Signs of the disease and treatment of intracranial pressure in men and women

1 Symptomatic manifestations of

Disease of ICP in adults varies from 3 to 15 mm, and in children - 3-7 mm Hg. Art. With an increase, this indicator rises to 100-180 mm Hg. Art.

This pathology has symptoms that are markedly expressed:

  1. Presence of a headache, which is predominantly worse towards the night.
  2. Muscular paresis, that is, muscle power decreases, in some cases it leads to partial paralysis.
  3. Constant nausea, but without vomiting.
  4. There is no reaction of the pupil to light stimulation.
  5. Sharply reduced performance due to irritability.
  6. Sweating, lethargy, rapid overstrain appears, and under the eyes dark circles form.
  7. There is a vegeto-vascular dystonia.
  8. Presynchronous condition is observed.

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If intracranial pressure decreases, then the condition has similar symptoms that appear when the blood pressure rises. The difference is small, but still there. The patient has a feeling of fatigue and rapid overwork, dizziness, which lead to real fainting. There is also drowsiness and reduced performance. Additional symptoms that determine a lower abnormality are:

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  1. Appearance of severity and discomfort in the stomach.
  2. Flashes before the eyes, vision is partially impaired.
  3. Pain in the heart.

2 Treatment measures

If a person has symptoms of intracranial pressure, then do not immediately panic. For the detection of pathology, a diagnosis is required. To diagnose, modern specialists use direct and indirect methods. Direct can include puncture spinal and ventricles of the brain, and to indirect - consultation with an ophthalmologist, ultrasound, MRI and EEG.

Treatment will depend directly on the causes that led to this condition. Intracranial pressure is not a pathology - it's just a symptom that manifests itself because of the presence of physiological problems associated with blood circulation and the brain itself.

In this case, the doctor selects certain medications that can bring intracranial pressure back to normal, and also eliminate the factor that caused such an unpleasant condition. The most commonly prescribed are

  1. Diuretics.
  2. Vessel preparations.
  3. Calming drugs.
  4. Diet.
  5. Manual treatment.
  6. Therapeutic physical exercises.
  7. Invasive procedures.

Some techniques are required only to alleviate the symptomatology of the patient, while others make it possible to cure the initial disease. In the treatment of medications, Diakarb is often used. It is prescribed everywhere to reduce benign intracranial pressure. The medicine belongs to a group of diuretics.

The mechanism of action of diuretics is based on the removal of excess fluid by the kidneys, thereby lowering the liquor pressure. Before you start taking the drug, it is worth consulting with a specialist about the safety of the treatment.


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High dehydrating( dehydrating) efficiency has Glycerol. The hydroxyl group in the molecular composition of glycerol is very similar in properties to water molecules. Thus, when the agent enters the bloodstream, Glycerol begins to bind and remove excess fluid, so that normal pressure values ​​can be achieved. Glycerin is used to perform once-only dehydration therapeutic interventions in the case of brain edema, which is caused by various causes, in the case of ophthalmic surgical intervention and in order to cure an acute attack of glaucoma.

If necessary, anti-arrhythmic, hypertensive and soothing effects apply magnesium-magnesium sulfate, which is used in the form of injections. Therefore, the hypertension crisis can be attributed to the range of administration of magnesia, which will be accompanied by a pathological change in pressure due to cerebral edema.

In addition, the following treatment can be used to adjust the pressure inside the skull:

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  1. Homeopathic remedies.
  2. Nootropic drugs are neuro-metabolic stimulants that help in improving cognitive memory functionality. To them it is possible to carry Pantogam, Nootropilum, Pyracetam.
  3. by Vitamins.
  4. Vascular medications that help improve blood circulation in the brain. They include Cinnarizin and Cavinton.

3 Useful recommendations

Specialists draw the attention of patients to normalize the unpleasant condition with the help of acupuncture, any massage procedures, as well as folk therapy is impossible.

This can only alleviate the symptoms, but not eliminate the root cause of this condition.

In the absence of reasons, changes in intracranial pressure indicate a situational pathway to reduce or increase this indicator. Such a state can appear in any person and should not cause any special anxiety. Therefore, the decision to prescribe a treatment should only be taken by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis and a precise diagnosis have been made.

If the change in intracranial pressure is not associated with infection of the brain of infectious etiology, tumors and other serious pathological processes, then the cerebral circulation and functionality can be normalized with nootropic drugs and vitamin-mineral complexes.

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