Postnecrotic and retention cysts of the pancreas

The main causes of pancreatic cyst formation are postponed pancreatitis:

  • destructive( tumor formation up to 50%);
  • is post traumatic.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of patients who acquire these neoplasms. This fact can be explained by the untreated consequences of the acute form of pancreatitis.

Post-necrotic pancreatic cyst

The introduction of the newest conservative treatment regimens, minimally invasive surgery and the spread of modern drugs can reduce the number of deaths in patients with pancreatitis, but do not allow patients to be rid of the formation of pancreatic necrosis. The outcome of this complication is the formation of a postnecrotic cyst.

It is formed from compacted fibrous tissues forming a cavity lined with granulation tissues and filled with pancreas and necrotic tissue elements.

Preventing the onset of a postnecrotic cyst is an early referral to a specialist( no later than 72 hours) after the onset of pancreatic inflammation( pain in the left side) and adherence to the medication schedule for the treatment of pancreatic necrosis.

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In case of its formation, the doctor may recommend surgical removal. Modern methods of minimally invasive intervention( or laparoscopy) allows to relieve the patient of post-necrotic pseudocysts of the pancreas without complications, with the shortest terms of post-operative recovery of the organism.

Pancreatic Retr. Cyst

It is the true acquired cyst, along with dysontogenetic, congenital, and acquired cystadenomas and cysts.

The walls of the true cyst are expelled by epithelium. In the rest it is no different from false. In addition to the elements of necrotic tissues and pancreatic fluids, the retention cyst of the pancreas can have purulent contents, blood or its clots.

Detection, with its large dimensions can be carried out manually. Such neoplasms can manifest themselves by strong blunt pain in the upper abdomen, emaciation, dyspepsia.

Removal of the retention cyst is similar to the removal of other similar tumors, which include the postnecrotic type of the disease.

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