Treatment of polyps in the stomach with folk remedies: reviews

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, pain, nausea and discomfort are more often a consequence of gastritis - inflammation of the gastric mucosa. But these symptoms can not be left alone: ​​almost all pathologies of the stomach proceed with similar signs.

For example, polyps in the upper gastrointestinal tract can also cause discomfort, and their treatment is very different from that with gastritis. Some people practice polyp therapy with folk remedies. What are the most effective, and whether there are any results from the treatment, we will understand in the article.

How to treat education with folk remedies?

Polyp in the stomach - a benign tumor that can have a leg, a wide base, is localized on the mucous membranes in the human body.

In the GI tract such tumors appear quite often and usually accompany gastritis, erosions, duodenitis and other pathologies of the stomach.

At first they may not manifest themselves at all. As the growth over the area, the amount of polyps begin to give painful symptoms.

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The most common sign of formations is whining, dull pains in the lower belly, or common sensations passing to the abdomen. Symptoms - periodic nausea, burning in the esophagus, the appearance of a bad smell in the mouth, a decrease in appetite, vomiting, a general deterioration in well-being.

Treatment of polyps is prescribed only after careful diagnosis and exclusion of other gastrointestinal problems.

Microsurgical methods prevail from traditional ways of getting rid of the problem - the tumor is removed under local anesthesia during FGS.

Unfortunately, incomplete removal of formations often occurs, so they begin to grow again. This is not surprising: the causes of the appearance of benign tumors( chronic inflammation, metabolic disorders, etc.) remain. And then many turn to non-traditional medicine.

Also worth noting the effectiveness of these therapies: after surgery, polyps do not grow, but in its absence, they stop increasing, sometimes completely dissolving. It will be useful to combine therapy with starvation, unloading days. Consultation of a specialist before starting treatment is mandatory!

Purity of Polyps in the stomach

The plant of the celandine has long been used against all benign neoplasms. But treatment with taking the funds inside should be done very carefully, and with the increase of symptoms, the appearance of new symptoms, it is immediately stopped.

The plant is toxic, and not only negatively affects neoplasms, but can also intoxicate the entire body.

There are several ways to treat polyps of the stomach with celandine:

  1. Collect the herb( fresh), wash well, dry. Then grind the raw materials in the meat grinder, squeeze the juice. Mix the juice with vodka( per 100 grams of vodka liter of juice), put in the refrigerator for a day. Then start treatment - drink 10 drops( diluted in a glass of water) on an empty stomach once a day. In the following days, add drop by drop, bringing to 20. Take 20 drops to take the drug for 10 days, then every day to reduce the juice by drop to 10 drops and drink it for another 10 days.
  2. Dry raw materials of celandine suitable for the treatment of neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Dried herb in the amount of a tablespoon brew with a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Drink before meals three times a day for 70 ml. The course is 7 days, after 14 days it is repeated.


There are other tinctures, they can reduce the growth of neoplasms, promote their resorption:

  1. Collect the shell from 40 walnuts, wash it. Transfer to a liter jar, top up with vodka. Put in the dark for 10 days, often stirring. Take the remedy before breakfast on a tablespoon for a long time.
  2. Collect pine needles, pine, rinse, dry. Pour 1: 9 vodka, leave for half a month in a dark place to insist. Take, diluted with water, a teaspoon on an empty stomach in the morning. The course is a month, after a break it is repeated.
  3. A tablespoon of juniper fruit pour 200 ml.boiling water, insist an hour. Drink tea as 2 cups a day for a month.

Decoctions of

The best recipes for decoctions that can help against new growths in the stomach are given here:

  1. A teaspoon of angelica root, pour a glass of boiling milk , cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then insist for another hour. Take 50 ml each.three times a day 1-2 months.
  2. Prepare a collection of equal parts root stalks, elecampane, ara, grass, St. John's Wort, violet, willow bark, birch leaves. Pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with half a liter of water, cook for half an hour. Drink 1/2 cup four times a day for 2 months.

In folk medicine, there are a number of strange, at first glance, remedies that have a positive effect on the gastric mucosa in polyposis:

  • Pumpkin seeds( 3 tablespoons) to grind , combine with 3 boiled yolks, 300 ml.vegetable oil( any cold-pressed).Cook this product in a water bath for 30 minutes, then cool. Drink twice daily in a teaspoon on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.
  • 20 gr.propolis to combine with 200 gr.butter creamy , cooking on a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool, drink, spreading in hot milk, three times a day, a teaspoonful. The course is 21 days.

Reviews on the treatment of polyps in the stomach folk remedies

Recently I have found a polyp in the stomach, the doctor said that it is small, you can not remove it yet, watch. Has decided to carry out treatment by butter or oil and pumpkin seeds, has already prepared this agent. The taste is not repulsive, I already take a week. From the positive results so far I can note the cessation of aching pain - she tortured me the last months. In a couple of weeks I'll go to do a second examination, but at the moment I'm already happy.

The doctor was in shock when after 4 months. I again turned to him for polyps diagnosis. I had multiple polyposis, and almost all formations disappeared, leaving 2 small ones. All this time I drank the courses with custard celandine - I made grass and took it before eating. In parallel, I was advised to drink the infusion of calendula and blood-grouses, which I did. The effect is excellent, after a while I will continue treatment!

I completely accidentally revealed polyps in the stomach when I underwent a survey for another reason. Of course, I was very frightened, I was afraid of degeneration into cancer, but I was also afraid of removal. I decided to use folk remedies, but without oil, since I have a sick liver, and even from any fat, severe heartburn, belching. I decided to make celandine juice on vodka, but on the advice of folk medicine men added honey there, so as not to irritate the mucous, weaken the adverse effect on the liver. Improvements already exist, of the three polyps, two decreased in size after 1 course. But the acquaintance disappointed me, said if the break in treatment will be long, they will grow. I will continue to treat and see my doctor regularly.

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