Symptoms( signs) and treatment of bowel constipation in adults, causes and first manifestations of the disease, what disease means?

Surely in our time there is no such adult who, to some extent, would not suffer in certain periods of his life from dysfunctional intestinal diseases, expressed in symptoms of constipation, and sometimes regular replacement with diarrhea. Treatment of these pathologies of the digestive tract can be effective only if it begins with the appearance of the first signs. Also, in order to achieve the necessary therapeutic result and eliminate negative symptoms, it is necessary, with the help of appropriate diagnostic studies, to identify the cause that provoked the patient's appearance of this malady and completely eliminate it.

But the problem is that most people do not know how to distinguish what state of the body is physiologically normal, and in which case it can be said that there are signs of constipation. That is why specialists are asked a lot of questions about the possible symptoms of this pathological condition. Gastroenterologists and proctologists note that the manifestations of constipation of various forms in adult patients, although similar in general terms, still have differences that depend on the causes that provoked the appearance of this pathological condition in a person. They should also be based on the appointment of therapeutic measures. In order to understand in time that there are enough unpleasant symptoms of bowel disease - constipation, it is necessary to consider in more detail the 3 main stages of this illness, the factors provoking the appearance of pathologies and the methods of treatment necessary in each specific case.

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Compensated constipation - symptoms and treatment

The pathological stool retention, which is at this stage, is functional in adults, and does not cause significant inconvenience to patients, leaking fairly easily. Suffer from her mainly patients who are in the age category from 25 to 45 years. If the compensated form of constipation is diagnosed in a child, we can talk about its organic origin, more often about individual features of the structure of the intestine, lengthening some of its departments. With this form of constipation, no pathological changes occur in the body. First of all, the patient's quality of life suffers from unpleasant symptoms. The clinical signs of constipation in this stage are expressed as follows:

  • The pain syndrome localized in the abdominal area and its swelling are directly related to the length of stool delay. The more it is, the stronger the manifestations;
  • Acts of defecation are usually not more than 2-3 days;
  • Despite the duration of the urge, they always end with the evacuation of the intestine.

The cause of the symptoms of constipation of this form is associated with psychoemotional disorders, stresses, neuroses and peculiar conditions of life, due to which a person has to restrain desires for defecation for a long time. Most patients who suffer from this form of pathology do not consult a doctor. People treat the symptoms of constipation of this form by themselves with the help of pharmacological agents over-the-counter leave, apply the prescriptions of traditional medicine and experiment with diets.

Subcompensated constipation - causes and symptoms

Symptoms of such constipation in adult patients are a continuation of the compensated form, but sometimes the pathology can develop independently, or as a manifestation of another disease. Patients aged 50-60 years are exposed to the symptomatology of this disease. The clinical signs for subcompensated constipation are the following:

  • Defecation may be absent for more than 7 days;
  • Differentiation of abdominal pains is necessary with the exception of those of another genesis;
  • Often additional help is required to empty the bowel.

Patients with such constipation symptoms self-medication is contraindicated. Effective therapy can be performed only on the appointment of a specialist after differential diagnosis, and directly under his supervision. To correct the symptoms of subcompensated constipation, a regular in-depth examination using instrumental diagnostic methods is necessary. The complete cure of patients with this form of pathology usually does not occur.

Symptoms of decompensated constipation

This type of pathology is accompanied by the appearance of pathological changes in the body and occurs usually in patients 50-60 years old. The very first sign of constipation of this kind is its very rapid development in the absence of a previously occurring IBS in a patient's history. Specialists distinguish the following disturbing manifestations that are peculiar to this pathology:

  • Defecation may be absent for a very long time;
  • Against the background of the absence of peristaltic sounds, severe pain and bloating appear;
  • Adult patients need regular help in order to empty the digestive organs.

Treatment of constipation, which is expressed by such symptoms, is performed only in a hospital after an in-depth differential examination. In the absence of the necessary therapy, patients always have such consequences as complete disruption of the functions of the digestive tract, intoxication of the patient's body with stagnant calves, bleeding and inflammation of them, the appearance of polyps and neoplasms.

Some patients may also have constipation, then diarrhea. These symptoms are quite alarming, since they often indicate not about IBS, but about the more terrible pathologies of the digestive organs. Such symptoms often indicate that in the gastrointestinal tract of an adult patient, in the left half of the intestine, a malignant tumor develops. Medical measures with such symptoms as constipation, followed by diarrhea, should be carried out only after a thorough differential diagnosis, which makes it possible to exclude oncology.

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