the diet of Koroleva can be enhanced drinking regime with the help of decoctions of laxative medicinal plants.

Diet Kim Protasov, very popular recently, both protein and diet Dyukan, provokes the appearance of constipation and weakness. For many it seems unlikely, but it is so. The thing is that during the diet developed by Kim Protasov, unlike Dukan, a lot of raw vegetables and fruits are used, as well as dairy products. This helps normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and helps it to fight with lethargic peristalsis. But in most people, the intestines are so "used" to the deposits of slag and cholesterol that they display their so-called discontent with manifestations of weakness and constipation. In addition, all the accumulated garbage in it when combined with a fruit and vegetable mixture always gives such an explosive effect. Do in this case, nothing special is not worth it. Negative symptomatology, as Kim Protasov assures, will pass independently, just increase the use of clean water.

Maggie's food is also very popular, as it allows you to lose weight deliciously and without prolonged fasting. This diet is named so not in honor of the famous bouillon cubes, but by the name of the person who developed it. But she also has a minus - some people who are striving for rapid weight loss with the help of such food, during it begin to torment constipation. What to do in this case? Cope with the problem can help strengthen the drinking regime. And in the event that the stool does not recover for a long time, it is necessary to consult a specialist for advice. It is likely that the constipation during the Maggi diet is not provoked by her, but by some disease of the internal organs.

Constipation with the Kremlin diet is also a constant concomitant factor. The Kremlin's scheme for getting rid of excess weight, like Dukan's diet, is based on a low content of carbohydrates in the diet and high protein content. For the most part, the menu includes products without them. Due to the fact that all fruits and vegetables are non-carbohydrate products, their use during the observance of the Kremlin diet is prohibited. This is what leads to the appearance of constipation. What can be done to reduce the likelihood of this type of weight loss constipation? Those people who during the Kremlin diet fully felt such delicate problems as constipation should include in the diet bran and flax seeds. They are enough to take a handful to avoid disturbances in the work of the intestines.

Constipation may occur after post. Although his meager diet is not considered a diet, people who observe fasting note that such fasting for a long time has a beneficial effect on the figure and overall well-being. What to do in the event that the post provoked a long delay in the stool, and there is no desire to give it up? It is best to consult a specialist who will help to adjust the meager diet so as to prevent the occurrence of delays in acts of defecation.

Constipation during a protein diet, what to do?

The diet, composed on the predominance of protein in food, is very popular with people who are trying to lose weight fast. Most often used for weight loss is the Ducane method. But the loss of weight due to protein products with a complete lack of carbohydrates and fats, although it saves extra pounds, but leads to disruption in the work of the intestine. Why do constipation appear during the protein diet of Dukan and her like, and what can be done, what preventive measures to take to avoid this? The reason for them lies in the following:

  • Protein-rich foods do not contain fiber. They are absorbed completely and do not leave waste after themselves;
  • Normal transit in the intestine can not be carried out because of the lack of vegetable fibers contained in vegetables;
  • Insufficient amount of fat, which lubricates the intestinal wall, makes it difficult to remove metabolic products from the body.

The main preventive and curative measure aimed at preventing the appearance during constipation of protein diets is the addition of wheat and oat bran to the daily ration, as well as the strengthening of the drinking regime.

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