What is good for the pancreas?

The pancreas is the organ of the digestive system that produces insulin and glucagon. These hormones affect the metabolism and the level of glucose in the blood. The main diseases are pancreatitis and diabetes mellitus. Answering the question, what is good for the pancreas, first of all, it is necessary to mention the balanced nutrition and reception of the corresponding preparations.

For the pancreas are good cereal and vegetable soups, lean meat, poultry and fish, egg white, cottage cheese, cheese, carrots, vegetable puree, apples, zucchini, beets. From drinks it is desirable to take compote and weak tea. In the diet should necessarily include foods that contain vitamins A, B, E and trace elements( chromium, zinc, cobalt, vanadium, zirconium).

It is good for the pancreas to maximally limit or even eliminate fatty meat and fish, canned food, mushrooms, bananas, figs, strong broths, smoked and spicy food. Especially unwanted spirits, because their reception poisons the body with toxic substances. It is also not recommended to eat fast food, which is very difficult to digest.

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It is important not only to eat the right foods, but also to comply with the diet. So, food is good to eat in small portions at least 3-4 times a day. Do not eat a lot of food at the same time, especially for "heavy" foods, such as chips or pasta. In this case, the size of the evening diet should not exceed 15-20% of the daily rate. Periodically recommended to arrange "unloading days", for example, a few days there is only simple food. However, it is not recommended to get involved in diets.

Regarding the administration of medications for the treatment of the pancreas, they must contain enzymes that compensate for the deficiencies in the digestive function. First of all, you should mention bile-containing drugs: Festal, Ferestal, Enzim Forte. Such drugs as Pancreatin and Mezim Forte, provide a good recovery effect. In addition, the regular intake of antacids is required: Almagel, Fosfalugel and Maalox. They block the action of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. For the prevention of infectious diseases, it is good to take antibiotics such as Ampicillin, Cephobide and Cefuroxam. When swelling of the pancreas use antifermental drugs, such as Contrikal and Gordoksa.

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