Can I get a stomach ulcer? How is it transmitted? What is the cause of the transmission of the disease?

Many people consider the main cause of a pathological neoplasm in the stomach of stress, an incorrect lifestyle, excessive physical activity, bad habits, without even suspecting that the ulcer is contagious.

At once there is a question, whether it is possible to catch a ulcer of a stomach? In addition to the above factors, which affect the formation of pathology in the cavity of the digestive organ, there is another cause of the disease - a parasitizing microorganism called Helicobacter pylori( Helikobacter pylori).

For the first time this bacterium was discovered in the early 80-ies of the XX century. Austrian scientists Barry Marshall and Robin Warren. Using a telescopic microscope, they found that the microorganism is a strong causative agent of peptic ulcer. Scientists were not believed, even after one of them grew a bacterium and drank it for all those present, and two weeks later became ill.

Helicobacter acts by erosion of the gastric mucosa. At the site of the influence of this microorganism, inflammation occurs, which leads to the onset of pathology. Hydrochloric acid, which is not a favorable soil for the development of many microorganisms, is successfully neutralized by the enzymes released by this bacterium.

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If parasitic Helicobacter is one of the causes of the development of the disease, then how is the ulcer transmitted from one person to another? As modern medicine explains, a microorganism can be transmitted through unwashed hands( handshakes), infected food and water( when one person consumes food that is not eaten by the patient), during sneezing or through a kiss, and through poorly washed dishes.

When entering the cavity of the digestive organ, the parasitizing microorganism begins to multiply rapidly, creating whole colonies on the mucous membrane. First they cause gastritis, and then lead to ulcerative formation.

If the stomach ulcer is contagious, why does not everyone suffer from it? Each person has his own immunity and a different degree of protection. In accordance with this, there are risk groups for the development of the disease.

According to German gastroenterologists, every third inhabitant of the planet gets sick after getting into the organism of Helicobacter bacteria. According to domestic statistics in the country, about one and a half million people have such a pathology of the digestive system. About 28% of them suffer from the development of a pathogenic bacterium in the body.

Austrian scientists have developed and maximally improved the effective system of diagnosis and treatment of the causes of this pathology. When asked if the stomach ulcer is contagious, you can give a clear affirmative answer.

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